OK, I think I’ve got this sorted out. Here are the steps to make the changes:
- Create a child theme with the appropriate style.css and and functions.php files
- Copy index.php and single.php from the BlogCentral theme to your child theme
- Copy lines 4762 through 4846 from the BlogCentral functions.php file to the functions.php file in the child theme
All of the following steps should be done in the child theme
- In functions.php comment out the following lines (they should be about 80 lines down from the beginning of the function:
echo '<div' . $page_title_class . '><div class="caption">' . $page_header_title;
echo '<div class="page-trail">' . $todays_date . $crumbs . '</div>';
echo '</div></div>';
- In index.php comment out lines 64 & 68
- in single.php comment out lines 77 & 81
Alternatively, you can just download the child theme I created to test these changes. ??