Hi mlandes,
It looks like you have some CSS that is setting the title to display: none;
So, the HTML for the title is actually being output, but somewhere in your theme or in your site, something else has set the title to be invisible using the following CSS statement.
.page h1.entry-title, .home .page h2.entry-title {
display: none;
the .home .page h2.entry-title selector is what is causing the problem, because in the plugin template, the titles are wrapped in h2 tags with a class of entry-title, and this is being displayed on the home page. So while it may have been unintentional, the CSS above matches the titles in our template, and the browser is being directed not to display them.
How do you fix this? I can think of a couple of solutions.
1. Find out where that CSS is and delete it. If a plugin is adding it, you could remove the plugin. This may or may not break something else in your site, since I’m guessing that CSS was there for a reason.
2. Create and Edit a custom Posts in Page template to use a different class for titles so that the CSS statement will no longer apply.
I can’t help much with the 1st option without full access to your site. As for the second option, here’s a link to a post that discusses creating a custom template (for another purpose). You’ll want to create a copy of the posts_loop_template.php file from the plugin, and place it in your active theme directory.
Once you have a custom template working, look for the following line responsible for printing the post titles.
<h2 class="entry-title"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
Change the class in that first tag that goes <h2 class="entry-title">
so that it says something different: maybe “entry-title-2” or something. Then that snippet would look like the following.
<h2 class="entry-title-2"><a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_title(); ?></a></h2>
Since the CSS would no longer apply, it should make your titles visible.
Let me know if this helps at all.