• Resolved dkurth


    Need to tweak my code so that I change the descriptions based on which post category will the records be stored in. This needs to be done within add_group_field section, so I know what labels to pass to the fields AND set certain defaults.

    How can I get which postid is going to be built prior to the cmb2_admin_init is called. Ideally it would be within that function, but I have tested that and that option is not defined at the point of the form building.

    add_action( 'cmb2_admin_init', 'mmdlist_add_manual_form' );

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by dkurth.
Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 51 total)
  • Thread Starter dkurth


    Found one method, not as straight forward as I would like, but using the ‘before’ on each field definition would do the job. Unless you have an easier way?

    Thread Starter dkurth


    …and should not the ‘default’ be the value displayed on a new record?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Assuming it’s not a brand new post, the post ID would be in the URL and accessible from $_GET. Also looks like there’s an object_id property on the object variable used with your new_cmb2_box() call, when viewing existing posts.

    What method did you find? I could provide some feedback on its viability, etc.

    I would assume a set default in your CMB2 config would show up when adding a new post. Is it not for you in a certain case?

    Thread Starter dkurth


    I used the ‘before’ option callback and set the field within the array.

    Thread Starter dkurth


    Tell me, how through the parameters of the call,

    'before'          => 'prefix_set_field_select_list',

    can I gain access to the name field? I keep going round and round.

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser


    The callback will receive $field_args as the first argument, and the CMB2_Field $field object as the second argument. Example:

    with your function prefix_set_field_select_list() definition, you could amend to be function prefix_set_field_select_list( $field_args, $field ) { ... } and make use of the data available for both parameters.

    Thread Starter dkurth


    yes, that is what I am using. It is the drilling down into the field argument in order to get to the title label. Do you have some code showing the direct access to the fields for that record?

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    So take this for example:

    $cmb_awa->add_field( array(
    	'name'              => esc_html__( 'Displayed links', 'cmb2' ),
    	'description'       => esc_html__( 'Select the page links you would like to be shown.', 'cmb2' ),
    	'id'                => $prefix . 'awa_links',
    	'type'              => 'multicheck',
    	'select_all_button' => false,
    	'options_cb'        => 'get_pages_cmb',
    	'before'            => 'prefix_set_field_select_list'
     ) );

    You’re referring to what would be “Displayed links” for the field? At least from what I’m seeing in my local dev, I’d be able to get “Displayed links” via $field_args->name;

    Thread Starter dkurth


    oh…THAT simple. I was drilling down. Got it. Thank you.

    Thread Starter dkurth


    …and maybe not. Just tried it. That call says “Field Arguments” with nothing defined, as the value of :


    DebugLog('Field Arguments:' . $field_args->name);

    The field I want to grab is defined as this:

    $cmb->add_group_field( $group_field_id, array(
                           'name'            => $FieldLabel,
                           'id'              => $FieldId,
                           'type'            => 'title',
    		       'desc'            => $FieldInstruction,
    		       'sanitization_cb' => false,
    		       'escape_cb'       => false,
    		       'on_front'        => false,
     		       'before'          => 'prefix_set_field_title',
    ) );  

    Where ‘name’ => $FieldLabel, is a string “title”. That string is what I want to change based on the post category.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by dkurth.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by dkurth.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 8 months ago by dkurth.
    Thread Starter dkurth


    Here is all the is displayed in the log:

    03-07-2019, 20:38:48: Field Arguments

    Plugin Contributor Michael Beckwith


    The BenchPresser

    Oops, I was mistaken in thinking $field_args is an object. It’s actually an array. So $field_args['name'] should work. Just tested actual output, to help confirm.

    Thread Starter dkurth



    Thread Starter dkurth


    We are not done yet. Here is the problem. I change the text, as we discussed above, but the display still shows the original text. When you do a :

    print_r($arg, true);

    The result is the long long long structure and the “name” field shows up multiple times. This was what I was experiencing originally.

    Here is the hook code:

    function prefix_set_field_title( $args, $field ) 
     $ListingCatagory               = mmd_list_readDBSettings("LISTING_CATAGORY"); 
     $HorseCatagory                 = mmd_list_readDBSettings("SALE_HORSE_CATAGORY"); 
     $SaddleCatagory                = mmd_list_readDBSettings("SELL_SADDLE_CATAGORY");
     $ClassifiedCatagory            = mmd_list_readDBSettings("CLASSIFIED_CATAGORY");  
      $post             = get_post();
      $ListId           = $post->ID; 
      $PostCatagoryList = get_the_terms( $id, 'mmdlist_cat' );
      foreach($PostCatagoryList as $Cat)
    	 $PostCatagory = $Cat->name;	
    	 if($PostCatagory == $ListingCatagory)
    	   DebugLog('Listing catagory' . ' Change from: ' .  $args['name']); 		  
          $args['name']  = "Business Name";
    	if($PostCatagory == $HorseCatagory)
    	   DebugLog('Horse Catagory'. ' Change from: ' .  $args['name'] ); 
       	   $args['name']  = "Horse Title";	
    	   $pRow = $args['render_row_cb']['0'];
    	   $pRow2 = $pRow->args;
    	   $pRow2['name']  = "Horse Title";	
    	if($PostCatagory == $SaddleCatagory)
              DebugLog('Saddle Catagory'. ' Change from: ' .  $args['name'] ); 
      	  $args['name']  = "Saddle Title";	
    	if($PostCatagory == $ClassifiedCatagory)
    	  DebugLog('Product Catagory'. ' Change from: ' .  $args['name'] ); 	  
    	  $args['name']  = "Product Ad";
      $results = print_r($args, true);
      DebugLog( $results  ); 
      //$Args = $field->args['goup'['args']; 

    And here is the results of the print_r() call. You will see there are multiples of the name. How can we get the plugin to allow the labeling to be changed? This is not working.

