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  • I have the same problem, and I remember having it before, some years ago. For example: a category has 8 posts, but only 6 is showing up, both in frontend and on the re-order page in WP Dashboard. All 8 posts shows in frontend if we disable the plugin.

    We love this plugin and can’t find a better solution so would really like to fix it. Please tell us if there’s anyway we can help to debug this issue?

    WordPress 5.4.1
    Plugin Version 2.6.3 (also tried with 2.5.8 – same problem)


    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    the plugin shows only 3 posts

    try to reset your posts order in the reorder page (see screenshot #3)

    Thread Starter manilo23


    Thanks @aurovrata , it works! ??

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet



    Please tell us if there’s anyway we can help to debug this issue?

    First please try to reset your posts in the reorder page.

    If that does not work, can you run the following query on your database (usign phpmyadmin),

    SELECT rpwc_p.ID FROM wp_posts as rpwc_p LEFT JOIN wp_term_relationships AS rpwc_tr ON rpwc_p.ID=rpwc_tr.object_id LEFT JOIN wp_term_taxonomy AS rpwc_tt ON rpwc_tr.term_taxonomy_id = rpwc_tt.term_taxonomy_id WHERE  rpwc_p.post_status IN ('publish','private','future') AND rpwc_p.post_type='post' AND rpwc_tt.term_id=54 ORDER BY rpwc_p.post_date DESC

    NOTE: the termid needs to be that of the term for which you are trying to order your posts. and see if it is retrieving all your posts.

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet



    Thanks @aurovrata , it works! ??

    great! Please do leave a review when you have a minute to spare.

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