Sad to say, but some answers are waiting for moderation for a few days.
That is untrue. Yes, occasionally the queue remains unchecked for hours but this is not a help desk and there is no such thing as “urgent” in volunteer support forums.
Denis, your account and a few others from your support team have been flagged for cause. The short version is that you routinely support your users in these forums for your paid service. This is not the first time and the flags will remain until the moderation team is convinced that this will no longer be repeated.
For support of the plugin code, yes please support the users in these forums. That’s what these forums are for. But please do not just send users to your site. If you wish to do that for all support then please consider removing your plugin from these forums.
For anything related to your services then please direct the user to your site. The topic will be closed with a reply.
I have asked one of your support volunteers to keep code support here and that person agreed.
There are no companies in these forums. There are no customers in these forums. Here you and your staff are volunteers supporting the opensource code that is an interface to your service.
Don’t treat users here as your customers. They may be but that conversation is not at all for these forums.
Edit: I’m trying to be complete here and possibly save some time. If you or anyone have a problem with the moderators here then feel free to contact Otto at otto[at]
. If you have an issue with the plugin guidelines or question about the plugin process, what’s allowed, what is not, etc. then please contact the plugins team plugins[at]