    04-07-2019, 17:22:02: Horse Catagory Change from: Business Name: 
    04-07-2019, 17:22:02: Array
        [type] => text_medium
        [name] => Horse Title
        [desc] => REQUIRED
        [before] => prefix_set_field_title
        [after] => 
        [options] => Array
        [options_cb] => 
        [text] => Array
        [text_cb] => 
        [attributes] => Array
                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                [required] => required
        [protocols] => 
        [default] => 
        [default_cb] => 
        [classes] => 
        [classes_cb] => 
        [select_all_button] => 1
        [multiple] => 
        [repeatable] => 
        [inline] => 
        [on_front] => 
        [show_names] => 1
        [save_field] => 1
        [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
        [time_format] => h:i A
        [description] => REQUIRED
        [preview_size] => Array
                [0] => 50
                [1] => 50
        [render_row_cb] => Array
                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                        [args] => Array
                                [type] => text_medium
                                [name] => Business Name: 
                                [desc] => REQUIRED
                                [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                [after] => 
                                [options] => Array
                                [options_cb] => 
                                [text] => Array
                                [text_cb] => 
                                [attributes] => Array
                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                        [required] => required
                                [protocols] => 
                                [default] => 
                                [default_cb] => 
                                [classes] => 
                                [classes_cb] => 
                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                [multiple] => 
                                [repeatable] => 
                                [inline] => 
                                [on_front] => 
                                [show_names] => 1
                                [save_field] => 1
                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                [description] => REQUIRED
                                [preview_size] => Array
                                        [0] => 50
                                        [1] => 50
                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                [display_cb] => Array
                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                [label_cb] => Array
                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                        [1] => label
                                [column] => 
                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title
                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                [escape_cb] => 
                                [context] => normal
                                [_id] => title
                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title]
                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                [properties_name:protected] => args
                                [args] => Array
                                        [type] => group
                                        [name] => 
                                        [desc] => 
                                        [before] => 
                                        [after] => 
                                        [options] => Array
                                                [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                                [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                                [remove_confirm] => 
                                                [group_title] => Record {#}
                                                [sortable] => 1
                                                [closed] => 1
                                        [options_cb] => 
                                        [text] => Array
                                        [text_cb] => 
                                        [attributes] => Array
                                        [protocols] => 
                                        [default] => 
                                        [default_cb] => 
                                        [classes] => 
                                        [classes_cb] => 
                                        [select_all_button] => 1
                                        [multiple] => 
                                        [repeatable] => 1
                                        [inline] => 
                                        [on_front] => 1
                                        [show_names] => 1
                                        [save_field] => 1
                                        [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                        [time_format] => h:i A
                                        [description] => Individual Directory Listings
                                        [preview_size] => Array
                                                [0] => 50
                                                [1] => 50
                                        [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2 Object
                                                        [properties_name:protected] => meta_box
                                                        [meta_box:protected] => Array
                                                                [id] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                [title] => Multimedia Designs Lists
                                                                [object_types] => Array
                                                                        [0] => mmdlist
                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                [priority] => high
                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [show_on_cb] => 
                                                                [show_on] => Array
                                                                [cmb_styles] => 1
                                                                [enqueue_js] => 1
                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                        [MMDListsRecord] => Array
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord
                                                                                [type] => group
                                                                                [description] => Individual Directory Listings
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [group_title] => Record {#}
                                                                                        [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                                                                        [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                                                                        [sortable] => 1
                                                                                        [closed] => 1
                                                                                [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                                        [published] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Published
                                                                                                [id] => published
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [paymentdate] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                                                                [id] => paymentdate
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [SubsName] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Subscription: 
                                                                                                [id] => SubsName
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                                        [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                                        [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                                        [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [ListName] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => List Selected: 
                                                                                                [id] => ListName
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                                        [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                                        [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                                        [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                                        [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                                        [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                                        [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                                        [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                                        [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                                        [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                                        [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                                        [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                                        [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                                        [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                                        [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                                        [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                                        [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                                        [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                                        [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                                        [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                                        [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                                        [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                                        [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                                        [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                                        [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                                        [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                                        [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                                        [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                                        [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                                        [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                                        [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                                        [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                                        [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                                        [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                                        [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                                        [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                                        [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                                        [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                                        [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                                        [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                                        [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                                        [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                                        [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                                        [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                                        [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                                        [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                                        [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                                        [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                                        [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                                        [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                                        [test list] => test list
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [expire_date] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                                                                [id] => expire_date
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [title] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Business Name: 
                                                                                                [id] => title
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => REQUIRED
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [bizdesc] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => SubTitle: 
                                                                                                [id] => bizdesc
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [address] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Address: 
                                                                                                [id] => address
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [city] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => City: 
                                                                                                [id] => city
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [on_front] => 1
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [state] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => State: 
                                                                                                [id] => state
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => USA/Canada Only
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE
                                                                                                        [ ] =>  
                                                                                                        [Alabama] => Alabama
                                                                                                        [Alaska] => Alaska
                                                                                                        [Arizona] => Arizona
                                                                                                        [Arkansas] => Arkansas
                                                                                                        [California] => California
                                                                                                        [Colorado] => Colorado
                                                                                                        [Connecticut] => Connecticut
                                                                                                        [Delaware] => Delaware
                                                                                                        [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia
                                                                                                        [Florida] => Florida
                                                                                                        [Georgia] => Georgia
                                                                                                        [Hawaii] => Hawaii
                                                                                                        [Idaho] => Idaho
                                                                                                        [Illinois] => Illinois
                                                                                                        [Indiana] => Indiana
                                                                                                        [Iowa] => Iowa
                                                                                                        [Kansas] => Kansas
                                                                                                        [Kentucky] => Kentucky
                                                                                                        [Louisiana] => Louisiana
                                                                                                        [Maine] => Maine
                                                                                                        [Maryland] => Maryland
                                                                                                        [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts
                                                                                                        [Michigan] => Michigan
                                                                                                        [Minnesota] => Minnesota
                                                                                                        [Mississippi] => Mississippi
                                                                                                        [Missouri] => Missouri
                                                                                                        [Montana] => Montana
                                                                                                        [Nebraska] => Nebraska
                                                                                                        [Nevada] => Nevada
                                                                                                        [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire
                                                                                                        [New Jersey] => New Jersey
                                                                                                        [New Mexico] => New Mexico
                                                                                                        [New York] => New York
                                                                                                        [North Carolina] => North Carolina
                                                                                                        [North Dakota] => North Dakota
                                                                                                        [Ohio] => Ohio
                                                                                                        [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma
                                                                                                        [Oregon] => Oregon
                                                                                                        [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania
                                                                                                        [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island
                                                                                                        [South Carolina] => South Carolina
                                                                                                        [South Dakota] => South Dakota
                                                                                                        [Tennessee] => Tennessee
                                                                                                        [Texas] => Texas
                                                                                                        [Utah] => Utah
                                                                                                        [Vermont] => Vermont
                                                                                                        [Virginia] => Virginia
                                                                                                        [Washington] => Washington
                                                                                                        [West Virginia] => West Virginia
                                                                                                        [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin
                                                                                                        [Wyoming] => Wyoming
                                                                                                        [--] => --
                                                                                                        [Nunavut] => Nunavut
                                                                                                        [Quebec] => Quebec
                                                                                                        [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories
                                                                                                        [Ontario] => Ontario
                                                                                                        [British Columbia] => British Columbia
                                                                                                        [Alberta] => Alberta
                                                                                                        [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan
                                                                                                        [Manitoba] => Manitoba
                                                                                                        [Yukon] => Yukon
                                                                                                        [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador
                                                                                                        [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick
                                                                                                        [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia
                                                                                                        [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island
                                                                                        [country] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Country: 
                                                                                                [id] => country
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [United States] => United States
                                                                                                        [Canada] => Canada
                                                                                                        [Austria] => Austria
                                                                                                        [Australia] => Australia
                                                                                                        [Belgium] => Belgium
                                                                                                        [Denmark] => Denmark
                                                                                                        [England] => England
                                                                                                        [Finland] => Finland
                                                                                                        [France] => France
                                                                                                        [Germany] => Germany
                                                                                                        [Iceland] => Iceland
                                                                                                        [Ireland] => Ireland
                                                                                                        [Israel] => Israel
                                                                                                        [Italy] => Italy
                                                                                                        [Japan] => Japan
                                                                                                        [Mexico] => Mexico
                                                                                                        [Netherlands] => Netherlands
                                                                                                        [Norway] => Norway
                                                                                                        [Portugal] => Portugal
                                                                                                        [Spain] => Spain
                                                                                                        [Sweden] => Sweden
                                                                                                        [Switzerland] => Switzerland
                                                                                                        [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom
                                                                                        [postcode] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Zip Code: 
                                                                                                [id] => postcode
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => USA ONLY
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [phone] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Phone:
                                                                                                [id] => phone
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-####
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [email] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Email: 
                                                                                                [id] => email
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [on_front] => 1
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [link] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Website: 
                                                                                                [id] => link
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [speciality1] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 1: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality1
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [speciality2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 2: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality2
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [speciality3] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 3: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality3
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [statement] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Statement: 
                                                                                                [id] => statement
                                                                                                [type] => textarea_small
                                                                                                [desc] => Business Statement
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [video] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Video Link: 
                                                                                                [id] => video
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [video2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => 2nd Video Link: 
                                                                                                [id] => video2
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [logo] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: 
                                                                                                [id] => logo
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => Must be square: 300x300
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo1] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo1
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo2
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo3] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo3
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [facebook] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Facebook: 
                                                                                                [id] => facebook
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [twitter] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Twitter: 
                                                                                                [id] => twitter
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [instagram] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Instagram: 
                                                                                                [id] => instagram
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [googleplus] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => GooglePlus: 
                                                                                                [id] => googleplus
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [linkedin] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Linkedin: 
