there’s an option in the doc for how to limit the character count. though, I’ve had a report or two of people having problems with it. should work if you don’t allow HTML — if you do allow HTML, then it doesn’t try to limit it (would need to find a good cutoff point, balance open HTML tags, etc., etc. Ick.).
If you are using the multifeed thing interleaved, it’s based solely on those feeds providing proper timestamps on the posts. if they’re not in the feed right, I can’t sort them right. ??
The cache is set up to refresh every X hours (at one point it was 24, then 7, then 3, I don’t know what the latest build has… ?? ). If you are doing testing, I generally recommend overriding the timeout to like 5 seconds, or just make the cache filename a null string (I think!) might work too.