Need to tweak my code so that I change the descriptions based on which post category will the records be stored in. This needs to be done within add_group_field section, so I know what labels to pass to the fields AND set certain defaults.
How can I get which postid is going to be built prior to the cmb2_admin_init is called. Ideally it would be within that function, but I have tested that and that option is not defined at the point of the form building.
add_action( 'cmb2_admin_init', 'mmdlist_add_manual_form' );
This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by
Found one method, not as straight forward as I would like, but using the ‘before’ on each field definition would do the job. Unless you have an easier way?
…and should not the ‘default’ be the value displayed on a new record?
Assuming it’s not a brand new post, the post ID would be in the URL and accessible from $_GET. Also looks like there’s an
property on the object variable used with yournew_cmb2_box()
call, when viewing existing posts.What method did you find? I could provide some feedback on its viability, etc.
I would assume a set default in your CMB2 config would show up when adding a new post. Is it not for you in a certain case?
I used the ‘before’ option callback and set the field within the array.
Tell me, how through the parameters of the call,
'before' => 'prefix_set_field_select_list',
can I gain access to the name field? I keep going round and round.
The callback will receive $field_args as the first argument, and the CMB2_Field $field object as the second argument. Example:
with your
function prefix_set_field_select_list()
definition, you could amend to befunction prefix_set_field_select_list( $field_args, $field ) { ... }
and make use of the data available for both parameters.yes, that is what I am using. It is the drilling down into the field argument in order to get to the title label. Do you have some code showing the direct access to the fields for that record?
So take this for example:
$cmb_awa->add_field( array( 'name' => esc_html__( 'Displayed links', 'cmb2' ), 'description' => esc_html__( 'Select the page links you would like to be shown.', 'cmb2' ), 'id' => $prefix . 'awa_links', 'type' => 'multicheck', 'select_all_button' => false, 'options_cb' => 'get_pages_cmb', 'before' => 'prefix_set_field_select_list' ) );
You’re referring to what would be “Displayed links” for the field? At least from what I’m seeing in my local dev, I’d be able to get “Displayed links” via
oh…THAT simple. I was drilling down. Got it. Thank you.
…and maybe not. Just tried it. That call says “Field Arguments” with nothing defined, as the value of :
DebugLog('Field Arguments:' . $field_args->name);
The field I want to grab is defined as this:
$cmb->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array( 'name' => $FieldLabel, 'id' => $FieldId, 'type' => 'title', 'desc' => $FieldInstruction, 'sanitization_cb' => false, 'escape_cb' => false, 'on_front' => false, 'before' => 'prefix_set_field_title', ) );
Where ‘name’ => $FieldLabel, is a string “title”. That string is what I want to change based on the post category.
Here is all the is displayed in the log:
03-07-2019, 20:38:48: Field Arguments
Oops, I was mistaken in thinking
is an object. It’s actually an array. So$field_args['name']
should work. Just tested actual output, to help confirm.Bingo…
We are not done yet. Here is the problem. I change the text, as we discussed above, but the display still shows the original text. When you do a :
print_r($arg, true);
The result is the long long long structure and the “name” field shows up multiple times. This was what I was experiencing originally.
Here is the hook code:
function prefix_set_field_title( $args, $field ) { $ListingCatagory = mmd_list_readDBSettings("LISTING_CATAGORY"); $HorseCatagory = mmd_list_readDBSettings("SALE_HORSE_CATAGORY"); $SaddleCatagory = mmd_list_readDBSettings("SELL_SADDLE_CATAGORY"); $ClassifiedCatagory = mmd_list_readDBSettings("CLASSIFIED_CATAGORY"); $post = get_post(); $ListId = $post->ID; $PostCatagoryList = get_the_terms( $id, 'mmdlist_cat' ); foreach($PostCatagoryList as $Cat) { $PostCatagory = $Cat->name; if($PostCatagory == $ListingCatagory) { DebugLog('Listing catagory' . ' Change from: ' . $args['name']); $args['name'] = "Business Name"; } if($PostCatagory == $HorseCatagory) { DebugLog('Horse Catagory'. ' Change from: ' . $args['name'] ); $args['name'] = "Horse Title"; $pRow = $args['render_row_cb']['0']; $pRow2 = $pRow->args; $pRow2['name'] = "Horse Title"; } if($PostCatagory == $SaddleCatagory) { DebugLog('Saddle Catagory'. ' Change from: ' . $args['name'] ); $args['name'] = "Saddle Title"; } if($PostCatagory == $ClassifiedCatagory) { DebugLog('Product Catagory'. ' Change from: ' . $args['name'] ); $args['name'] = "Product Ad"; } } $results = print_r($args, true); DebugLog( $results ); //$Args = $field->args['goup'['args']; }
And here is the results of the print_r() call. You will see there are multiples of the name. How can we get the plugin to allow the labeling to be changed? This is not working.
04-07-2019, 17:22:02: Horse Catagory Change from: Business Name: 04-07-2019, 17:22:02: Array ( [type] => text_medium [name] => Horse Title [desc] => REQUIRED [before] => prefix_set_field_title [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => REQUIRED [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_medium [name] => Business Name: [desc] => REQUIRED [before] => prefix_set_field_title [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => REQUIRED [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array *RECURSION* [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => title [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => group [name] => [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [remove_confirm] => [group_title] => Record {#} [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => 1 [inline] => [on_front] => 1 [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => Individual Directory Listings [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2 Object ( [properties_name:protected] => meta_box [meta_box:protected] => Array ( [id] => mmd_lists_manual [title] => Multimedia Designs Lists [object_types] => Array ( [0] => mmdlist ) [context] => normal [priority] => high [show_names] => 1 [show_on_cb] => [show_on] => Array ( ) [cmb_styles] => 1 [enqueue_js] => 1 [fields] => Array ( [MMDListsRecord] => Array ( [id] => MMDListsRecord [type] => group [description] => Individual Directory Listings [options] => Array ( [group_title] => Record {#} [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles [render_row_cb] => Array *RECURSION* [fields] => Array ( [published] => Array ( [name] => Published [id] => published [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [paymentdate] => Array ( [name] => Payment/Created Date [id] => paymentdate [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [SubsName] => Array ( [name] => Subscription: [id] => SubsName [type] => select [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [default_cb] => [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [ListName] => Array ( [name] => List Selected: [id] => ListName [type] => select [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [expire_date] => Array ( [name] => Expire Date: [id] => expire_date [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [title] => Array ( [name] => Business Name: [id] => title [type] => text_medium [desc] => REQUIRED [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [before] => prefix_set_field_title [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [bizdesc] => Array ( [name] => SubTitle: [id] => bizdesc [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [address] => Array ( [name] => Address: [id] => address [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [city] => Array ( [name] => City: [id] => city [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [state] => Array ( [name] => State: [id] => state [type] => select [desc] => USA/Canada Only [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE [ ] => [Alabama] => Alabama [Alaska] => Alaska [Arizona] => Arizona [Arkansas] => Arkansas [California] => California [Colorado] => Colorado [Connecticut] => Connecticut [Delaware] => Delaware [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia [Florida] => Florida [Georgia] => Georgia [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Idaho] => Idaho [Illinois] => Illinois [Indiana] => Indiana [Iowa] => Iowa [Kansas] => Kansas [Kentucky] => Kentucky [Louisiana] => Louisiana [Maine] => Maine [Maryland] => Maryland [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts [Michigan] => Michigan [Minnesota] => Minnesota [Mississippi] => Mississippi [Missouri] => Missouri [Montana] => Montana [Nebraska] => Nebraska [Nevada] => Nevada [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire [New Jersey] => New Jersey [New Mexico] => New Mexico [New York] => New York [North Carolina] => North Carolina [North Dakota] => North Dakota [Ohio] => Ohio [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma [Oregon] => Oregon [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island [South Carolina] => South Carolina [South Dakota] => South Dakota [Tennessee] => Tennessee [Texas] => Texas [Utah] => Utah [Vermont] => Vermont [Virginia] => Virginia [Washington] => Washington [West Virginia] => West Virginia [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin [Wyoming] => Wyoming [--] => -- [Nunavut] => Nunavut [Quebec] => Quebec [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories [Ontario] => Ontario [British Columbia] => British Columbia [Alberta] => Alberta [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan [Manitoba] => Manitoba [Yukon] => Yukon [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island ) ) [country] => Array ( [name] => Country: [id] => country [desc] => Required [type] => select [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [United States] => United States [Canada] => Canada [Austria] => Austria [Australia] => Australia [Belgium] => Belgium [Denmark] => Denmark [England] => England [Finland] => Finland [France] => France [Germany] => Germany [Iceland] => Iceland [Ireland] => Ireland [Israel] => Israel [Italy] => Italy [Japan] => Japan [Mexico] => Mexico [Netherlands] => Netherlands [Norway] => Norway [Portugal] => Portugal [Spain] => Spain [Sweden] => Sweden [Switzerland] => Switzerland [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom ) ) [postcode] => Array ( [name] => Zip Code: [id] => postcode [type] => text_small [desc] => USA ONLY [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [phone] => Array ( [name] => Phone: [id] => phone [type] => text_medium [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-#### [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [email] => Array ( [name] => Email: [id] => email [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [link] => Array ( [name] => Website: [id] => link [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [speciality1] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 1: [id] => speciality1 