                                                                                                [id] => linkedin
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [yelp] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Yelp: 
                                                                                                [id] => yelp
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [featured] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Featured
                                                                                                [id] => featured
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                        [readonly_fields] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE
                                                                                                [id] => readonly_fields
                                                                                                [type] => title
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                        [latitude] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Latitude: 
                                                                                                [id] => latitude
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [longitude] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Longitude: 
                                                                                                [id] => longitude
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [payername] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Payer Name: 
                                                                                                [id] => payername
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [useraccid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => WP Id: 
                                                                                                [id] => useraccid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [transactionid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Transaction
                                                                                                [id] => transactionid
                                                                                                [type] => text
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [dbid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => DBId: 
                                                                                                [id] => dbid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [paidsubscriptionid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Subscription Id: 
                                                                                                [id] => paidsubscriptionid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [clickcount] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Number Of Clicks: 
                                                                                                [id] => clickcount
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [hookup] => 1
                                                                [save_fields] => 1
                                                                [closed] => 
                                                                [taxonomies] => Array
                                                                [new_user_section] => add-new-user
                                                                [new_term_section] => 1
                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                [remove_box_wrap] => 
                                                                [mb_callback_args] => 
                                                                [message_cb] => 
                                                                [option_key] => 
                                                                [parent_slug] => 
                                                                [capability] => manage_options
                                                                [icon_url] => 
                                                                [position] => 
                                                                [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu
                                                                [display_cb] => 
                                                                [save_button] => 
                                                                [disable_settings_errors] => 
                                                                [tab_group] => 
                                                        [mb_object_type:protected] => post
                                                        [updated:protected] => Array
                                                        [mb_defaults:protected] => Array
                                                                [id] => 
                                                                [title] => 
                                                                [object_types] => Array
                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                [priority] => high
                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [show_on_cb] => 
                                                                [show_on] => Array
                                                                [cmb_styles] => 1
                                                                [enqueue_js] => 1
                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                [hookup] => 1
                                                                [save_fields] => 1
                                                                [closed] => 
                                                                [taxonomies] => Array
                                                                [new_user_section] => add-new-user
                                                                [new_term_section] => 1
                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                [remove_box_wrap] => 
                                                                [mb_callback_args] => 
                                                                [message_cb] => 
                                                                [option_key] => 
                                                                [parent_slug] => 
                                                                [capability] => manage_options
                                                                [icon_url] => 
                                                                [position] => 
                                                                [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu
                                                                [display_cb] => 
                                                                [save_button] => 
                                                                [disable_settings_errors] => 
                                                                [tab_group] => 
                                                        [fields:protected] => Array
                                                                [MMDListsRecord] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                [MMDListsRecordpublished0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                [name] => Published
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_published
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => published
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][published]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 4uk47uv94d10
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-checkbox cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-published cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="checkbox">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="checkbox" class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][published]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_published" value="on" data-hash='4uk47uv94d10'/> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published"></label>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordpaymentdate0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                        [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => paymentdate
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 2g0h00u1a560
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-paymentdate cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate" value="" data-hash='2g0h00u1a560' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordSubsName0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                [name] => Subscription: 
                                                                                [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                        [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                        [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                        [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName
                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => SubsName
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]
                                                                                [show_option_none] => 
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                                [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 6egd24t4jeh0
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-SubsName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <select class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName" data-hash='6egd24t4jeh0'>	<option value="MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING" >MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING</option>
    	<option value="DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY"  selected='selected'>DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY</option>
    	<option value="TEXT LISTING" >TEXT LISTING</option>
    <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">This should only be changed in woocommerces</p>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordListName0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                [name] => List Selected: 
                                                                                [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                        [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                        [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                        [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                        [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                        [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                        [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                        [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                        [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                        [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                        [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                        [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                        [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                        [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                        [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                        [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                        [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                        [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                        [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                        [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                        [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                        [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                        [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                        [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                        [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                        [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                        [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                        [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                        [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                        [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                        [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                        [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                        [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                        [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                        [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                        [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                        [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                        [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                        [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                        [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                        [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                        [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                        [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                        [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                        [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                        [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                        [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                        [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                        [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                        [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                        [test list] => test list
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => Publications
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_ListName
                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => ListName
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]
                                                                                [show_option_none] => 
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                                [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                [test list] => test list
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 1spmtmqi17go
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-ListName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <select class="CMB2RequiredField" name="MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName" data-hash='1spmtmqi17go' required="required">	<option value="Accounting" >Accounting</option>
    	<option value="Boarding" >Boarding</option>
    	<option value="Boots and Clothing" >Boots and Clothing</option>
    	<option value="Breeding" >Breeding</option>
    	<option value="Carriage Driving" >Carriage Driving</option>
    	<option value="Clinicians" >Clinicians</option>
    	<option value="Clothing" >Clothing</option>
    	<option value="Colt Starting" >Colt Starting</option>
    	<option value="Dressage Saddles" >Dressage Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Dressage Trainers" >Dressage Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Employment" >Employment</option>
    	<option value="Equestrian Gifts" >Equestrian Gifts</option>
    	<option value="Fitness Trainers" >Fitness Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Eventing Trainers" >Eventing Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Farrier" >Farrier</option>
    	<option value="Feed Store" >Feed Store</option>
    	<option value="Gaited Trainers" >Gaited Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Harness Trainers" >Harness Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Horse Rentals and Vacations" >Horse Rentals and Vacations</option>
    	<option value="Horse Sales" >Horse Sales</option>
    	<option value="Horse Shows" >Horse Shows</option>
    	<option value="Horse Transport" >Horse Transport</option>
    	<option value="Hunter-Jumper Trainers" >Hunter-Jumper Trainers </option>
    	<option value="Insurance" >Insurance</option>
    	<option value="Jumping Saddles" >Jumping Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Looking For Work" >Looking For Work</option>
    	<option value="Organizations" >Organizations</option>
    	<option value="Paralympics Trainers" >Paralympics Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Photographer" >Photographer</option>
    	<option value="Physical Therapists" >Physical Therapists</option>
    	<option value="Polo Clubs and Trainers" >Polo Clubs and Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Publications"  selected='selected'>Publications</option>
    	<option value="Rehab Facility" >Rehab Facility</option>
    	<option value="Riding Schools" >Riding Schools</option>
    	<option value="Saddle Fitter" >Saddle Fitter</option>
    	<option value="Show Grounds" >Show Grounds</option>
    	<option value="Show Judges" >Show Judges</option>
    	<option value="Show Managers" >Show Managers</option>
    	<option value="Sport Psychologists" >Sport Psychologists</option>
    	<option value="Tack Stores" >Tack Stores</option>
    	<option value="Therapeutic Riding" >Therapeutic Riding</option>
    	<option value="Thoroughbred Racing Trainers" >Thoroughbred Racing Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Trailer Makers" >Trailer Makers</option>
    	<option value="Trailer Repair" >Trailer Repair</option>
    	<option value="Used Saddles" >Used Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Used Tack" >Used Tack</option>
    	<option value="Vaulting Clubs and Trainers" >Vaulting Clubs and Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Veterinarian" >Veterinarian</option>
    	<option value="Websites" >Websites</option>
    	<option value="Western Cutting Trainers" >Western Cutting Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Pleasure Trainers" >Western Pleasure Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Reining Trainers" >Western Reining Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Saddles" >Western Saddles</option>
    	<option value="test list" >test list</option>
    <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">Switch list grouping, if desired</p>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordexpire_date0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                        [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => expire_date
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 1f0t73umng8g
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-expire-date cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date" value="" data-hash='1f0t73umng8g' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordtitle0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                        [hidden_fields:protected] => Array
                                                        [generated_nonce:protected] => nonce_CMB2phpmmd_lists_manual
                                                        [has_columns:protected] => 
                                                        [tax_metaboxes_to_remove:protected] => Array
                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                [1] => render_group_callback
                                        [display_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                [1] => display_value_callback
                                        [label_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                [1] => label
                                        [column] => 
                                        [js_dependencies] => Array
                                        [show_in_rest] => 
                                        [id] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles
                                        [fields] => Array
                                                [published] => Array
                                                        [name] => Published
                                                        [id] => published
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => checkbox
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default] => 
                                                [paymentdate] => Array
                                                        [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                        [id] => paymentdate
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => text_date
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [required] => required
                                                [SubsName] => Array
                                                        [name] => Subscription: 
                                                        [id] => SubsName
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                [ListName] => Array
                                                        [name] => List Selected: 
                                                        [id] => ListName
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                [Employment] => Employment
                                                                [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                [Publications] => Publications
                                                                [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                [Websites] => Websites
                                                                [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                [test list] => test list
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                [expire_date] => Array
                                                        [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                        [id] => expire_date
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => text_date
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [required] => required
                                                [title] => Array
                                                        [name] => Business Name: 
                                                        [id] => title
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => REQUIRED
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                                [bizdesc] => Array
                                                        [name] => SubTitle: 
                                                        [id] => bizdesc
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [address] => Array
                                                        [name] => Address: 
                                                        [id] => address
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [city] => Array
                                                        [name] => City: 
                                                        [id] => city
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [on_front] => 1
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [state] => Array
                                                        [name] => State: 
                                                        [id] => state
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => USA/Canada Only
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE
                                                                [ ] =>  
                                                                [Alabama] => Alabama
                                                                [Alaska] => Alaska
                                                                [Arizona] => Arizona
                                                                [Arkansas] => Arkansas
                                                                [California] => California
                                                                [Colorado] => Colorado
                                                                [Connecticut] => Connecticut
                                                                [Delaware] => Delaware
                                                                [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia
                                                                [Florida] => Florida
                                                                [Georgia] => Georgia
                                                                [Hawaii] => Hawaii
                                                                [Idaho] => Idaho
                                                                [Illinois] => Illinois
                                                                [Indiana] => Indiana
                                                                [Iowa] => Iowa
                                                                [Kansas] => Kansas
                                                                [Kentucky] => Kentucky
                                                                [Louisiana] => Louisiana
                                                                [Maine] => Maine
                                                                [Maryland] => Maryland
                                                                [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts
                                                                [Michigan] => Michigan
                                                                [Minnesota] => Minnesota
                                                                [Mississippi] => Mississippi
                                                                [Missouri] => Missouri
                                                                [Montana] => Montana
                                                                [Nebraska] => Nebraska
                                                                [Nevada] => Nevada
                                                                [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire
                                                                [New Jersey] => New Jersey
                                                                [New Mexico] => New Mexico
                                                                [New York] => New York
                                                                [North Carolina] => North Carolina
                                                                [North Dakota] => North Dakota
                                                                [Ohio] => Ohio
                                                                [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma
                                                                [Oregon] => Oregon
                                                                [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania
                                                                [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island
                                                                [South Carolina] => South Carolina
                                                                [South Dakota] => South Dakota
                                                                [Tennessee] => Tennessee
                                                                [Texas] => Texas
                                                                [Utah] => Utah
                                                                [Vermont] => Vermont
                                                                [Virginia] => Virginia
                                                                [Washington] => Washington
                                                                [West Virginia] => West Virginia
                                                                [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin
                                                                [Wyoming] => Wyoming
                                                                [--] => --
                                                                [Nunavut] => Nunavut
                                                                [Quebec] => Quebec
                                                                [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories
                                                                [Ontario] => Ontario
                                                                [British Columbia] => British Columbia
                                                                [Alberta] => Alberta
                                                                [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan
                                                                [Manitoba] => Manitoba
                                                                [Yukon] => Yukon
                                                                [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador
                                                                [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick
                                                                [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia
                                                                [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island
                                                [country] => Array
                                                        [name] => Country: 
                                                        [id] => country
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [United States] => United States
                                                                [Canada] => Canada
                                                                [Austria] => Austria
                                                                [Australia] => Australia
                                                                [Belgium] => Belgium
                                                                [Denmark] => Denmark
                                                                [England] => England
                                                                [Finland] => Finland
                                                                [France] => France
                                                                [Germany] => Germany
                                                                [Iceland] => Iceland
