ok, pretty frustrated here. Last night my first post really doesn’t make sense totally now,. due to spending near 2 hrs seeing what I did wrong or what. Now today fooling with another 2 hrs pert near got the page back to what should be like. Just couple things working on figuring out.
I know I click fast and perhaps site not catching up,. had been with hostgator support for this error. Had this problem last night before making the first post here and talked to their support, believe he said a glitch in a theme.
Warning: require_once(/home1/glannst/public_html/wp-content/themes/ifeature/cyberchimps/init.php): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home1/glannst/public_html/wp-content/themes/ifeature/functions.php on line 40
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required ‘/home1/glannst/public_html/wp-content/themes/ifeature/cyberchimps/init.php’ (include_path=’.:/opt/php54/lib/php’) in /home1/glannst/public_html/wp-content/themes/ifeature/functions.php on line 40
Forget what they did again my short term memory sucks. So after working with site for a bit again this props up today. And am tired of fooling with this. Had decide to change themes and add the very first page with a new one,. but nooo now got to deal with this error.
I even forget how I came across hostgator and decided to get my own domain name but did,. And after watching tons of youtube videos shouldn’t be too bad yet knew there was gonna be a learning curve.
4 yrs back signed up with domania.us basically to save a bunch of stuff come across online.. jpgs,gifs and so on. Even made some webpages by learning enuff basic HTML and some other scripts found and worked with. Did good but didn’t want to do the extra work to get like the themes and such here,. what turned me off to them files would disappear and lost. Anywho that doesn’t matter.
Now with loads of time on my hands figured maybe get into again and make sumthing better. Time I spending here and set up plus learning,. can do that at domania. sure don’t want to spend a lot of time debugging problems here. Don’t get me wrong not a pro at coding and even embaressed on any lingo others know,. truly a village idiot. But does make me wonder if it is all worth it,. I am a old geezer but still know some things. I am taking a break for a few hours and think things over. sure don’t want to deal with support again today. PS again did try your suggestions above.