Oh, and another thing. I took a look at your blog and I found this:
I’ve posted in their support forum (and a pox on whoever came up with ideas of ‘help forums’ (where actual help is rarely to be found) to replace an actual person or team dedicated to providing technical support. Cheap, lazy bastards.
So I just thought I’d remind you that I know for a fact that this plugin cost you a total sum of exactly $0 to use, modify, adapt, copy, steal, redistribute, and any number of other things you’d like to do with it. If you want to pay me a living wage so I can provide technical support for this plugin, show me the money.
Until then, if you do want technical support, let me suggest that you reconsider acting like an entitled prick over the lack of dedicated support for free software.
See also: How I Explained Heartbleed To My Therapist, a post that may be able to shed some light on why there’s not actually any dedicated support for this “free software” thing.