                                                                [Ireland] => Ireland
                                                                [Israel] => Israel
                                                                [Italy] => Italy
                                                                [Japan] => Japan
                                                                [Mexico] => Mexico
                                                                [Netherlands] => Netherlands
                                                                [Norway] => Norway
                                                                [Portugal] => Portugal
                                                                [Spain] => Spain
                                                                [Sweden] => Sweden
                                                                [Switzerland] => Switzerland
                                                                [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom
                                                [postcode] => Array
                                                        [name] => Zip Code: 
                                                        [id] => postcode
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => USA ONLY
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [phone] => Array
                                                        [name] => Phone:
                                                        [id] => phone
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-####
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [email] => Array
                                                        [name] => Email: 
                                                        [id] => email
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [on_front] => 1
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [link] => Array
                                                        [name] => Website: 
                                                        [id] => link
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [speciality1] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 1: 
                                                        [id] => speciality1
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [speciality2] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 2: 
                                                        [id] => speciality2
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [speciality3] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 3: 
                                                        [id] => speciality3
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [statement] => Array
                                                        [name] => Statement: 
                                                        [id] => statement
                                                        [type] => textarea_small
                                                        [desc] => Business Statement
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [video] => Array
                                                        [name] => Video Link: 
                                                        [id] => video
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [video2] => Array
                                                        [name] => 2nd Video Link: 
                                                        [id] => video2
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [logo] => Array
                                                        [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: 
                                                        [id] => logo
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => Must be square: 300x300
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo1] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo1
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo2] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo2
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo3] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo3
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [facebook] => Array
                                                        [name] => Facebook: 
                                                        [id] => facebook
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [twitter] => Array
                                                        [name] => Twitter: 
                                                        [id] => twitter
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [instagram] => Array
                                                        [name] => Instagram: 
                                                        [id] => instagram
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [googleplus] => Array
                                                        [name] => GooglePlus: 
                                                        [id] => googleplus
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [linkedin] => Array
                                                        [name] => Linkedin: 
                                                        [id] => linkedin
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [yelp] => Array
                                                        [name] => Yelp: 
                                                        [id] => yelp
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [featured] => Array
                                                        [name] => Featured
                                                        [id] => featured
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => checkbox
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default] => 
                                                [readonly_fields] => Array
                                                        [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE
                                                        [id] => readonly_fields
                                                        [type] => title
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [before] => 
                                                [latitude] => Array
                                                        [name] => Latitude: 
                                                        [id] => latitude
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [longitude] => Array
                                                        [name] => Longitude: 
                                                        [id] => longitude
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [payername] => Array
                                                        [name] => Payer Name: 
                                                        [id] => payername
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [useraccid] => Array
                                                        [name] => WP Id: 
                                                        [id] => useraccid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [transactionid] => Array
                                                        [name] => Transaction
                                                        [id] => transactionid
                                                        [type] => text
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [dbid] => Array
                                                        [name] => DBId: 
                                                        [id] => dbid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [paidsubscriptionid] => Array
                                                        [name] => Subscription Id: 
                                                        [id] => paidsubscriptionid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [clickcount] => Array
                                                        [name] => Number Of Clicks: 
                                                        [id] => clickcount
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                        [context] => normal
                                        [_id] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [_name] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [has_supporting_data] => 
                                [group] => 
                                [value] => Array
                                [escaped_value] => 
                                [index] => 0
                                [field_options:protected] => Array
                                        [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                        [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                        [remove_confirm] => 
                                        [group_title] => Record {#}
                                        [sortable] => 1
                                        [closed] => 1
                                [strings:protected] => 
                                [render_context] => edit
                                [hash_id:protected] => 5kjvq41scct0
                                [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                [object_id:protected] => 954
                                [object_type:protected] => post
                                [data_to_save] => Array
                                [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                        [before_group] => 
                                        [classes_cb] => 
                                        [before_group_row] => 
                                        [default] => 
                        [value] => 
                        [escaped_value] => 
                        [index] => 0
                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                        [strings:protected] => 
                        [render_context] => edit
                        [hash_id:protected] => 
                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                        [object_type:protected] => post
                        [data_to_save] => Array
                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                [before_row] => 
                                [classes_cb] => 
                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_title">Business Name: </label>
                [1] => render_field_callback
        [display_cb] => Array
                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                        [args] => Array
                                [type] => text_medium
                                [name] => Business Name: 
                                [desc] => REQUIRED
                                [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                [after] => 
                                [options] => Array
                                [options_cb] => 
                                [text] => Array
                                [text_cb] => 
                                [attributes] => Array
                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                        [required] => required
                                [protocols] => 
                                [default] => 
                                [default_cb] => 
                                [classes] => 
                                [classes_cb] => 
                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                [multiple] => 
                                [repeatable] => 
                                [inline] => 
                                [on_front] => 
                                [show_names] => 1
                                [save_field] => 1
                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                [description] => REQUIRED
                                [preview_size] => Array
                                        [0] => 50
                                        [1] => 50
                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                [display_cb] => Array
                                [label_cb] => Array
                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                        [1] => label
                                [column] => 
                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title
                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                [escape_cb] => 
                                [context] => normal
                                [_id] => title
                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title]
                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                [properties_name:protected] => args
                                [args] => Array
                                        [type] => group
                                        [name] => 
                                        [desc] => 
                                        [before] => 
                                        [after] => 
                                        [options] => Array
                                                [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                                [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                                [remove_confirm] => 
                                                [group_title] => Record {#}
                                                [sortable] => 1
                                                [closed] => 1
                                        [options_cb] => 
                                        [text] => Array
                                        [text_cb] => 
                                        [attributes] => Array
                                        [protocols] => 
                                        [default] => 
                                        [default_cb] => 
                                        [classes] => 
                                        [classes_cb] => 
                                        [select_all_button] => 1
                                        [multiple] => 
                                        [repeatable] => 1
                                        [inline] => 
                                        [on_front] => 1
                                        [show_names] => 1
                                        [save_field] => 1
                                        [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                        [time_format] => h:i A
                                        [description] => Individual Directory Listings
                                        [preview_size] => Array
                                                [0] => 50
                                                [1] => 50
                                        [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2 Object
                                                        [properties_name:protected] => meta_box
                                                        [meta_box:protected] => Array
                                                                [id] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                [title] => Multimedia Designs Lists
                                                                [object_types] => Array
                                                                        [0] => mmdlist
                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                [priority] => high
                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [show_on_cb] => 
                                                                [show_on] => Array
                                                                [cmb_styles] => 1
                                                                [enqueue_js] => 1
                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                        [MMDListsRecord] => Array
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord
                                                                                [type] => group
                                                                                [description] => Individual Directory Listings
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [group_title] => Record {#}
                                                                                        [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                                                                        [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                                                                        [sortable] => 1
                                                                                        [closed] => 1
                                                                                [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                                        [published] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Published
                                                                                                [id] => published
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [paymentdate] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                                                                [id] => paymentdate
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [SubsName] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Subscription: 
                                                                                                [id] => SubsName
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                                        [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                                        [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                                        [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [ListName] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => List Selected: 
                                                                                                [id] => ListName
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                                        [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                                        [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                                        [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                                        [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                                        [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                                        [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                                        [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                                        [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                                        [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                                        [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                                        [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                                        [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                                        [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                                        [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                                        [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                                        [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                                        [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                                        [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                                        [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                                        [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                                        [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                                        [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                                        [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                                        [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                                        [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                                        [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                                        [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                                        [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                                        [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                                        [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                                        [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                                        [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                                        [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                                        [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                                        [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                                        [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                                        [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                                        [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                                        [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                                        [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                                        [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                                        [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                                        [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                                        [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                                        [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                                        [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                                        [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                                        [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                                        [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                                        [test list] => test list
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [expire_date] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                                                                [id] => expire_date
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [title] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Business Name: 
                                                                                                [id] => title
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => REQUIRED
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [bizdesc] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => SubTitle: 
                                                                                                [id] => bizdesc
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [address] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Address: 
                                                                                                [id] => address
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [city] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => City: 
                                                                                                [id] => city
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [on_front] => 1
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [state] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => State: 
                                                                                                [id] => state
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => USA/Canada Only
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE
                                                                                                        [ ] =>  
                                                                                                        [Alabama] => Alabama
                                                                                                        [Alaska] => Alaska
                                                                                                        [Arizona] => Arizona
                                                                                                        [Arkansas] => Arkansas
                                                                                                        [California] => California
                                                                                                        [Colorado] => Colorado
                                                                                                        [Connecticut] => Connecticut
                                                                                                        [Delaware] => Delaware
                                                                                                        [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia
                                                                                                        [Florida] => Florida
                                                                                                        [Georgia] => Georgia
                                                                                                        [Hawaii] => Hawaii
                                                                                                        [Idaho] => Idaho
                                                                                                        [Illinois] => Illinois
                                                                                                        [Indiana] => Indiana
                                                                                                        [Iowa] => Iowa
                                                                                                        [Kansas] => Kansas
                                                                                                        [Kentucky] => Kentucky
                                                                                                        [Louisiana] => Louisiana
                                                                                                        [Maine] => Maine
                                                                                                        [Maryland] => Maryland
                                                                                                        [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts
                                                                                                        [Michigan] => Michigan
                                                                                                        [Minnesota] => Minnesota
                                                                                                        [Mississippi] => Mississippi
                                                                                                        [Missouri] => Missouri
                                                                                                        [Montana] => Montana
                                                                                                        [Nebraska] => Nebraska
                                                                                                        [Nevada] => Nevada
                                                                                                        [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire
                                                                                                        [New Jersey] => New Jersey
                                                                                                        [New Mexico] => New Mexico
                                                                                                        [New York] => New York
                                                                                                        [North Carolina] => North Carolina
                                                                                                        [North Dakota] => North Dakota
                                                                                                        [Ohio] => Ohio
                                                                                                        [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma
                                                                                                        [Oregon] => Oregon
                                                                                                        [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania
                                                                                                        [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island
                                                                                                        [South Carolina] => South Carolina
                                                                                                        [South Dakota] => South Dakota
                                                                                                        [Tennessee] => Tennessee
                                                                                                        [Texas] => Texas
                                                                                                        [Utah] => Utah
                                                                                                        [Vermont] => Vermont
                                                                                                        [Virginia] => Virginia
                                                                                                        [Washington] => Washington
                                                                                                        [West Virginia] => West Virginia
                                                                                                        [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin
