• I use the MIMBO PRO theme. Last Friday I finally got around to updating my WordPress version from 2.8. (something???) to 3.1.2.

    Two problems occurred as a result:

    1) My Google Analytics stopped working i.e. four days later I realised that no data was appearing in Google Analytics.

    2) My company logo image (which I always placed in the top-left corner of each post) failed to appear on the ‘shortened home page’ versions of my posts. When I clicked on the READ MORE link and went to the full post page, the image showed up just fine.

    Interestingly, I could see that on the Home Page, the image border (fine outline) was showing, but the little red x was showing inside it).

    I tried everything I could think of – for 8 hours!!!

    I systematically began installing earlier versions of wordpress until i got right back to the 2.8 versions. But nothing improved. No matter what I did, each time I posted to my blog, any images I had in the post failed to show up on the home page post. Yet the always showed up on the actual post URL page.

    I tried thumbnail images. I tried everything. Nothing works. For the past four days now, any posts to my blog that contain images simply show up as text-only posts as far as the brief few sentences that appear on the home page.

    I’ve temporarily given up including images in my posts so that the home page postings don’t look all messed up with the image outline still showing (and the text pushed over to the right “as if” the image was really there.

    Any suggestions???

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  • Check your uploads path in Settings -> Media

    Okayyyyyyyyyy… I did that. It shows up the folder it always shows up i.e. wp-content/uploads

    It doesn’t actually show up a path, because (by default) the “full URL path to files is BLANK.

    I have a screen capture of the problem as it appears visually if you give me an email to send it to ??

    Ideally we need to see your actual site. Url?

    Okay… the website is: https://medizoneint.com

    If you look at the home page you will see the post entitled: “Teleconference Scheduled For June 8, 2011”. Please note that (as I stated earlier) I have temporarily given up even trying to load an image into posts since upgrading to WP version 3.1.2. So if you click on the Title Link you will see that the full post doesn’t contain an image either.

    However, if you want me to load an image into this post and “update it”… you will have a chance to see what the error looks like on the home page.

    Let me know asap whether you want me to load an image and update the post. But once you’ve finished looking at it let me too because I will have to (once again) remove the image and update the post again so it appears normal.

    Esmi, because of the time differential between my country (New Zealand) and yours (?) I will have to log out for 8 hours if i don’t hear back from you shortly.

    I really do appreciate your help VERY MUCH but it’s after mid-night here and I am getting tired.

    I am quite happy to update the latest post in this blog so that it contains an image and gives you a chance to study the possible reasons why it is screwed up and not showing the image on the home page post, but since this blog is one that I manage on behalf of a client and don’t actually own, I can’t leave the screwed up post showing for hours at a time.

    That’s why I took a screen capture of what the problem looks like. However, I have no way of sending it to you unless you email me at: [email protected] and I then reply with the screen capture attached.



    Have you contacted the theme developers?



    Permissions on the uploads folder?

    No, I haven’t contacted the theme developer yet. I guess I saw it more as an issue with the 3.1.2 upgrade than the theme. But maybe I am wrong?

    The Uploads folder has 777 as the permission. I tried 755 as well but that didn’t make any difference – the error still persisted.

    I just emailed you at Quirm.net with a screen capture of the problem.



    I’d certainly check with the developers incase they have an update for the theme to work with the latest WP release (you never know!).

    It would be hard to pinpoint this without actually looking at the code / admin back-end.


    Oops, sorry PSM DIGITAL… I thought you were ESMI and so my comment re the email I sent was not for you but for Esmi.

    By the way, I also took the liberty of sending YOU the same screen capture that I sent to Esmi (I sent it to [email protected])

    PSM DIGITAL… you are welcome to go into the back-end of this site. Let me know if I can email you the login details.

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