First you have to create an app, that you believe in the developer area,, to create the app just have to add the url of your site on “Website with Facebook Login” then will give you an “APP SECRET ‘, you copy the” APP ID “and the” APP SECRET “the plugin and you click on save changes, refresh the page and you click on the red letters “Grant access rights!” that are next to the APP ID, you have to be connected on Facebook, that is having a browser open Facebook page, you open a window where you will accept all permissions for your app, now in “page or profile ID” profile plugin selected, ready can post it entries to your profile or pages you administer.
I had a problem with the plugin, I published the custom entries, the solution is:
– In fpp_index.php, seeks to:
# Add publish actions for all post types (posts, pages, attachements, custom post types):
– And replaces the low of the code for this:
add_action (‘transition_post_status’, ‘fpp_transition_post_status’, 10, 3);
fpp_transition_post_status function ($ NEW_STATUS, $ OLD_STATUS, $ post) {
???????? if ($ NEW_STATUS == ‘future’) fpp_future_action ($ post-> ID, $ OLD_STATUS);
???????? else if ($ NEW_STATUS == ‘publish’) fpp_publish_action ($ post-> ID, $ OLD_STATUS);
add_action (‘admin_init’, ‘fpp_admin_init_action’);
add_action (‘admin_menu’, ‘fpp_admin_menu_action’);
add_action (‘wp_head’, ‘fpp_head_action’);
add_action (‘post_submitbox_start’, ‘fpp_post_submitbox_start_action’);
add_action (‘init’, ‘fpp_init_action’);
fpp_init_action function () {
???????? / / global $ locale, $ locale = ‘de_DE’;
???????? load_plugin_textdomain (FPP_TEXT_DOMAIN, false, dirname (plugin_basename (__FILE__)));
This solves the problem of post entries perzonalizadas, I hope they serve you all, greetings!
Primero tienes que crear un app, esta lo creas en el área de desarrollador, , al crear la app solo tienes que agregar la url de tu sitio en “Website with Facebook Login” despues te dara un “APP SECRET”, vas a copiar el “APP ID” y el “APP SECRET” al plugin y das clic en guardar cambios, se actualiza la página y das clic en las letras rojas “Grant access rights!” que estan a un costado del APP ID, tienes que estar conectado en Facebook, es decir tener abierto en un explorador la página de Facebook, te abrirá una ventana donde aceptaras todos los permisos para tu app, ahora en “Page or profile ID” del plugin selecciona tu perfil, ready able to post entries in your profile or page you administer.
Tuve un problema con el plugin, no me publicaba las entradas personalizadas, la solución es la siguiente:
– En fpp_index.php, busca lo siguiente:
# Add publish actions for all post types (posts, pages, attachements, custom post types):
– y reemplaza el código de bajo de el por este:
add_action(‘transition_post_status’, ‘fpp_transition_post_status’, 10, 3);
function fpp_transition_post_status($new_status, $old_status, $post) {
if ($new_status == ‘future’) fpp_future_action($post->ID, $old_status);
else if ($new_status == ‘publish’) fpp_publish_action($post->ID, $old_status);
add_action(‘admin_init’, ‘fpp_admin_init_action’);
add_action(‘admin_menu’, ‘fpp_admin_menu_action’);
add_action(‘wp_head’, ‘fpp_head_action’);
add_action(‘post_submitbox_start’, ‘fpp_post_submitbox_start_action’);
add_action(‘init’, ‘fpp_init_action’);
function fpp_init_action() {
//global $locale; $locale=’de_DE’;
load_plugin_textdomain(FPP_TEXT_DOMAIN, false, dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)));
Esto soluciona el problema de publicar entradas perzonalizadas, espero les sirva a todos, saludos!