                                                                                                        [Wyoming] => Wyoming
                                                                                                        [--] => --
                                                                                                        [Nunavut] => Nunavut
                                                                                                        [Quebec] => Quebec
                                                                                                        [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories
                                                                                                        [Ontario] => Ontario
                                                                                                        [British Columbia] => British Columbia
                                                                                                        [Alberta] => Alberta
                                                                                                        [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan
                                                                                                        [Manitoba] => Manitoba
                                                                                                        [Yukon] => Yukon
                                                                                                        [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador
                                                                                                        [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick
                                                                                                        [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia
                                                                                                        [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island
                                                                                        [country] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Country: 
                                                                                                [id] => country
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [United States] => United States
                                                                                                        [Canada] => Canada
                                                                                                        [Austria] => Austria
                                                                                                        [Australia] => Australia
                                                                                                        [Belgium] => Belgium
                                                                                                        [Denmark] => Denmark
                                                                                                        [England] => England
                                                                                                        [Finland] => Finland
                                                                                                        [France] => France
                                                                                                        [Germany] => Germany
                                                                                                        [Iceland] => Iceland
                                                                                                        [Ireland] => Ireland
                                                                                                        [Israel] => Israel
                                                                                                        [Italy] => Italy
                                                                                                        [Japan] => Japan
                                                                                                        [Mexico] => Mexico
                                                                                                        [Netherlands] => Netherlands
                                                                                                        [Norway] => Norway
                                                                                                        [Portugal] => Portugal
                                                                                                        [Spain] => Spain
                                                                                                        [Sweden] => Sweden
                                                                                                        [Switzerland] => Switzerland
                                                                                                        [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom
                                                                                        [postcode] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Zip Code: 
                                                                                                [id] => postcode
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => USA ONLY
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [phone] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Phone:
                                                                                                [id] => phone
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-####
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [email] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Email: 
                                                                                                [id] => email
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [on_front] => 1
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [link] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Website: 
                                                                                                [id] => link
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [speciality1] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 1: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality1
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [speciality2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 2: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality2
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [speciality3] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 3: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality3
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [statement] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Statement: 
                                                                                                [id] => statement
                                                                                                [type] => textarea_small
                                                                                                [desc] => Business Statement
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [video] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Video Link: 
                                                                                                [id] => video
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [video2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => 2nd Video Link: 
                                                                                                [id] => video2
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [logo] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: 
                                                                                                [id] => logo
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => Must be square: 300x300
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo1] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo1
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo2
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo3] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo3
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [facebook] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Facebook: 
                                                                                                [id] => facebook
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [twitter] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Twitter: 
                                                                                                [id] => twitter
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [instagram] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Instagram: 
                                                                                                [id] => instagram
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [googleplus] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => GooglePlus: 
                                                                                                [id] => googleplus
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [linkedin] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Linkedin: 
                                                                                                [id] => linkedin
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [yelp] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Yelp: 
                                                                                                [id] => yelp
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [featured] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Featured
                                                                                                [id] => featured
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                        [readonly_fields] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE
                                                                                                [id] => readonly_fields
                                                                                                [type] => title
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                        [latitude] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Latitude: 
                                                                                                [id] => latitude
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [longitude] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Longitude: 
                                                                                                [id] => longitude
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [payername] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Payer Name: 
                                                                                                [id] => payername
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [useraccid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => WP Id: 
                                                                                                [id] => useraccid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [transactionid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Transaction
                                                                                                [id] => transactionid
                                                                                                [type] => text
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [dbid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => DBId: 
                                                                                                [id] => dbid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [paidsubscriptionid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Subscription Id: 
                                                                                                [id] => paidsubscriptionid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [clickcount] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Number Of Clicks: 
                                                                                                [id] => clickcount
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [hookup] => 1
                                                                [save_fields] => 1
                                                                [closed] => 
                                                                [taxonomies] => Array
                                                                [new_user_section] => add-new-user
                                                                [new_term_section] => 1
                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                [remove_box_wrap] => 
                                                                [mb_callback_args] => 
                                                                [message_cb] => 
                                                                [option_key] => 
                                                                [parent_slug] => 
                                                                [capability] => manage_options
                                                                [icon_url] => 
                                                                [position] => 
                                                                [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu
                                                                [display_cb] => 
                                                                [save_button] => 
                                                                [disable_settings_errors] => 
                                                                [tab_group] => 
                                                        [mb_object_type:protected] => post
                                                        [updated:protected] => Array
                                                        [mb_defaults:protected] => Array
                                                                [id] => 
                                                                [title] => 
                                                                [object_types] => Array
                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                [priority] => high
                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [show_on_cb] => 
                                                                [show_on] => Array
                                                                [cmb_styles] => 1
                                                                [enqueue_js] => 1
                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                [hookup] => 1
                                                                [save_fields] => 1
                                                                [closed] => 
                                                                [taxonomies] => Array
                                                                [new_user_section] => add-new-user
                                                                [new_term_section] => 1
                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                [remove_box_wrap] => 
                                                                [mb_callback_args] => 
                                                                [message_cb] => 
                                                                [option_key] => 
                                                                [parent_slug] => 
                                                                [capability] => manage_options
                                                                [icon_url] => 
                                                                [position] => 
                                                                [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu
                                                                [display_cb] => 
                                                                [save_button] => 
                                                                [disable_settings_errors] => 
                                                                [tab_group] => 
                                                        [fields:protected] => Array
                                                                [MMDListsRecord] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                [MMDListsRecordpublished0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                [name] => Published
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_published
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => published
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][published]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 4uk47uv94d10
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-checkbox cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-published cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="checkbox">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="checkbox" class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][published]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_published" value="on" data-hash='4uk47uv94d10'/> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published"></label>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordpaymentdate0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                        [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => paymentdate
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 2g0h00u1a560
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-paymentdate cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate" value="" data-hash='2g0h00u1a560' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordSubsName0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                [name] => Subscription: 
                                                                                [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                        [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                        [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                        [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName
                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => SubsName
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]
                                                                                [show_option_none] => 
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                                [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 6egd24t4jeh0
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-SubsName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <select class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName" data-hash='6egd24t4jeh0'>	<option value="MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING" >MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING</option>
    	<option value="DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY"  selected='selected'>DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY</option>
    	<option value="TEXT LISTING" >TEXT LISTING</option>
    <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">This should only be changed in woocommerces</p>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordListName0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                [name] => List Selected: 
                                                                                [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                        [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                        [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                        [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                        [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                        [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                        [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                        [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                        [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                        [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                        [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                        [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                        [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                        [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                        [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                        [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                        [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                        [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                        [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                        [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                        [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                        [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                        [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                        [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                        [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                        [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                        [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                        [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                        [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                        [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                        [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                        [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                        [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                        [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                        [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                        [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                        [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                        [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                        [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                        [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                        [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                        [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                        [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                        [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                        [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                        [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                        [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                        [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                        [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                        [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                        [test list] => test list
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => Publications
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_ListName
                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => ListName
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]
                                                                                [show_option_none] => 
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                                [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                [test list] => test list
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 1spmtmqi17go
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-ListName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <select class="CMB2RequiredField" name="MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName" data-hash='1spmtmqi17go' required="required">	<option value="Accounting" >Accounting</option>
    	<option value="Boarding" >Boarding</option>
    	<option value="Boots and Clothing" >Boots and Clothing</option>
    	<option value="Breeding" >Breeding</option>
    	<option value="Carriage Driving" >Carriage Driving</option>
    	<option value="Clinicians" >Clinicians</option>
    	<option value="Clothing" >Clothing</option>
    	<option value="Colt Starting" >Colt Starting</option>
    	<option value="Dressage Saddles" >Dressage Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Dressage Trainers" >Dressage Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Employment" >Employment</option>
    	<option value="Equestrian Gifts" >Equestrian Gifts</option>
    	<option value="Fitness Trainers" >Fitness Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Eventing Trainers" >Eventing Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Farrier" >Farrier</option>
    	<option value="Feed Store" >Feed Store</option>
    	<option value="Gaited Trainers" >Gaited Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Harness Trainers" >Harness Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Horse Rentals and Vacations" >Horse Rentals and Vacations</option>
    	<option value="Horse Sales" >Horse Sales</option>
    	<option value="Horse Shows" >Horse Shows</option>
    	<option value="Horse Transport" >Horse Transport</option>
    	<option value="Hunter-Jumper Trainers" >Hunter-Jumper Trainers </option>
    	<option value="Insurance" >Insurance</option>
    	<option value="Jumping Saddles" >Jumping Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Looking For Work" >Looking For Work</option>
    	<option value="Organizations" >Organizations</option>
    	<option value="Paralympics Trainers" >Paralympics Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Photographer" >Photographer</option>
    	<option value="Physical Therapists" >Physical Therapists</option>
    	<option value="Polo Clubs and Trainers" >Polo Clubs and Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Publications"  selected='selected'>Publications</option>
    	<option value="Rehab Facility" >Rehab Facility</option>
    	<option value="Riding Schools" >Riding Schools</option>
    	<option value="Saddle Fitter" >Saddle Fitter</option>
    	<option value="Show Grounds" >Show Grounds</option>
    	<option value="Show Judges" >Show Judges</option>
    	<option value="Show Managers" >Show Managers</option>
    	<option value="Sport Psychologists" >Sport Psychologists</option>
    	<option value="Tack Stores" >Tack Stores</option>
    	<option value="Therapeutic Riding" >Therapeutic Riding</option>
    	<option value="Thoroughbred Racing Trainers" >Thoroughbred Racing Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Trailer Makers" >Trailer Makers</option>
    	<option value="Trailer Repair" >Trailer Repair</option>
    	<option value="Used Saddles" >Used Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Used Tack" >Used Tack</option>
    	<option value="Vaulting Clubs and Trainers" >Vaulting Clubs and Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Veterinarian" >Veterinarian</option>
    	<option value="Websites" >Websites</option>
    	<option value="Western Cutting Trainers" >Western Cutting Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Pleasure Trainers" >Western Pleasure Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Reining Trainers" >Western Reining Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Saddles" >Western Saddles</option>
    	<option value="test list" >test list</option>
    <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">Switch list grouping, if desired</p>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordexpire_date0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                        [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => expire_date
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 1f0t73umng8g
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-expire-date cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date" value="" data-hash='1f0t73umng8g' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordtitle0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                        [hidden_fields:protected] => Array
                                                        [generated_nonce:protected] => nonce_CMB2phpmmd_lists_manual
                                                        [has_columns:protected] => 
                                                        [tax_metaboxes_to_remove:protected] => Array
                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                [1] => render_group_callback
                                        [display_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                [1] => display_value_callback
                                        [label_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                [1] => label
                                        [column] => 
                                        [js_dependencies] => Array
                                        [show_in_rest] => 
                                        [id] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles
                                        [fields] => Array
                                                [published] => Array
                                                        [name] => Published
                                                        [id] => published
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => checkbox
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default] => 
                                                [paymentdate] => Array
                                                        [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                        [id] => paymentdate
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => text_date
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [required] => required
                                                [SubsName] => Array
                                                        [name] => Subscription: 
                                                        [id] => SubsName
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                [ListName] => Array
                                                        [name] => List Selected: 
                                                        [id] => ListName
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                [Employment] => Employment