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality2] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 2: [id] => speciality2 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality3] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 3: [id] => speciality3 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [statement] => Array ( [name] => Statement: [id] => statement [type] => textarea_small [desc] => Business Statement [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [default_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video] => Array ( [name] => Video Link: [id] => video [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video2] => Array ( [name] => 2nd Video Link: [id] => video2 [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [logo] => Array ( [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: [id] => logo [type] => file [desc] => Must be square: 300x300 [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo1] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo1 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo2] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo2 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo3] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo3 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [facebook] => Array ( [name] => Facebook: [id] => facebook [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [twitter] => Array ( [name] => Twitter: [id] => twitter [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [instagram] => Array ( [name] => Instagram: [id] => instagram [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [googleplus] => Array ( [name] => GooglePlus: [id] => googleplus [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [linkedin] => Array ( [name] => Linkedin: [id] => linkedin [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [yelp] => Array ( [name] => Yelp: [id] => yelp [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [featured] => Array ( [name] => Featured [id] => featured [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [readonly_fields] => Array ( [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE [id] => readonly_fields [type] => title [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [before] => ) [latitude] => Array ( [name] => Latitude: [id] => latitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [longitude] => Array ( [name] => Longitude: [id] => longitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [payername] => Array ( [name] => Payer Name: [id] => payername [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [useraccid] => Array ( [name] => WP Id: [id] => useraccid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [transactionid] => Array ( [name] => Transaction [id] => transactionid [type] => text [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [dbid] => Array ( [name] => DBId: [id] => dbid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [paidsubscriptionid] => Array ( [name] => Subscription Id: [id] => paidsubscriptionid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [clickcount] => Array ( [name] => Number Of Clicks: [id] => clickcount [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) ) [context] => normal [show_names] => 1 ) ) [hookup] => 1 [save_fields] => 1 [closed] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [new_user_section] => add-new-user [new_term_section] => 1 [show_in_rest] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [remove_box_wrap] => [mb_callback_args] => [message_cb] => [option_key] => [parent_slug] => [capability] => manage_options [icon_url] => [position] => [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu [display_cb] => [save_button] => [disable_settings_errors] => [tab_group] => ) [mb_object_type:protected] => post [updated:protected] => Array ( ) [mb_defaults:protected] => Array ( [id] => [title] => [object_types] => Array ( ) [context] => normal [priority] => high [show_names] => 1 [show_on_cb] => [show_on] => Array ( ) [cmb_styles] => 1 [enqueue_js] => 1 [fields] => Array ( ) [hookup] => 1 [save_fields] => 1 [closed] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [new_user_section] => add-new-user [new_term_section] => 1 [show_in_rest] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [remove_box_wrap] => [mb_callback_args] => [message_cb] => [option_key] => [parent_slug] => [capability] => manage_options [icon_url] => [position] => [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu [display_cb] => [save_button] => [disable_settings_errors] => [tab_group] => ) [fields:protected] => Array ( [MMDListsRecord] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [MMDListsRecordpublished0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => checkbox [name] => Published [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_published [context] => normal [_id] => published [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][published] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 4uk47uv94d10 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-checkbox cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-published cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="checkbox"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="checkbox" class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][published]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_published" value="on" data-hash='4uk47uv94d10'/> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published"></label> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordpaymentdate0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_date [name] => Payment/Created Date [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"} ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate [context] => normal [_id] => paymentdate [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 2g0h00u1a560 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label> [before] => [before_field] => [default] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-paymentdate cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate" value="" data-hash='2g0h00u1a560' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordSubsName0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => select [name] => Subscription: [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription [after] => [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [protocols] => [default] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => SubsName [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName] [show_option_none] => [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 6egd24t4jeh0 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-SubsName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <select class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName" data-hash='6egd24t4jeh0'> <option value="MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING" >MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING</option> <option value="PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING" >PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING</option> <option value="DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY" selected='selected'>DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY</option> <option value="TEXT LISTING" >TEXT LISTING</option> </select> <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">This should only be changed in woocommerces</p> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordListName0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => select [name] => List Selected: [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list [after] => [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => Publications [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => Switch list grouping, if desired [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_ListName [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => ListName [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][ListName] [show_option_none] => [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 1spmtmqi17go [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-ListName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <select class="CMB2RequiredField" name="MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName" data-hash='1spmtmqi17go' required="required"> <option value="Accounting" >Accounting</option> <option value="Boarding" >Boarding</option> <option value="Boots and Clothing" >Boots and Clothing</option> <option value="Breeding" >Breeding</option> <option value="Carriage Driving" >Carriage Driving</option> <option value="Clinicians" >Clinicians</option> <option value="Clothing" >Clothing</option> <option value="Colt Starting" >Colt Starting</option> <option value="Dressage Saddles" >Dressage Saddles</option> <option value="Dressage Trainers" >Dressage Trainers</option> <option value="Employment" >Employment</option> <option value="Equestrian Gifts" >Equestrian Gifts</option> <option value="Fitness Trainers" >Fitness Trainers</option> <option value="Eventing Trainers" >Eventing Trainers</option> <option value="Farrier" >Farrier</option> <option value="Feed Store" >Feed Store</option> <option value="Gaited Trainers" >Gaited Trainers</option> <option value="Harness Trainers" >Harness Trainers</option> <option value="Horse Rentals and Vacations" >Horse Rentals and Vacations</option> <option value="Horse Sales" >Horse Sales</option> <option value="Horse Shows" >Horse Shows</option> <option value="Horse Transport" >Horse Transport</option> <option value="Hunter-Jumper Trainers" >Hunter-Jumper Trainers </option> <option value="Insurance" >Insurance</option> <option value="Jumping Saddles" >Jumping Saddles</option> <option value="Looking For Work" >Looking For Work</option> <option value="Organizations" >Organizations</option> <option value="Paralympics Trainers" >Paralympics Trainers</option> <option value="Photographer" >Photographer</option> <option value="Physical Therapists" >Physical Therapists</option> <option value="Polo Clubs and Trainers" >Polo Clubs and Trainers</option> <option value="Publications" selected='selected'>Publications</option> <option value="Rehab Facility" >Rehab Facility</option> <option value="Riding Schools" >Riding Schools</option> <option value="Saddle Fitter" >Saddle Fitter</option> <option value="Show Grounds" >Show Grounds</option> <option value="Show Judges" >Show Judges</option> <option value="Show Managers" >Show Managers</option> <option value="Sport Psychologists" >Sport Psychologists</option> <option value="Tack Stores" >Tack Stores</option> <option value="Therapeutic Riding" >Therapeutic Riding</option> <option value="Thoroughbred Racing Trainers" >Thoroughbred Racing Trainers</option> <option value="Trailer Makers" >Trailer Makers</option> <option value="Trailer Repair" >Trailer Repair</option> <option value="Used Saddles" >Used Saddles</option> <option value="Used Tack" >Used Tack</option> <option value="Vaulting Clubs and Trainers" >Vaulting Clubs and Trainers</option> <option value="Veterinarian" >Veterinarian</option> <option