Hi @infernoprime
1.Yes, but can they also upload both multiple files and multiple images too?
The “post data” field only allows you to add/upload featured image to the post. But you can add upload type field to the same form and you can set it to allow multiple file uploads.
Such images will not be directly/automatically added to post but they will be within the same submission (“Formiantor -> Submissions”) or you can do it in a bit different way:
– at multiple upload fields to form – each of them set to “single” upload
– and then map these fields to post custom fields, as described here:
and those files will there be added to custom fields of the post.
2.Is there anyway to move the post into some kind of queue for review before setting it to public view.
They don’t have to be published right away. See the “Default status” option here
You can set it as “pending review” or “Draft” and it will not be published automatically until manually published by you/editors
Best regards,