                                                                [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                [Publications] => Publications
                                                                [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                [Websites] => Websites
                                                                [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                [test list] => test list
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                [expire_date] => Array
                                                        [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                        [id] => expire_date
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => text_date
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [required] => required
                                                [title] => Array
                                                        [name] => Business Name: 
                                                        [id] => title
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => REQUIRED
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                                [bizdesc] => Array
                                                        [name] => SubTitle: 
                                                        [id] => bizdesc
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [address] => Array
                                                        [name] => Address: 
                                                        [id] => address
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [city] => Array
                                                        [name] => City: 
                                                        [id] => city
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [on_front] => 1
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [state] => Array
                                                        [name] => State: 
                                                        [id] => state
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => USA/Canada Only
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE
                                                                [ ] =>  
                                                                [Alabama] => Alabama
                                                                [Alaska] => Alaska
                                                                [Arizona] => Arizona
                                                                [Arkansas] => Arkansas
                                                                [California] => California
                                                                [Colorado] => Colorado
                                                                [Connecticut] => Connecticut
                                                                [Delaware] => Delaware
                                                                [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia
                                                                [Florida] => Florida
                                                                [Georgia] => Georgia
                                                                [Hawaii] => Hawaii
                                                                [Idaho] => Idaho
                                                                [Illinois] => Illinois
                                                                [Indiana] => Indiana
                                                                [Iowa] => Iowa
                                                                [Kansas] => Kansas
                                                                [Kentucky] => Kentucky
                                                                [Louisiana] => Louisiana
                                                                [Maine] => Maine
                                                                [Maryland] => Maryland
                                                                [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts
                                                                [Michigan] => Michigan
                                                                [Minnesota] => Minnesota
                                                                [Mississippi] => Mississippi
                                                                [Missouri] => Missouri
                                                                [Montana] => Montana
                                                                [Nebraska] => Nebraska
                                                                [Nevada] => Nevada
                                                                [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire
                                                                [New Jersey] => New Jersey
                                                                [New Mexico] => New Mexico
                                                                [New York] => New York
                                                                [North Carolina] => North Carolina
                                                                [North Dakota] => North Dakota
                                                                [Ohio] => Ohio
                                                                [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma
                                                                [Oregon] => Oregon
                                                                [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania
                                                                [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island
                                                                [South Carolina] => South Carolina
                                                                [South Dakota] => South Dakota
                                                                [Tennessee] => Tennessee
                                                                [Texas] => Texas
                                                                [Utah] => Utah
                                                                [Vermont] => Vermont
                                                                [Virginia] => Virginia
                                                                [Washington] => Washington
                                                                [West Virginia] => West Virginia
                                                                [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin
                                                                [Wyoming] => Wyoming
                                                                [--] => --
                                                                [Nunavut] => Nunavut
                                                                [Quebec] => Quebec
                                                                [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories
                                                                [Ontario] => Ontario
                                                                [British Columbia] => British Columbia
                                                                [Alberta] => Alberta
                                                                [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan
                                                                [Manitoba] => Manitoba
                                                                [Yukon] => Yukon
                                                                [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador
                                                                [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick
                                                                [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia
                                                                [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island
                                                [country] => Array
                                                        [name] => Country: 
                                                        [id] => country
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [United States] => United States
                                                                [Canada] => Canada
                                                                [Austria] => Austria
                                                                [Australia] => Australia
                                                                [Belgium] => Belgium
                                                                [Denmark] => Denmark
                                                                [England] => England
                                                                [Finland] => Finland
                                                                [France] => France
                                                                [Germany] => Germany
                                                                [Iceland] => Iceland
                                                                [Ireland] => Ireland
                                                                [Israel] => Israel
                                                                [Italy] => Italy
                                                                [Japan] => Japan
                                                                [Mexico] => Mexico
                                                                [Netherlands] => Netherlands
                                                                [Norway] => Norway
                                                                [Portugal] => Portugal
                                                                [Spain] => Spain
                                                                [Sweden] => Sweden
                                                                [Switzerland] => Switzerland
                                                                [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom
                                                [postcode] => Array
                                                        [name] => Zip Code: 
                                                        [id] => postcode
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => USA ONLY
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [phone] => Array
                                                        [name] => Phone:
                                                        [id] => phone
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-####
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [email] => Array
                                                        [name] => Email: 
                                                        [id] => email
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [on_front] => 1
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [link] => Array
                                                        [name] => Website: 
                                                        [id] => link
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [speciality1] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 1: 
                                                        [id] => speciality1
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [speciality2] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 2: 
                                                        [id] => speciality2
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [speciality3] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 3: 
                                                        [id] => speciality3
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [statement] => Array
                                                        [name] => Statement: 
                                                        [id] => statement
                                                        [type] => textarea_small
                                                        [desc] => Business Statement
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [video] => Array
                                                        [name] => Video Link: 
                                                        [id] => video
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [video2] => Array
                                                        [name] => 2nd Video Link: 
                                                        [id] => video2
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [logo] => Array
                                                        [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: 
                                                        [id] => logo
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => Must be square: 300x300
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo1] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo1
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo2] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo2
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo3] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo3
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [facebook] => Array
                                                        [name] => Facebook: 
                                                        [id] => facebook
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [twitter] => Array
                                                        [name] => Twitter: 
                                                        [id] => twitter
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [instagram] => Array
                                                        [name] => Instagram: 
                                                        [id] => instagram
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [googleplus] => Array
                                                        [name] => GooglePlus: 
                                                        [id] => googleplus
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [linkedin] => Array
                                                        [name] => Linkedin: 
                                                        [id] => linkedin
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [yelp] => Array
                                                        [name] => Yelp: 
                                                        [id] => yelp
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [featured] => Array
                                                        [name] => Featured
                                                        [id] => featured
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => checkbox
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default] => 
                                                [readonly_fields] => Array
                                                        [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE
                                                        [id] => readonly_fields
                                                        [type] => title
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [before] => 
                                                [latitude] => Array
                                                        [name] => Latitude: 
                                                        [id] => latitude
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [longitude] => Array
                                                        [name] => Longitude: 
                                                        [id] => longitude
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [payername] => Array
                                                        [name] => Payer Name: 
                                                        [id] => payername
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [useraccid] => Array
                                                        [name] => WP Id: 
                                                        [id] => useraccid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [transactionid] => Array
                                                        [name] => Transaction
                                                        [id] => transactionid
                                                        [type] => text
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [dbid] => Array
                                                        [name] => DBId: 
                                                        [id] => dbid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [paidsubscriptionid] => Array
                                                        [name] => Subscription Id: 
                                                        [id] => paidsubscriptionid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [clickcount] => Array
                                                        [name] => Number Of Clicks: 
                                                        [id] => clickcount
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                        [context] => normal
                                        [_id] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [_name] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [has_supporting_data] => 
                                [group] => 
                                [value] => Array
                                [escaped_value] => 
                                [index] => 0
                                [field_options:protected] => Array
                                        [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                        [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                        [remove_confirm] => 
                                        [group_title] => Record {#}
                                        [sortable] => 1
                                        [closed] => 1
                                [strings:protected] => 
                                [render_context] => edit
                                [hash_id:protected] => 5kjvq41scct0
                                [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                [object_id:protected] => 954
                                [object_type:protected] => post
                                [data_to_save] => Array
                                [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                        [before_group] => 
                                        [classes_cb] => 
                                        [before_group_row] => 
                                        [default] => 
                        [value] => 
                        [escaped_value] => 
                        [index] => 0
                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                        [strings:protected] => 
                        [render_context] => edit
                        [hash_id:protected] => 
                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                        [object_type:protected] => post
                        [data_to_save] => Array
                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                [before_row] => 
                                [classes_cb] => 
                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_title">Business Name: </label>
                [1] => display_value_callback
        [label_cb] => Array
                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                        [args] => Array
                                [type] => text_medium
                                [name] => Business Name: 
                                [desc] => REQUIRED
                                [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                [after] => 
                                [options] => Array
                                [options_cb] => 
                                [text] => Array
                                [text_cb] => 
                                [attributes] => Array
                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                        [required] => required
                                [protocols] => 
                                [default] => 
                                [default_cb] => 
                                [classes] => 
                                [classes_cb] => 
                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                [multiple] => 
                                [repeatable] => 
                                [inline] => 
                                [on_front] => 
                                [show_names] => 1
                                [save_field] => 1
                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                [description] => REQUIRED
                                [preview_size] => Array
                                        [0] => 50
                                        [1] => 50
                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                [display_cb] => Array
                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                [label_cb] => Array
                                [column] => 
                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title
                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                [escape_cb] => 
                                [context] => normal
                                [_id] => title
                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title]
                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                [properties_name:protected] => args
                                [args] => Array
                                        [type] => group
                                        [name] => 
                                        [desc] => 
                                        [before] => 
                                        [after] => 
                                        [options] => Array
                                                [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                                [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                                [remove_confirm] => 
                                                [group_title] => Record {#}
                                                [sortable] => 1
                                                [closed] => 1
                                        [options_cb] => 
                                        [text] => Array
                                        [text_cb] => 
                                        [attributes] => Array
                                        [protocols] => 
                                        [default] => 
                                        [default_cb] => 
                                        [classes] => 
                                        [classes_cb] => 
                                        [select_all_button] => 1
                                        [multiple] => 
                                        [repeatable] => 1
                                        [inline] => 
                                        [on_front] => 1
                                        [show_names] => 1
                                        [save_field] => 1
                                        [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                        [time_format] => h:i A
                                        [description] => Individual Directory Listings
                                        [preview_size] => Array
                                                [0] => 50
                                                [1] => 50
                                        [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2 Object
                                                        [properties_name:protected] => meta_box
                                                        [meta_box:protected] => Array
                                                                [id] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                [title] => Multimedia Designs Lists
                                                                [object_types] => Array
                                                                        [0] => mmdlist
                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                [priority] => high
                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [show_on_cb] => 
                                                                [show_on] => Array
                                                                [cmb_styles] => 1
                                                                [enqueue_js] => 1
                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                        [MMDListsRecord] => Array
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord
                                                                                [type] => group
                                                                                [description] => Individual Directory Listings
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [group_title] => Record {#}
                                                                                        [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                                                                        [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                                                                        [sortable] => 1
                                                                                        [closed] => 1
                                                                                [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                                        [published] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Published
                                                                                                [id] => published
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [paymentdate] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                                                                [id] => paymentdate
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [SubsName] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Subscription: 
                                                                                                [id] => SubsName
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                                        [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                                        [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                                        [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [ListName] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => List Selected: 
                                                                                                [id] => ListName
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                                        [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                                        [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                                        [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                                        [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                                        [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                                        [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                                        [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                                        [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                                        [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                                        [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                                        [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                                        [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                                        [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                                        [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                                        [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                                        [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                                        [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                                        [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                                        [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                                        [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                                        [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                                        [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                                        [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                                        [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                                        [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                                        [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                                        [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                                        [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                                        [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                                        [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                                        [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                                        [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                                        [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                                        [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                                        [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                                        [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                                        [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                                        [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                                        [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                                        [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                                        [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                                        [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                                        [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                                        [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                                        [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                                        [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                                        [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                                        [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                                        [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                                        [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                                        [test list] => test list