value="Websites" >Websites</option> <option value="Western Cutting Trainers" >Western Cutting Trainers</option> <option value="Western Pleasure Trainers" >Western Pleasure Trainers</option> <option value="Western Reining Trainers" >Western Reining Trainers</option> <option value="Western Saddles" >Western Saddles</option> <option value="test list" >test list</option> </select> <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">Switch list grouping, if desired</p> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordexpire_date0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_date [name] => Expire Date: [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"} ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date [context] => normal [_id] => expire_date [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 1f0t73umng8g [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [default] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-expire-date cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date" value="" data-hash='1f0t73umng8g' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordtitle0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* ) [hidden_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [generated_nonce:protected] => nonce_CMB2phpmmd_lists_manual [has_columns:protected] => [tax_metaboxes_to_remove:protected] => Array ( ) [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [classes_cb] => ) ) [1] => render_group_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles [fields] => Array ( [published] => Array ( [name] => Published [id] => published [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [paymentdate] => Array ( [name] => Payment/Created Date [id] => paymentdate [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) ) [SubsName] => Array ( [name] => Subscription: [id] => SubsName [type] => select [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [default_cb] => [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription ) [ListName] => Array ( [name] => List Selected: [id] => ListName [type] => select [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list ) [expire_date] => Array ( [name] => Expire Date: [id] => expire_date [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) ) [title] => Array ( [name] => Business Name: [id] => title [type] => text_medium [desc] => REQUIRED [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [before] => prefix_set_field_title ) [bizdesc] => Array ( [name] => SubTitle: [id] => bizdesc [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [address] => Array ( [name] => Address: [id] => address [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [city] => Array ( [name] => City: [id] => city [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [state] => Array ( [name] => State: [id] => state [type] => select [desc] => USA/Canada Only [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE [ ] => [Alabama] => Alabama [Alaska] => Alaska [Arizona] => Arizona [Arkansas] => Arkansas [California] => California [Colorado] => Colorado [Connecticut] => Connecticut [Delaware] => Delaware [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia [Florida] => Florida [Georgia] => Georgia [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Idaho] => Idaho [Illinois] => Illinois [Indiana] => Indiana [Iowa] => Iowa [Kansas] => Kansas [Kentucky] => Kentucky [Louisiana] => Louisiana [Maine] => Maine [Maryland] => Maryland [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts [Michigan] => Michigan [Minnesota] => Minnesota [Mississippi] => Mississippi [Missouri] => Missouri [Montana] => Montana [Nebraska] => Nebraska [Nevada] => Nevada [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire [New Jersey] => New Jersey [New Mexico] => New Mexico [New York] => New York [North Carolina] => North Carolina [North Dakota] => North Dakota [Ohio] => Ohio [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma [Oregon] => Oregon [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island [South Carolina] => South Carolina [South Dakota] => South Dakota [Tennessee] => Tennessee [Texas] => Texas [Utah] => Utah [Vermont] => Vermont [Virginia] => Virginia [Washington] => Washington [West Virginia] => West Virginia [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin [Wyoming] => Wyoming [--] => -- [Nunavut] => Nunavut [Quebec] => Quebec [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories [Ontario] => Ontario [British Columbia] => British Columbia [Alberta] => Alberta [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan [Manitoba] => Manitoba [Yukon] => Yukon [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island ) ) [country] => Array ( [name] => Country: [id] => country [desc] => Required [type] => select [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [United States] => United States [Canada] => Canada [Austria] => Austria [Australia] => Australia [Belgium] => Belgium [Denmark] => Denmark [England] => England [Finland] => Finland [France] => France [Germany] => Germany [Iceland] => Iceland [Ireland] => Ireland [Israel] => Israel [Italy] => Italy [Japan] => Japan [Mexico] => Mexico [Netherlands] => Netherlands [Norway] => Norway [Portugal] => Portugal [Spain] => Spain [Sweden] => Sweden [Switzerland] => Switzerland [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom ) ) [postcode] => Array ( [name] => Zip Code: [id] => postcode [type] => text_small [desc] => USA ONLY [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [phone] => Array ( [name] => Phone: [id] => phone [type] => text_medium [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-#### [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [email] => Array ( [name] => Email: [id] => email [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [link] => Array ( [name] => Website: [id] => link [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [speciality1] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 1: [id] => speciality1 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality2] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 2: [id] => speciality2 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality3] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 3: [id] => speciality3 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [statement] => Array ( [name] => Statement: [id] => statement [type] => textarea_small [desc] => Business Statement [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [default_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video] => Array ( [name] => Video Link: [id] => video [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video2] => Array ( [name] => 2nd Video Link: [id] => video2 [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [logo] => Array ( [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: [id] => logo [type] => file [desc] => Must be square: 300x300 [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo1] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo1 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo2] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo2 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo3] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo3 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [facebook] => Array ( [name] => Facebook: [id] => facebook [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [twitter] => Array ( [name] => Twitter: [id] => twitter [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [instagram] => Array ( [name] => Instagram: [id] => instagram [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [googleplus] => Array ( [name] => GooglePlus: [id] => googleplus [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [linkedin] => Array ( [name] => Linkedin: [id] => linkedin [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [yelp] => Array ( [name] => Yelp: [id] => yelp [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [featured] => Array ( [name] => Featured [id] => featured [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [readonly_fields] => Array ( [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE [id] => readonly_fields [type] => title [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [before] => ) [latitude] => Array ( [name] => Latitude: [id] => latitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [longitude] => Array ( [name] => Longitude: [id] => longitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [payername] => Array ( [name] => Payer Name: [id] => payername [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [useraccid] => Array ( [name] => WP Id: [id] => useraccid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [transactionid] => Array ( [name] => Transaction [id] => transactionid [type] => text [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [dbid] => Array ( [name] => DBId: [id] => dbid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [paidsubscriptionid] => Array ( [name] => Subscription Id: [id] => paidsubscriptionid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [clickcount] => Array ( [name] => Number Of Clicks: [id] => clickcount [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) ) [context] => normal [_id] => MMDListsRecord [_name] => MMDListsRecord [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => [value] => Array ( ) [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [remove_confirm] => [group_title] => Record {#} [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 5kjvq41scct0 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_group] => [classes_cb] => [before_group_row] => [default] => ) ) [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_title">Business Name: </label> ) ) [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_medium [name] => Business Name: [desc] => REQUIRED [before] => prefix_set_field_title [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => REQUIRED [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array *RECURSION* [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => title [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => group [name] => [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [remove_confirm] => [group_title] => Record {#} [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => 1 [inline] => [on_front] => 1 [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => Individual Directory Listings [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2 Object ( [properties_name:protected] => meta_box [meta_box:protected] => Array ( [id] => mmd_lists_manual [title] => Multimedia Designs Lists [object_types] => Array ( [0] => mmdlist ) [context] => normal [priority] => high [show_names] => 1 [show_on_cb] => [show_on] => Array ( ) [cmb_styles] => 1 [enqueue_js] => 1 [fields] => Array ( [MMDListsRecord] => Array ( [id] => MMDListsRecord [type] => group [description] => Individual Directory Listings [options] => Array ( [group_title] => Record {#} [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles [render_row_cb] => Array *RECURSION* [fields] => Array ( [published] => Array ( [name] => Published [id] => published [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [paymentdate] => Array ( [name] => Payment/Created Date [id] => paymentdate [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [SubsName] => Array ( [name] => Subscription: [id] => SubsName [type] => select [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [default_cb] => [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [ListName] => Array ( [name] => List Selected: [id] => ListName [type] => select [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [expire_date] => Array ( [name] => Expire Date: [id] => expire_date [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [title] => Array ( [name] => Business Name: [id] => title [type] => text_medium [desc] => REQUIRED [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [before] => prefix_set_field_title [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [bizdesc] => Array ( [name] => SubTitle: [id] => bizdesc [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [address] => Array ( [name] => Address: [id] => address [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [city] => Array ( [name] => City: [id] => city [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [state] => Array ( [name] => State: [id] => state [type] => select [desc] => USA/Canada Only [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE [ ] => [Alabama] => Alabama [Alaska] => Alaska [Arizona] => Arizona [Arkansas] => Arkansas [California] => California [Colorado] => Colorado [Connecticut] => Connecticut [Delaware] => Delaware [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia [Florida] => Florida [Georgia] => Georgia [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Idaho] => Idaho [Illinois] => Illinois [Indiana] => Indiana [Iowa] => Iowa [Kansas] => Kansas [Kentucky] => Kentucky [Louisiana] => Louisiana [Maine] => Maine [Maryland] => Maryland [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts [Michigan] => Michigan [Minnesota] => Minnesota [Mississippi] => Mississippi [Missouri] => Missouri [Montana] => Montana [Nebraska] => Nebraska [Nevada] => Nevada [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire [New Jersey] => New Jersey [New Mexico] => New Mexico [New York] => New York [North Carolina] => North Carolina [North Dakota] => North Dakota [Ohio] => Ohio [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma [Oregon] => Oregon [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island [South Carolina] => South Carolina [South Dakota] => South Dakota [Tennessee] => Tennessee [Texas] => Texas [Utah] => Utah [Vermont] => Vermont [Virginia] => Virginia [Washington] => Washington [West Virginia] => West Virginia [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin [Wyoming] => Wyoming [--] => -- [Nunavut] => Nunavut [Quebec] => Quebec [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories [Ontario] => Ontario [British Columbia] => British Columbia [Alberta] => Alberta [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan [Manitoba] => Manitoba [Yukon] => Yukon [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island ) ) [country] => Array ( [name] => Country: [id] => country [desc] => Required [type] => select [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [United States] => United States [Canada] => Canada [Austria] => Austria [Australia] => Australia [Belgium] => Belgium [Denmark] => Denmark [England] => England [Finland] => Finland [France] => France [Germany] => Germany [Iceland] => Iceland [Ireland] => Ireland [Israel] => Israel [Italy] => Italy [Japan] => Japan [Mexico] => Mexico [Netherlands] => Netherlands [Norway] => Norway [Portugal] => Portugal [Spain] => Spain [Sweden] => Sweden [Switzerland] => Switzerland [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom ) ) [postcode] => Array ( [name] => Zip Code: [id] => postcode [type] => text_small [desc] => USA ONLY [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [phone] => Array ( [name] => Phone: [id] => phone [type] => text_medium [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-#### [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [email] => Array ( [name] => Email: [id] => email [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [link] => Array ( [name] => Website: [id] => link [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [speciality1] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 1: [id] => speciality1 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality2] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 2: [id] => speciality2 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality3] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 3: [id] => speciality3 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [statement] => Array ( [name] => Statement: [id] => statement [type] => textarea_small [desc] => Business Statement [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [default_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video] => Array ( [name] => Video Link: [id] => video [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video2] => Array ( [name] => 2nd Video Link: [id] => video2 [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [logo] => Array ( [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: [id] => logo [type] => file [desc] => Must be square: 300x300 [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo1] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo1 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo2] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo2 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo3] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo3 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [facebook] => Array ( [name] => Facebook: [id] => facebook [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [twitter] => Array ( [name] => Twitter: [id] => twitter [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [instagram] => Array ( [name] => Instagram: [id] => instagram [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [googleplus] => Array ( [name] => GooglePlus: [id] => googleplus [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [linkedin] => Array ( [name] => Linkedin: [id] => linkedin [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [yelp] => Array ( [name] => Yelp: [id] => yelp [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [featured] => Array ( [name] => Featured [id] => featured [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [readonly_fields] => Array ( [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE [id] => readonly_fields [type] => title [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [before] => ) [latitude] => Array ( [name] => Latitude: [id] => latitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [longitude] => Array ( [name] => Longitude: [id] => longitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [payername] => Array ( [name] => Payer Name: [id] => payername [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [useraccid] => Array ( [name] => WP Id: [id] => useraccid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [transactionid] => Array ( [name] => Transaction [id] => transactionid [type] => text [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [dbid] => Array ( [name] => DBId: [id] => dbid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [paidsubscriptionid] => Array ( [name] => Subscription Id: [id] => paidsubscriptionid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [clickcount] => Array ( [name] => Number Of Clicks: [id] => clickcount [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) ) [context] => normal [show_names] => 1 ) ) [hookup] => 1 [save_fields] => 1 [closed] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [new_user_section] => add-new-user [new_term_section] => 1 [show_in_rest] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [remove_box_wrap] => [mb_callback_args] => [message_cb] => [option_key] => [parent_slug] => [capability] => manage_options [icon_url] => [position] => [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu [display_cb] => [save_button] => [disable_settings_errors] => [tab_group] => ) [mb_object_type:protected] => post [updated:protected] => Array ( ) [mb_defaults:protected] => Array ( [id] => [title] => [object_types] => Array ( ) [context] => normal [priority] => high [show_names] => 1 [show_on_cb] => [show_on] => Array ( ) [cmb_styles] => 1 [enqueue_js] => 1 [fields] => Array ( ) [hookup] => 1 [save_fields] => 1 [closed] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [new_user_section] => add-new-user [new_term_section] => 1 [show_in_rest] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [remove_box_wrap] => [mb_callback_args] => [message_cb] => [option_key] => [parent_slug] => [capability] => manage_options [icon_url] => [position] => [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu [display_cb] => [save_button] => [disable_settings_errors] => [tab_group] => ) [fields:protected] => Array ( [MMDListsRecord] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [MMDListsRecordpublished0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => checkbox [name] => Published [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_published [context] => normal [_id] => published [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][published] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 4uk47uv94d10 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-checkbox cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-published cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="checkbox"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="checkbox" class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][published]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_published" value="on" data-hash='4uk47uv94d10'/> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published"></label> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordpaymentdate0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_date [name] => Payment/Created Date [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"} ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate [context] => normal [_id] => paymentdate [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 2g0h00u1a560 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label> [before] => [before_field] => [default] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-paymentdate cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate" value="" data-hash='2g0h00u1a560' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordSubsName0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => select [name] => Subscription: [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription [after] => [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [protocols] => [default] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => SubsName [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName] [show_option_none] => [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 6egd24t4jeh0 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-SubsName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <select class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName" data-hash='6egd24t4jeh0'> <option value="MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING" >MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING</option> <option value="PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING" >PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING</option> <option value="DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY" selected='selected'>DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY</option> <option value="TEXT LISTING" >TEXT LISTING</option> </select> <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">This should only be changed in woocommerces</p> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordListName0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => select [name] => List Selected: [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list [after] => [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => Publications [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => Switch list grouping, if desired [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_ListName [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => ListName [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][ListName] [show_option_none] => [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 1spmtmqi17go [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-ListName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <select class="CMB2RequiredField" name="MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName" data-hash='1spmtmqi17go' required="required"> <option value="Accounting" >Accounting</option> <option value="Boarding" >Boarding</option> <option value="Boots and Clothing" >Boots and Clothing</option> <option value="Breeding" >Breeding</option> <option value="Carriage Driving" >Carriage Driving</option> <option value="Clinicians" >Clinicians</option> <option value="Clothing" >Clothing</option> <option value="Colt Starting" >Colt Starting</option> <option value="Dressage Saddles" >Dressage Saddles</option> <option value="Dressage Trainers" >Dressage Trainers</option> <option value="Employment" >Employment</option> <option value="Equestrian Gifts" >Equestrian Gifts</option> <option value="Fitness Trainers" >Fitness Trainers</option> <option value="Eventing Trainers" >Eventing Trainers</option> <option value="Farrier" >Farrier</option> <option value="Feed Store" >Feed Store</option> <option value="Gaited Trainers" >Gaited Trainers</option> <option value="Harness Trainers" >Harness Trainers</option> <option value="Horse Rentals and Vacations" >Horse Rentals and Vacations</option> <option value="Horse Sales" >Horse Sales</option> <option value="Horse Shows" >Horse Shows</option> <option value="Horse Transport" >Horse Transport</option> <option value="Hunter-Jumper Trainers" >Hunter-Jumper Trainers </option> <option value="Insurance" >Insurance</option> <option value="Jumping Saddles" >Jumping Saddles</option> <option value="Looking For Work" >Looking For Work</option> <option value="Organizations" >Organizations</option> <option value="Paralympics Trainers" >Paralympics Trainers</option> <option value="Photographer" >Photographer</option> <option value="Physical Therapists" >Physical Therapists</option> <option value="Polo Clubs and Trainers" >Polo Clubs and Trainers</option> <option value="Publications" selected='selected'>Publications</option> <option value="Rehab Facility" >Rehab Facility</option> <option value="Riding Schools" >Riding Schools</option> <option value="Saddle Fitter" >Saddle Fitter</option> <option value="Show Grounds" >Show Grounds</option> <option value="Show Judges" >Show Judges</option> <option value="Show Managers" >Show Managers</option> <option value="Sport Psychologists" >Sport Psychologists</option> <option value="Tack Stores" >Tack Stores</option> <option value="Therapeutic Riding" >Therapeutic Riding</option> <option value="Thoroughbred Racing Trainers" >Thoroughbred Racing Trainers</option> <option value="Trailer Makers" >Trailer Makers</option> <option value="Trailer Repair" >Trailer Repair</option> <option value="Used Saddles" >Used Saddles</option> <option value="Used Tack" >Used Tack</option> <option value="Vaulting Clubs and Trainers" >Vaulting Clubs and Trainers</option> <option value="Veterinarian" >Veterinarian</option> <option value="Websites" >Websites</option> <option value="Western Cutting Trainers" >Western Cutting Trainers</option> <option value="Western Pleasure Trainers" >Western Pleasure Trainers</option> <option value="Western Reining Trainers" >Western Reining Trainers</option> <option value="Western Saddles" >Western Saddles</option> <option value="test list" >test list</option> </select> <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">Switch list grouping, if desired</p> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordexpire_date0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_date [name] => Expire Date: [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"} ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date [context] => normal [_id] => expire_date [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 1f0t73umng8g [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [default] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-expire-date cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date" value="" data-hash='1f0t73umng8g' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordtitle0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* ) [hidden_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [generated_nonce:protected] => nonce_CMB2phpmmd_lists_manual [has_columns:protected] => [tax_metaboxes_to_remove:protected] => Array ( ) [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [classes_cb] => ) ) [1] => render_group_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles [fields] => Array ( [published] => Array ( [name] => Published [id] => published [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [paymentdate] => Array ( [name] => Payment/Created Date [id] => paymentdate [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) ) [SubsName] => Array ( [name] => Subscription: [id] => SubsName [type] => select [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [default_cb] => [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription ) [ListName] => Array ( [name] => List Selected: [id] => ListName [type] => select [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list ) [expire_date] => Array ( [name] => Expire Date: [id] => expire_date [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) ) [title] => Array ( [name] => Business Name: [id] => title [type] => text_medium [desc] => REQUIRED [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [before] => prefix_set_field_title ) [bizdesc] => Array ( [name] => SubTitle: [id] => bizdesc [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [address] => Array ( [name] => Address: [id] => address [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [city] => Array ( [name] => City: [id] => city [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [state] => Array ( [name] => State: [id] => state [type] => select [desc] => USA/Canada Only [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE [ ] => [Alabama] => Alabama [Alaska] => Alaska [Arizona] => Arizona [Arkansas] => Arkansas [California] => California [Colorado] => Colorado [Connecticut] => Connecticut [Delaware] => Delaware [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia [Florida] => Florida [Georgia] => Georgia [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Idaho] => Idaho [Illinois] => Illinois [Indiana] => Indiana [Iowa] => Iowa [Kansas] => Kansas [Kentucky] => Kentucky [Louisiana] => Louisiana [Maine] => Maine [Maryland] => Maryland [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts [Michigan] => Michigan [Minnesota] => Minnesota [Mississippi] => Mississippi [Missouri] => Missouri [Montana] => Montana [Nebraska] => Nebraska [Nevada] => Nevada [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire [New Jersey] => New Jersey [New Mexico] => New Mexico [New York] => New York [North Carolina] => North Carolina [North Dakota] => North Dakota [Ohio] => Ohio [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma [Oregon] => Oregon [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island [South Carolina] => South Carolina [South Dakota] => South Dakota [Tennessee] => Tennessee [Texas] => Texas [Utah] => Utah [Vermont] => Vermont [Virginia] => Virginia [Washington] => Washington [West Virginia] => West Virginia [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin [Wyoming] => Wyoming [--] => -- [Nunavut] => Nunavut [Quebec] => Quebec [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories [Ontario] => Ontario [British Columbia] => British Columbia [Alberta] => Alberta [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan [Manitoba] => Manitoba [Yukon] => Yukon [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island ) ) [country] => Array ( [name] => Country: [id] => country [desc] => Required [type] => select [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [United States] => United States [Canada] => Canada [Austria] => Austria [Australia] => Australia [Belgium] => Belgium [Denmark] => Denmark [England] => England [Finland] => Finland [France] => France [Germany] => Germany [Iceland] => Iceland [Ireland] => Ireland [Israel] => Israel [Italy] => Italy [Japan] => Japan [Mexico] => Mexico [Netherlands] => Netherlands [Norway] => Norway [Portugal] => Portugal [Spain] => Spain [Sweden] => Sweden [Switzerland] => Switzerland [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom ) ) [postcode] => Array ( [name] => Zip Code: [id] => postcode [type] => text_small [desc] => USA ONLY [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [phone] => Array ( [name] => Phone: [id] => phone [type] => text_medium [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-#### [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [email] => Array ( [name] => Email: [id] => email [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [link] => Array ( [name] => Website: [id] => link [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [speciality1] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 1: [id] => speciality1 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality2] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 2: [id] => speciality2 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality3] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 3: [id] => speciality3 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [statement] => Array ( [name] => Statement: [id] => statement [type] => textarea_small [desc] => Business Statement [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [default_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video] => Array ( [name] => Video Link: [id] => video [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video2] => Array ( [name] => 2nd Video Link: [id] => video2 [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [logo] => Array ( [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: [id] => logo [type] => file [desc] => Must be square: 300x300 [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo1] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo1 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo2] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo2 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo3] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo3 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [facebook] => Array ( [name] => Facebook: [id] => facebook [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [twitter] => Array ( [name] => Twitter: [id] => twitter [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [instagram] => Array ( [name] => Instagram: [id] => instagram [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [googleplus] => Array ( [name] => GooglePlus: [id] => googleplus [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [linkedin] => Array ( [name] => Linkedin: [id] => linkedin [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [yelp] => Array ( [name] => Yelp: [id] => yelp [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [featured] => Array ( [name] => Featured [id] => featured [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [readonly_fields] => Array ( [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE [id] => readonly_fields [type] => title [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [before] => ) [latitude] => Array ( [name] => Latitude: [id] => latitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [longitude] => Array ( [name] => Longitude: [id] => longitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [payername] => Array ( [name] => Payer Name: [id] => payername [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [useraccid] => Array ( [name] => WP Id: [id] => useraccid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [transactionid] => Array ( [name] => Transaction [id] => transactionid [type] => text [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [dbid] => Array ( [name] => DBId: [id] => dbid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [paidsubscriptionid] => Array ( [name] => Subscription Id: [id] => paidsubscriptionid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [clickcount] => Array ( [name] => Number Of Clicks: [id] => clickcount [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) ) [context] => normal [_id] => MMDListsRecord [_name] => MMDListsRecord [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => [value] => Array ( ) [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [remove_confirm] => [group_title] => Record {#} [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 5kjvq41scct0 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_group] => [classes_cb] => [before_group_row] => [default] => ) ) [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_title">Business Name: </label> ) ) [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_medium [name] => Business Name: [desc] => REQUIRED [before] => prefix_set_field_title [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => REQUIRED [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array *RECURSION* [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => title [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => group [name] => [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [remove_confirm] => [group_title] => Record {#} [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => 1 [inline] => [on_front] => 1 [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => Individual Directory Listings [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2 Object ( [properties_name:protected] => meta_box [meta_box:protected] => Array ( [id] => mmd_lists_manual [title] => Multimedia Designs Lists [object_types] => Array ( [0] => mmdlist ) [context] => normal [priority] => high [show_names] => 1 [show_on_cb] => [show_on] => Array ( ) [cmb_styles] => 1 [enqueue_js] => 1 [fields] => Array ( [MMDListsRecord] => Array ( [id] => MMDListsRecord [type] => group [description] => Individual Directory Listings [options] => Array ( [group_title] => Record {#} [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles [render_row_cb] => Array *RECURSION* [fields] => Array ( [published] => Array ( [name] => Published [id] => published [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [paymentdate] => Array ( [name] => Payment/Created Date [id] => paymentdate [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [SubsName] => Array ( [name] => Subscription: [id] => SubsName [type] => select [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [default_cb] => [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [ListName] => Array ( [name] => List Selected: [id] => ListName [type] => select [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [expire_date] => Array ( [name] => Expire Date: [id] => expire_date [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [title] => Array ( [name] => Business Name: [id] => title [type] => text_medium [desc] => REQUIRED [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [before] => prefix_set_field_title [show_names] => 1 [context] => normal ) [bizdesc] => Array ( [name] => SubTitle: [id] => bizdesc [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [address] => Array ( [name] => Address: [id] => address [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [city] => Array ( [name] => City: [id] => city [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [state] => Array ( [name] => State: [id] => state [type] => select [desc] => USA/Canada Only [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE [ ] => [Alabama] => Alabama [Alaska] => Alaska [Arizona] => Arizona [Arkansas] => Arkansas [California] => California [Colorado] => Colorado [Connecticut] => Connecticut [Delaware] => Delaware [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia [Florida] => Florida [Georgia] => Georgia [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Idaho] => Idaho [Illinois] => Illinois [Indiana] => Indiana [Iowa] => Iowa [Kansas] => Kansas [Kentucky] => Kentucky [Louisiana] => Louisiana [Maine] => Maine [Maryland] => Maryland [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts [Michigan] => Michigan [Minnesota] => Minnesota [Mississippi] => Mississippi [Missouri] => Missouri [Montana] => Montana [Nebraska] => Nebraska [Nevada] => Nevada [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire [New Jersey] => New Jersey [New Mexico] => New Mexico [New York] => New York [North Carolina] => North Carolina [North Dakota] => North Dakota [Ohio] => Ohio [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma [Oregon] => Oregon [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island [South Carolina] => South Carolina [South Dakota] => South Dakota [Tennessee] => Tennessee [Texas] => Texas [Utah] => Utah [Vermont] => Vermont [Virginia] => Virginia [Washington] => Washington [West Virginia] => West Virginia [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin [Wyoming] => Wyoming [--] => -- [Nunavut] => Nunavut [Quebec] => Quebec [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories [Ontario] => Ontario [British Columbia] => British Columbia [Alberta] => Alberta [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan [Manitoba] => Manitoba [Yukon] => Yukon [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island ) ) [country] => Array ( [name] => Country: [id] => country [desc] => Required [type] => select [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [United States] => United States [Canada] => Canada [Austria] => Austria [Australia] => Australia [Belgium] => Belgium [Denmark] => Denmark [England] => England [Finland] => Finland [France] => France [Germany] => Germany [Iceland] => Iceland [Ireland] => Ireland [Israel] => Israel [Italy] => Italy [Japan] => Japan [Mexico] => Mexico [Netherlands] => Netherlands [Norway] => Norway [Portugal] => Portugal [Spain] => Spain [Sweden] => Sweden [Switzerland] => Switzerland [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom ) ) [postcode] => Array ( [name] => Zip Code: [id] => postcode [type] => text_small [desc] => USA ONLY [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [phone] => Array ( [name] => Phone: [id] => phone [type] => text_medium [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-#### [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [email] => Array ( [name] => Email: [id] => email [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [link] => Array ( [name] => Website: [id] => link [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [speciality1] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 1: [id] => speciality1 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality2] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 2: [id] => speciality2 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality3] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 3: [id] => speciality3 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [statement] => Array ( [name] => Statement: [id] => statement [type] => textarea_small [desc] => Business Statement [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [default_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video] => Array ( [name] => Video Link: [id] => video [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video2] => Array ( [name] => 2nd Video Link: [id] => video2 [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [logo] => Array ( [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: [id] => logo [type] => file [desc] => Must be square: 300x300 [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo1] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo1 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo2] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo2 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo3] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo3 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [facebook] => Array ( [name] => Facebook: [id] => facebook [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [twitter] => Array ( [name] => Twitter: [id] => twitter [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [instagram] => Array ( [name] => Instagram: [id] => instagram [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [googleplus] => Array ( [name] => GooglePlus: [id] => googleplus [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [linkedin] => Array ( [name] => Linkedin: [id] => linkedin [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [yelp] => Array ( [name] => Yelp: [id] => yelp [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [featured] => Array ( [name] => Featured [id] => featured [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [readonly_fields] => Array ( [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE [id] => readonly_fields [type] => title [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [before] => ) [latitude] => Array ( [name] => Latitude: [id] => latitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [longitude] => Array ( [name] => Longitude: [id] => longitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [payername] => Array ( [name] => Payer Name: [id] => payername [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [useraccid] => Array ( [name] => WP Id: [id] => useraccid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [transactionid] => Array ( [name] => Transaction [id] => transactionid [type] => text [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [dbid] => Array ( [name] => DBId: [id] => dbid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [paidsubscriptionid] => Array ( [name] => Subscription Id: [id] => paidsubscriptionid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [clickcount] => Array ( [name] => Number Of Clicks: [id] => clickcount [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) ) [context] => normal [show_names] => 1 ) ) [hookup] => 1 [save_fields] => 1 [closed] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [new_user_section] => add-new-user [new_term_section] => 1 [show_in_rest] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [remove_box_wrap] => [mb_callback_args] => [message_cb] => [option_key] => [parent_slug] => [capability] => manage_options [icon_url] => [position] => [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu [display_cb] => [save_button] => [disable_settings_errors] => [tab_group] => ) [mb_object_type:protected] => post [updated:protected] => Array ( ) [mb_defaults:protected] => Array ( [id] => [title] => [object_types] => Array ( ) [context] => normal [priority] => high [show_names] => 1 [show_on_cb] => [show_on] => Array ( ) [cmb_styles] => 1 [enqueue_js] => 1 [fields] => Array ( ) [hookup] => 1 [save_fields] => 1 [closed] => [taxonomies] => Array ( ) [new_user_section] => add-new-user [new_term_section] => 1 [show_in_rest] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [remove_box_wrap] => [mb_callback_args] => [message_cb] => [option_key] => [parent_slug] => [capability] => manage_options [icon_url] => [position] => [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu [display_cb] => [save_button] => [disable_settings_errors] => [tab_group] => ) [fields:protected] => Array ( [MMDListsRecord] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [MMDListsRecordpublished0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => checkbox [name] => Published [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_published [context] => normal [_id] => published [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][published] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 4uk47uv94d10 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-checkbox cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-published cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="checkbox"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="checkbox" class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][published]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_published" value="on" data-hash='4uk47uv94d10'/> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published"></label> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordpaymentdate0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_date [name] => Payment/Created Date [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"} ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate [context] => normal [_id] => paymentdate [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 2g0h00u1a560 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label> [before] => [before_field] => [default] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-paymentdate cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate" value="" data-hash='2g0h00u1a560' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordSubsName0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => select [name] => Subscription: [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription [after] => [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [protocols] => [default] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => SubsName [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName] [show_option_none] => [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 6egd24t4jeh0 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-SubsName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <select class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName" data-hash='6egd24t4jeh0'> <option value="MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING" >MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING</option> <option value="PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING" >PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING</option> <option value="DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY" selected='selected'>DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY</option> <option value="TEXT LISTING" >TEXT LISTING</option> </select> <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">This should only be changed in woocommerces</p> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordListName0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => select [name] => List Selected: [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list [after] => [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [protocols] => [default] => Publications [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => Switch list grouping, if desired [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_ListName [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => ListName [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][ListName] [show_option_none] => [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 1spmtmqi17go [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-ListName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <select class="CMB2RequiredField" name="MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName" data-hash='1spmtmqi17go' required="required"> <option value="Accounting" >Accounting</option> <option value="Boarding" >Boarding</option> <option value="Boots and Clothing" >Boots and Clothing</option> <option value="Breeding" >Breeding</option> <option value="Carriage Driving" >Carriage Driving</option> <option value="Clinicians" >Clinicians</option> <option value="Clothing" >Clothing</option> <option value="Colt Starting" >Colt Starting</option> <option value="Dressage Saddles" >Dressage Saddles</option> <option value="Dressage Trainers" >Dressage Trainers</option> <option value="Employment" >Employment</option> <option value="Equestrian Gifts" >Equestrian Gifts</option> <option value="Fitness Trainers" >Fitness Trainers</option> <option value="Eventing Trainers" >Eventing Trainers</option> <option value="Farrier" >Farrier</option> <option value="Feed Store" >Feed Store</option> <option value="Gaited Trainers" >Gaited Trainers</option> <option value="Harness Trainers" >Harness Trainers</option> <option value="Horse Rentals and Vacations" >Horse Rentals and Vacations</option> <option value="Horse Sales" >Horse Sales</option> <option value="Horse Shows" >Horse Shows</option> <option value="Horse Transport" >Horse Transport</option> <option value="Hunter-Jumper Trainers" >Hunter-Jumper Trainers </option> <option value="Insurance" >Insurance</option> <option value="Jumping Saddles" >Jumping Saddles</option> <option value="Looking For Work" >Looking For Work</option> <option value="Organizations" >Organizations</option> <option value="Paralympics Trainers" >Paralympics Trainers</option> <option value="Photographer" >Photographer</option> <option value="Physical Therapists" >Physical Therapists</option> <option value="Polo Clubs and Trainers" >Polo Clubs and Trainers</option> <option value="Publications" selected='selected'>Publications</option> <option value="Rehab Facility" >Rehab Facility</option> <option value="Riding Schools" >Riding Schools</option> <option value="Saddle Fitter" >Saddle Fitter</option> <option value="Show Grounds" >Show Grounds</option> <option value="Show Judges" >Show Judges</option> <option value="Show Managers" >Show Managers</option> <option value="Sport Psychologists" >Sport Psychologists</option> <option value="Tack Stores" >Tack Stores</option> <option value="Therapeutic Riding" >Therapeutic Riding</option> <option value="Thoroughbred Racing Trainers" >Thoroughbred Racing Trainers</option> <option value="Trailer Makers" >Trailer Makers</option> <option value="Trailer Repair" >Trailer Repair</option> <option value="Used Saddles" >Used Saddles</option> <option value="Used Tack" >Used Tack</option> <option value="Vaulting Clubs and Trainers" >Vaulting Clubs and Trainers</option> <option value="Veterinarian" >Veterinarian</option> <option value="Websites" >Websites</option> <option value="Western Cutting Trainers" >Western Cutting Trainers</option> <option value="Western Pleasure Trainers" >Western Pleasure Trainers</option> <option value="Western Reining Trainers" >Western Reining Trainers</option> <option value="Western Saddles" >Western Saddles</option> <option value="test list" >test list</option> </select> <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">Switch list grouping, if desired</p> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordexpire_date0] => CMB2_Field Object ( [properties_name:protected] => args [args] => Array ( [type] => text_date [name] => Expire Date: [desc] => [before] => [after] => [options] => Array ( ) [options_cb] => [text] => Array ( ) [text_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"} ) [protocols] => [default] => [default_cb] => [classes] => [classes_cb] => [select_all_button] => 1 [multiple] => [repeatable] => [inline] => [on_front] => [show_names] => 1 [save_field] => 1 [date_format] => m\/d\/Y [time_format] => h:i A [description] => [preview_size] => Array ( [0] => 50 [1] => 50 ) [render_row_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => render_field_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date [context] => normal [_id] => expire_date [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date] [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 1f0t73umng8g [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label> [before] => [before_field] => [default] => [after_field] => [after] => [after_row] => [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-expire-date cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date"> <div class="cmb-th"> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label> </div> <div class="cmb-td"> <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date" value="" data-hash='1f0t73umng8g' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/> </div> </div> ) ) [MMDListsRecordtitle0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* ) [hidden_fields:protected] => Array ( ) [generated_nonce:protected] => nonce_CMB2phpmmd_lists_manual [has_columns:protected] => [tax_metaboxes_to_remove:protected] => Array ( ) [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [classes_cb] => ) ) [1] => render_group_callback ) [display_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => display_value_callback ) [label_cb] => Array ( [0] => CMB2_Field Object *RECURSION* [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles [fields] => Array ( [published] => Array ( [name] => Published [id] => published [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [paymentdate] => Array ( [name] => Payment/Created Date [id] => paymentdate [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) ) [SubsName] => Array ( [name] => Subscription: [id] => SubsName [type] => select [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING ) [default_cb] => [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription ) [ListName] => Array ( [name] => List Selected: [id] => ListName [type] => select [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [Accounting] => Accounting [Boarding] => Boarding [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing [Breeding] => Breeding [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving [Clinicians] => Clinicians [Clothing] => Clothing [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers [Employment] => Employment [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers [Farrier] => Farrier [Feed Store] => Feed Store [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers [Insurance] => Insurance [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work [Organizations] => Organizations [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers [Photographer] => Photographer [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers [Publications] => Publications [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds [Show Judges] => Show Judges [Show Managers] => Show Managers [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles [Used Tack] => Used Tack [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian [Websites] => Websites [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles [test list] => test list ) [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list ) [expire_date] => Array ( [name] => Expire Date: [id] => expire_date [on_front] => [type] => text_date [attributes] => Array ( [required] => required ) ) [title] => Array ( [name] => Business Name: [id] => title [type] => text_medium [desc] => REQUIRED [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [before] => prefix_set_field_title ) [bizdesc] => Array ( [name] => SubTitle: [id] => bizdesc [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [address] => Array ( [name] => Address: [id] => address [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [city] => Array ( [name] => City: [id] => city [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [state] => Array ( [name] => State: [id] => state [type] => select [desc] => USA/Canada Only [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [options] => Array ( [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE [ ] => [Alabama] => Alabama [Alaska] => Alaska [Arizona] => Arizona [Arkansas] => Arkansas [California] => California [Colorado] => Colorado [Connecticut] => Connecticut [Delaware] => Delaware [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia [Florida] => Florida [Georgia] => Georgia [Hawaii] => Hawaii [Idaho] => Idaho [Illinois] => Illinois [Indiana] => Indiana [Iowa] => Iowa [Kansas] => Kansas [Kentucky] => Kentucky [Louisiana] => Louisiana [Maine] => Maine [Maryland] => Maryland [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts [Michigan] => Michigan [Minnesota] => Minnesota [Mississippi] => Mississippi [Missouri] => Missouri [Montana] => Montana [Nebraska] => Nebraska [Nevada] => Nevada [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire [New Jersey] => New Jersey [New Mexico] => New Mexico [New York] => New York [North Carolina] => North Carolina [North Dakota] => North Dakota [Ohio] => Ohio [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma [Oregon] => Oregon [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island [South Carolina] => South Carolina [South Dakota] => South Dakota [Tennessee] => Tennessee [Texas] => Texas [Utah] => Utah [Vermont] => Vermont [Virginia] => Virginia [Washington] => Washington [West Virginia] => West Virginia [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin [Wyoming] => Wyoming [--] => -- [Nunavut] => Nunavut [Quebec] => Quebec [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories [Ontario] => Ontario [British Columbia] => British Columbia [Alberta] => Alberta [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan [Manitoba] => Manitoba [Yukon] => Yukon [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island ) ) [country] => Array ( [name] => Country: [id] => country [desc] => Required [type] => select [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [options] => Array ( [United States] => United States [Canada] => Canada [Austria] => Austria [Australia] => Australia [Belgium] => Belgium [Denmark] => Denmark [England] => England [Finland] => Finland [France] => France [Germany] => Germany [Iceland] => Iceland [Ireland] => Ireland [Israel] => Israel [Italy] => Italy [Japan] => Japan [Mexico] => Mexico [Netherlands] => Netherlands [Norway] => Norway [Portugal] => Portugal [Spain] => Spain [Sweden] => Sweden [Switzerland] => Switzerland [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom ) ) [postcode] => Array ( [name] => Zip Code: [id] => postcode [type] => text_small [desc] => USA ONLY [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [phone] => Array ( [name] => Phone: [id] => phone [type] => text_medium [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-#### [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [email] => Array ( [name] => Email: [id] => email [type] => text_medium [desc] => Required [on_front] => 1 [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => CMB2RequiredField [required] => required ) [default_cb] => ) [link] => Array ( [name] => Website: [id] => link [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [speciality1] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 1: [id] => speciality1 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality2] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 2: [id] => speciality2 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [speciality3] => Array ( [name] => Specialty 3: [id] => speciality3 [type] => text_medium [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [statement] => Array ( [name] => Statement: [id] => statement [type] => textarea_small [desc] => Business Statement [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [default_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video] => Array ( [name] => Video Link: [id] => video [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [video2] => Array ( [name] => 2nd Video Link: [id] => video2 [type] => text_url [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [logo] => Array ( [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: [id] => logo [type] => file [desc] => Must be square: 300x300 [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo1] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo1 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo2] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo2 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [photo3] => Array ( [name] => Photo: [id] => photo3 [type] => file [desc] => [on_front] => [text] => Array ( [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo ) [query_args] => Array ( [type] => Array ( [0] => image/gif [1] => image/jpeg [2] => image/png ) ) ) [facebook] => Array ( [name] => Facebook: [id] => facebook [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [twitter] => Array ( [name] => Twitter: [id] => twitter [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [instagram] => Array ( [name] => Instagram: [id] => instagram [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [googleplus] => Array ( [name] => GooglePlus: [id] => googleplus [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [linkedin] => Array ( [name] => Linkedin: [id] => linkedin [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [yelp] => Array ( [name] => Yelp: [id] => yelp [type] => text_url [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) ) [featured] => Array ( [name] => Featured [id] => featured [desc] => [on_front] => [type] => checkbox [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default] => ) [readonly_fields] => Array ( [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE [id] => readonly_fields [type] => title [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [before] => ) [latitude] => Array ( [name] => Latitude: [id] => latitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [longitude] => Array ( [name] => Longitude: [id] => longitude [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [payername] => Array ( [name] => Payer Name: [id] => payername [type] => text_medium [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [useraccid] => Array ( [name] => WP Id: [id] => useraccid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [transactionid] => Array ( [name] => Transaction [id] => transactionid [type] => text [desc] => [on_front] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [dbid] => Array ( [name] => DBId: [id] => dbid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [paidsubscriptionid] => Array ( [name] => Subscription Id: [id] => paidsubscriptionid [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) [clickcount] => Array ( [name] => Number Of Clicks: [id] => clickcount [type] => text_small [desc] => [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [on_front] => [attributes] => Array ( [class] => TextFieldShown ) [default_cb] => ) ) [context] => normal [_id] => MMDListsRecord [_name] => MMDListsRecord [has_supporting_data] => ) [group] => [value] => Array ( ) [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( [add_button] => Add Another Record [remove_button] => Remove Record [remove_confirm] => [group_title] => Record {#} [sortable] => 1 [closed] => 1 ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => 5kjvq41scct0 [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_group] => [classes_cb] => [before_group_row] => [default] => ) ) [value] => [escaped_value] => [index] => 0 [field_options:protected] => Array ( ) [strings:protected] => [render_context] => edit [hash_id:protected] => [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual [object_id:protected] => 954 [object_type:protected] => post [data_to_save] => Array ( ) [callback_results:protected] => Array ( [before_row] => [classes_cb] => [label_cb] => <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_title">Business Name: </label> ) ) [1] => label ) [column] => [js_dependencies] => Array ( ) [show_in_rest] => [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title [sanitization_cb] => [escape_cb] => [context] => normal [_id] => title [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title] [has_supporting_data] => )
the above print_r output was AFTER I made the listing changes.
SEe here
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