• Resolved hankmoody


    This is a fantastic plugin, but you may find the plugin conflicts with other plugins using jQuery, for example, Custom Contact Forms. This is because the script should really start with the statement “$j = jQuery.noConflict();” To solve this problem, replace the post-ui-tabs.js file with the following .js in its entirety. I hope users of the plugin will find this uselful – perhaps the author will replace the script with the one shown below. Remember to backup before you change it. Regards, Matthew Dannatt.

    $j = jQuery.noConflict();
    	if( 'undefined' == typeof( tab_settings ) )
    	var i;
    	for( i = 1; i <= tab_settings.total; i++ ) {
    		var disabled;
    		var settings = { fx: { opacity: 'toggle' } };
    		if( 'string' == typeof( tab_settings.use_cookies ) )
    			if( tab_settings.use_cookies )
    				settings.cookie = { expires: 30 };
    		if( 'undefined' != typeof( tab_settings[i] ) ) {
    			disabled = tab_settings[i].split(',');
    			var key;
    			for( key in disabled )
    				disabled[key] = parseInt( disabled[key] ) - 1;
    			settings.disabled = disabled;
    		$j( '#tabs-'+i ).tabs(settings);
    	$j( '.put-next' ).click(function() { 
    		var tabset = $j( 'div' + $j(this).attr('href') ).tabs(); 
    		if( 'undefined' == typeof( tabset ) )
    			return false;
    		var tabs = $j( tabset.selector + ' ul' ).children();
    		var next = tabset.tabs( "option", "selected" ) + 1;
    		if( 'undefined' == typeof( tabs[next] ) ){
    			if( !$j( tabset.selector + ' ul li:eq(0)' ).hasClass('ui-state-disabled') )
    				tabset.tabs( 'select', 0 );
    			return false;
    		while( next < tabs.length ) {
    			var next_tab_disabled = $j( tabset.selector + ' ul li:eq('+next+')' ).hasClass('ui-state-disabled');
    			if( next_tab_disabled ) {
    				next = next + 1;
    			tabset.tabs( 'select', next );
    		return false;
    	$j( '.put-prev' ).click(function() { 
    		var tabset = $j( 'div' + $j(this).attr('href') ).tabs(); 
    		if( 'undefined' == typeof( tabset ) )
    			return false;
    		var tabs = $j( tabset.selector + ' ul' ).children();
    		var prev = tabset.tabs( "option", "selected" ) - 1;
    		if( 'undefined' == typeof( tabs[prev] ) ){
    			if( !$j( tabset.selector + ' ul li:eq('+ ( tabs.length - 1 ) +')' ).hasClass('ui-state-disabled') )
    				tabset.tabs( 'select', tabs.length - 1 );
    			return false;
    		while( prev >= 0 ) {
    			var prev_tab_disabled = $j( tabset.selector + ' ul li:eq('+prev+')' ).hasClass('ui-state-disabled');
    			if( prev_tab_disabled ) {
    				prev = prev - 1;
    			tabset.tabs( 'select', prev );
    		return false;


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  • Plugin Author Mark / t31os


    $j = jQuery.noConflict();

    Is the same as doing..


    It should behave no differently to the current code.

    Which plugins did you find there were conflicts with, i’d like to take a look at some of them to test this problem.

    And thanks for the report.. ??

    EDIT: No further input from the poster, marking as resolved.

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