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [expire_date] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                                                                [id] => expire_date
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [title] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Business Name: 
                                                                                                [id] => title
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => REQUIRED
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                        [bizdesc] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => SubTitle: 
                                                                                                [id] => bizdesc
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [address] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Address: 
                                                                                                [id] => address
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [city] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => City: 
                                                                                                [id] => city
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [on_front] => 1
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [state] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => State: 
                                                                                                [id] => state
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [desc] => USA/Canada Only
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE
                                                                                                        [ ] =>  
                                                                                                        [Alabama] => Alabama
                                                                                                        [Alaska] => Alaska
                                                                                                        [Arizona] => Arizona
                                                                                                        [Arkansas] => Arkansas
                                                                                                        [California] => California
                                                                                                        [Colorado] => Colorado
                                                                                                        [Connecticut] => Connecticut
                                                                                                        [Delaware] => Delaware
                                                                                                        [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia
                                                                                                        [Florida] => Florida
                                                                                                        [Georgia] => Georgia
                                                                                                        [Hawaii] => Hawaii
                                                                                                        [Idaho] => Idaho
                                                                                                        [Illinois] => Illinois
                                                                                                        [Indiana] => Indiana
                                                                                                        [Iowa] => Iowa
                                                                                                        [Kansas] => Kansas
                                                                                                        [Kentucky] => Kentucky
                                                                                                        [Louisiana] => Louisiana
                                                                                                        [Maine] => Maine
                                                                                                        [Maryland] => Maryland
                                                                                                        [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts
                                                                                                        [Michigan] => Michigan
                                                                                                        [Minnesota] => Minnesota
                                                                                                        [Mississippi] => Mississippi
                                                                                                        [Missouri] => Missouri
                                                                                                        [Montana] => Montana
                                                                                                        [Nebraska] => Nebraska
                                                                                                        [Nevada] => Nevada
                                                                                                        [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire
                                                                                                        [New Jersey] => New Jersey
                                                                                                        [New Mexico] => New Mexico
                                                                                                        [New York] => New York
                                                                                                        [North Carolina] => North Carolina
                                                                                                        [North Dakota] => North Dakota
                                                                                                        [Ohio] => Ohio
                                                                                                        [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma
                                                                                                        [Oregon] => Oregon
                                                                                                        [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania
                                                                                                        [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island
                                                                                                        [South Carolina] => South Carolina
                                                                                                        [South Dakota] => South Dakota
                                                                                                        [Tennessee] => Tennessee
                                                                                                        [Texas] => Texas
                                                                                                        [Utah] => Utah
                                                                                                        [Vermont] => Vermont
                                                                                                        [Virginia] => Virginia
                                                                                                        [Washington] => Washington
                                                                                                        [West Virginia] => West Virginia
                                                                                                        [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin
                                                                                                        [Wyoming] => Wyoming
                                                                                                        [--] => --
                                                                                                        [Nunavut] => Nunavut
                                                                                                        [Quebec] => Quebec
                                                                                                        [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories
                                                                                                        [Ontario] => Ontario
                                                                                                        [British Columbia] => British Columbia
                                                                                                        [Alberta] => Alberta
                                                                                                        [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan
                                                                                                        [Manitoba] => Manitoba
                                                                                                        [Yukon] => Yukon
                                                                                                        [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador
                                                                                                        [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick
                                                                                                        [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia
                                                                                                        [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island
                                                                                        [country] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Country: 
                                                                                                [id] => country
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                                        [United States] => United States
                                                                                                        [Canada] => Canada
                                                                                                        [Austria] => Austria
                                                                                                        [Australia] => Australia
                                                                                                        [Belgium] => Belgium
                                                                                                        [Denmark] => Denmark
                                                                                                        [England] => England
                                                                                                        [Finland] => Finland
                                                                                                        [France] => France
                                                                                                        [Germany] => Germany
                                                                                                        [Iceland] => Iceland
                                                                                                        [Ireland] => Ireland
                                                                                                        [Israel] => Israel
                                                                                                        [Italy] => Italy
                                                                                                        [Japan] => Japan
                                                                                                        [Mexico] => Mexico
                                                                                                        [Netherlands] => Netherlands
                                                                                                        [Norway] => Norway
                                                                                                        [Portugal] => Portugal
                                                                                                        [Spain] => Spain
                                                                                                        [Sweden] => Sweden
                                                                                                        [Switzerland] => Switzerland
                                                                                                        [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom
                                                                                        [postcode] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Zip Code: 
                                                                                                [id] => postcode
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => USA ONLY
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [phone] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Phone:
                                                                                                [id] => phone
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-####
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [email] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Email: 
                                                                                                [id] => email
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => Required
                                                                                                [on_front] => 1
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [link] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Website: 
                                                                                                [id] => link
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [speciality1] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 1: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality1
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [speciality2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 2: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality2
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [speciality3] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Specialty 3: 
                                                                                                [id] => speciality3
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [statement] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Statement: 
                                                                                                [id] => statement
                                                                                                [type] => textarea_small
                                                                                                [desc] => Business Statement
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [video] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Video Link: 
                                                                                                [id] => video
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [video2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => 2nd Video Link: 
                                                                                                [id] => video2
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [logo] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: 
                                                                                                [id] => logo
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => Must be square: 300x300
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo1] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo1
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo2] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo2
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [photo3] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Photo: 
                                                                                                [id] => photo3
                                                                                                [type] => file
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                                        [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                                                                [query_args] => Array
                                                                                                        [type] => Array
                                                                                                                [0] => image/gif
                                                                                                                [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                                                                [2] => image/png
                                                                                        [facebook] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Facebook: 
                                                                                                [id] => facebook
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [twitter] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Twitter: 
                                                                                                [id] => twitter
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [instagram] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Instagram: 
                                                                                                [id] => instagram
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [googleplus] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => GooglePlus: 
                                                                                                [id] => googleplus
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [linkedin] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Linkedin: 
                                                                                                [id] => linkedin
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [yelp] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Yelp: 
                                                                                                [id] => yelp
                                                                                                [type] => text_url
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                        [featured] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Featured
                                                                                                [id] => featured
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                        [readonly_fields] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE
                                                                                                [id] => readonly_fields
                                                                                                [type] => title
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                        [latitude] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Latitude: 
                                                                                                [id] => latitude
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [longitude] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Longitude: 
                                                                                                [id] => longitude
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [payername] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Payer Name: 
                                                                                                [id] => payername
                                                                                                [type] => text_medium
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [useraccid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => WP Id: 
                                                                                                [id] => useraccid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [transactionid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Transaction
                                                                                                [id] => transactionid
                                                                                                [type] => text
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [dbid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => DBId: 
                                                                                                [id] => dbid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [paidsubscriptionid] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Subscription Id: 
                                                                                                [id] => paidsubscriptionid
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                        [clickcount] => Array
                                                                                                [name] => Number Of Clicks: 
                                                                                                [id] => clickcount
                                                                                                [type] => text_small
                                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [hookup] => 1
                                                                [save_fields] => 1
                                                                [closed] => 
                                                                [taxonomies] => Array
                                                                [new_user_section] => add-new-user
                                                                [new_term_section] => 1
                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                [remove_box_wrap] => 
                                                                [mb_callback_args] => 
                                                                [message_cb] => 
                                                                [option_key] => 
                                                                [parent_slug] => 
                                                                [capability] => manage_options
                                                                [icon_url] => 
                                                                [position] => 
                                                                [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu
                                                                [display_cb] => 
                                                                [save_button] => 
                                                                [disable_settings_errors] => 
                                                                [tab_group] => 
                                                        [mb_object_type:protected] => post
                                                        [updated:protected] => Array
                                                        [mb_defaults:protected] => Array
                                                                [id] => 
                                                                [title] => 
                                                                [object_types] => Array
                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                [priority] => high
                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                [show_on_cb] => 
                                                                [show_on] => Array
                                                                [cmb_styles] => 1
                                                                [enqueue_js] => 1
                                                                [fields] => Array
                                                                [hookup] => 1
                                                                [save_fields] => 1
                                                                [closed] => 
                                                                [taxonomies] => Array
                                                                [new_user_section] => add-new-user
                                                                [new_term_section] => 1
                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                [remove_box_wrap] => 
                                                                [mb_callback_args] => 
                                                                [message_cb] => 
                                                                [option_key] => 
                                                                [parent_slug] => 
                                                                [capability] => manage_options
                                                                [icon_url] => 
                                                                [position] => 
                                                                [admin_menu_hook] => admin_menu
                                                                [display_cb] => 
                                                                [save_button] => 
                                                                [disable_settings_errors] => 
                                                                [tab_group] => 
                                                        [fields:protected] => Array
                                                                [MMDListsRecord] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                [MMDListsRecordpublished0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => checkbox
                                                                                [name] => Published
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_published
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => published
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][published]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 4uk47uv94d10
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-checkbox cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-published cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="checkbox">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published">Published</label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="checkbox" class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][published]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_published" value="on" data-hash='4uk47uv94d10'/> <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_published"></label>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordpaymentdate0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                        [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => paymentdate
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 2g0h00u1a560
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-paymentdate cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate">Payment/Created Date</label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][paymentdate]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_paymentdate" value="" data-hash='2g0h00u1a560' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordSubsName0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                [name] => Subscription: 
                                                                                [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                        [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                        [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                        [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName
                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => SubsName
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]
                                                                                [show_option_none] => 
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                                [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                                [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                                [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 6egd24t4jeh0
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-SubsName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName">Subscription: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <select class="TextFieldShown" name="MMDListsRecord[0][SubsName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_SubsName" data-hash='6egd24t4jeh0'>	<option value="MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING" >MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING</option>
    	<option value="DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY"  selected='selected'>DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY</option>
    	<option value="TEXT LISTING" >TEXT LISTING</option>
    <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">This should only be changed in woocommerces</p>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordListName0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => select
                                                                                [name] => List Selected: 
                                                                                [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                        [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                        [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                        [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                        [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                        [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                        [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                        [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                        [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                        [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                        [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                        [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                        [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                        [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                        [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                        [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                        [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                        [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                        [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                        [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                        [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                        [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                        [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                        [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                        [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                        [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                        [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                        [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                        [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                        [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                        [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                        [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                        [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                        [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                        [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                        [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                        [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                        [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                        [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                        [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                        [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                        [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                        [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                        [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                        [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                        [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                        [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                        [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                        [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                        [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                        [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                        [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                        [test list] => test list
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => Publications
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_ListName
                                                                                [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                                                [escape_cb] => 
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => ListName
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]
                                                                                [show_option_none] => 
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                                [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                                [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                                [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                                [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                                [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                                [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                                [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                                [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                                [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                                [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                                [Employment] => Employment
                                                                                [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                                [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                                [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                                [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                                [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                                [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                                [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                                [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                                [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                                [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                                [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                                [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                                [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                                [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                                [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                                [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                                [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                                [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                                [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                                [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                [Publications] => Publications
                                                                                [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                                [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                                [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                                [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                                [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                                [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                                [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                                [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                                [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                                [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                                [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                                [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                                [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                                [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                                [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                                [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                                [Websites] => Websites
                                                                                [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                                [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                                [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                                [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                                [test list] => test list
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 1spmtmqi17go
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-select cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-ListName cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="select">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName">List Selected: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <select class="CMB2RequiredField" name="MMDListsRecord[0][ListName]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_ListName" data-hash='1spmtmqi17go' required="required">	<option value="Accounting" >Accounting</option>
    	<option value="Boarding" >Boarding</option>
    	<option value="Boots and Clothing" >Boots and Clothing</option>
    	<option value="Breeding" >Breeding</option>
    	<option value="Carriage Driving" >Carriage Driving</option>
    	<option value="Clinicians" >Clinicians</option>
    	<option value="Clothing" >Clothing</option>
    	<option value="Colt Starting" >Colt Starting</option>
    	<option value="Dressage Saddles" >Dressage Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Dressage Trainers" >Dressage Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Employment" >Employment</option>
    	<option value="Equestrian Gifts" >Equestrian Gifts</option>
    	<option value="Fitness Trainers" >Fitness Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Eventing Trainers" >Eventing Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Farrier" >Farrier</option>
    	<option value="Feed Store" >Feed Store</option>
    	<option value="Gaited Trainers" >Gaited Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Harness Trainers" >Harness Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Horse Rentals and Vacations" >Horse Rentals and Vacations</option>
    	<option value="Horse Sales" >Horse Sales</option>
    	<option value="Horse Shows" >Horse Shows</option>
    	<option value="Horse Transport" >Horse Transport</option>
    	<option value="Hunter-Jumper Trainers" >Hunter-Jumper Trainers </option>
    	<option value="Insurance" >Insurance</option>
    	<option value="Jumping Saddles" >Jumping Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Looking For Work" >Looking For Work</option>
    	<option value="Organizations" >Organizations</option>
    	<option value="Paralympics Trainers" >Paralympics Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Photographer" >Photographer</option>
    	<option value="Physical Therapists" >Physical Therapists</option>
    	<option value="Polo Clubs and Trainers" >Polo Clubs and Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Publications"  selected='selected'>Publications</option>
    	<option value="Rehab Facility" >Rehab Facility</option>
    	<option value="Riding Schools" >Riding Schools</option>
    	<option value="Saddle Fitter" >Saddle Fitter</option>
    	<option value="Show Grounds" >Show Grounds</option>
    	<option value="Show Judges" >Show Judges</option>
    	<option value="Show Managers" >Show Managers</option>
    	<option value="Sport Psychologists" >Sport Psychologists</option>
    	<option value="Tack Stores" >Tack Stores</option>
    	<option value="Therapeutic Riding" >Therapeutic Riding</option>
    	<option value="Thoroughbred Racing Trainers" >Thoroughbred Racing Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Trailer Makers" >Trailer Makers</option>
    	<option value="Trailer Repair" >Trailer Repair</option>
    	<option value="Used Saddles" >Used Saddles</option>
    	<option value="Used Tack" >Used Tack</option>
    	<option value="Vaulting Clubs and Trainers" >Vaulting Clubs and Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Veterinarian" >Veterinarian</option>
    	<option value="Websites" >Websites</option>
    	<option value="Western Cutting Trainers" >Western Cutting Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Pleasure Trainers" >Western Pleasure Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Reining Trainers" >Western Reining Trainers</option>
    	<option value="Western Saddles" >Western Saddles</option>
    	<option value="test list" >test list</option>
    <p class="cmb2-metabox-description">Switch list grouping, if desired</p>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordexpire_date0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [properties_name:protected] => args
                                                                        [args] => Array
                                                                                [type] => text_date
                                                                                [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                                                [desc] => 
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [options] => Array
                                                                                [options_cb] => 
                                                                                [text] => Array
                                                                                [text_cb] => 
                                                                                [attributes] => Array
                                                                                        [required] => required
                                                                                        [data-datepicker] => {"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}
                                                                                [protocols] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [default_cb] => 
                                                                                [classes] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [select_all_button] => 1
                                                                                [multiple] => 
                                                                                [repeatable] => 
                                                                                [inline] => 
                                                                                [on_front] => 
                                                                                [show_names] => 1
                                                                                [save_field] => 1
                                                                                [date_format] => m\/d\/Y
                                                                                [time_format] => h:i A
                                                                                [description] => 
                                                                                [preview_size] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => 50
                                                                                        [1] => 50
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => render_field_callback
                                                                                [display_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => display_value_callback
                                                                                [label_cb] => Array
                                                                                        [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                                        [1] => label
                                                                                [column] => 
                                                                                [js_dependencies] => Array
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-core] => jquery-ui-core
                                                                                        [jquery-ui-datepicker] => jquery-ui-datepicker
                                                                                [show_in_rest] => 
                                                                                [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date
                                                                                [context] => normal
                                                                                [_id] => expire_date
                                                                                [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]
                                                                                [has_supporting_data] => 
                                                                        [group] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                                        [value] => 
                                                                        [escaped_value] => 
                                                                        [index] => 0
                                                                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                                                                        [strings:protected] => 
                                                                        [render_context] => edit
                                                                        [hash_id:protected] => 1f0t73umng8g
                                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                                [before_row] => 
                                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label>
                                                                                [before] => 
                                                                                [before_field] => 
                                                                                [default] => 
                                                                                [after_field] => 
                                                                                [after] => 
                                                                                [after_row] => 
                                                                                [render_row_cb] => <div class="cmb-row cmb-type-text-date cmb2-id-MMDListsRecord-0-expire-date cmb-repeat-group-field" data-fieldtype="text_date">
    <div class="cmb-th">
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date">Expire Date: </label>
    	<div class="cmb-td">
    <input type="text" class="cmb2-text-small cmb2-datepicker" name="MMDListsRecord[0][expire_date]" id="MMDListsRecord_0_expire_date" value="" data-hash='1f0t73umng8g' required="required" data-datepicker='{"dateFormat":"mm'\/'dd'\/'yy"}'/>
                                                                [MMDListsRecordtitle0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                        [hidden_fields:protected] => Array
                                                        [generated_nonce:protected] => nonce_CMB2phpmmd_lists_manual
                                                        [has_columns:protected] => 
                                                        [tax_metaboxes_to_remove:protected] => Array
                                                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                                                        [object_type:protected] => post
                                                        [data_to_save] => Array
                                                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                                                [classes_cb] => 
                                                [1] => render_group_callback
                                        [display_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                [1] => display_value_callback
                                        [label_cb] => Array
                                                [0] => CMB2_Field Object
                                                [1] => label
                                        [column] => 
                                        [js_dependencies] => Array
                                        [show_in_rest] => 
                                        [id] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [after_group] => mmdlist_add_js_for_repeatable_titles
                                        [fields] => Array
                                                [published] => Array
                                                        [name] => Published
                                                        [id] => published
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => checkbox
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default] => 
                                                [paymentdate] => Array
                                                        [name] => Payment/Created Date
                                                        [id] => paymentdate
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => text_date
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [required] => required
                                                [SubsName] => Array
                                                        [name] => Subscription: 
                                                        [id] => SubsName
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => This should only be changed in woocommerces
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING] => MONTHLY WEBPAGE + DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                [PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING] => PREPAY DIRECTORY LISTING
                                                                [DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY] => DIRECTORY LISTING MONTHLY
                                                                [TEXT LISTING] => TEXT LISTING
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_subscription
                                                [ListName] => Array
                                                        [name] => List Selected: 
                                                        [id] => ListName
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => Switch list grouping, if desired
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [Accounting] => Accounting
                                                                [Boarding] => Boarding
                                                                [Boots and Clothing] => Boots and Clothing
                                                                [Breeding] => Breeding
                                                                [Carriage Driving] => Carriage Driving
                                                                [Clinicians] => Clinicians
                                                                [Clothing] => Clothing
                                                                [Colt Starting] => Colt Starting
                                                                [Dressage Saddles] => Dressage Saddles
                                                                [Dressage Trainers] => Dressage Trainers
                                                                [Employment] => Employment
                                                                [Equestrian Gifts] => Equestrian Gifts
                                                                [Fitness Trainers] => Fitness Trainers
                                                                [Eventing Trainers] => Eventing Trainers
                                                                [Farrier] => Farrier
                                                                [Feed Store] => Feed Store
                                                                [Gaited Trainers] => Gaited Trainers
                                                                [Harness Trainers] => Harness Trainers
                                                                [Horse Rentals and Vacations] => Horse Rentals and Vacations
                                                                [Horse Sales] => Horse Sales
                                                                [Horse Shows] => Horse Shows
                                                                [Horse Transport] => Horse Transport
                                                                [Hunter-Jumper Trainers] => Hunter-Jumper Trainers 
                                                                [Insurance] => Insurance
                                                                [Jumping Saddles] => Jumping Saddles
                                                                [Looking For Work] => Looking For Work
                                                                [Organizations] => Organizations
                                                                [Paralympics Trainers] => Paralympics Trainers
                                                                [Photographer] => Photographer
                                                                [Physical Therapists] => Physical Therapists
                                                                [Polo Clubs and Trainers] => Polo Clubs and Trainers
                                                                [Publications] => Publications
                                                                [Rehab Facility] => Rehab Facility
                                                                [Riding Schools] => Riding Schools
                                                                [Saddle Fitter] => Saddle Fitter
                                                                [Show Grounds] => Show Grounds
                                                                [Show Judges] => Show Judges
                                                                [Show Managers] => Show Managers
                                                                [Sport Psychologists] => Sport Psychologists
                                                                [Tack Stores] => Tack Stores
                                                                [Therapeutic Riding] => Therapeutic Riding
                                                                [Thoroughbred Racing Trainers] => Thoroughbred Racing Trainers
                                                                [Trailer Makers] => Trailer Makers
                                                                [Trailer Repair] => Trailer Repair
                                                                [Used Saddles] => Used Saddles
                                                                [Used Tack] => Used Tack
                                                                [Vaulting Clubs and Trainers] => Vaulting Clubs and Trainers
                                                                [Veterinarian] => Veterinarian
                                                                [Websites] => Websites
                                                                [Western Cutting Trainers] => Western Cutting Trainers
                                                                [Western Pleasure Trainers] => Western Pleasure Trainers
                                                                [Western Reining Trainers] => Western Reining Trainers
                                                                [Western Saddles] => Western Saddles
                                                                [test list] => test list
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_select_list
                                                [expire_date] => Array
                                                        [name] => Expire Date: 
                                                        [id] => expire_date
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => text_date
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [required] => required
                                                [title] => Array
                                                        [name] => Business Name: 
                                                        [id] => title
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => REQUIRED
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [before] => prefix_set_field_title
                                                [bizdesc] => Array
                                                        [name] => SubTitle: 
                                                        [id] => bizdesc
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [address] => Array
                                                        [name] => Address: 
                                                        [id] => address
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [city] => Array
                                                        [name] => City: 
                                                        [id] => city
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [on_front] => 1
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [state] => Array
                                                        [name] => State: 
                                                        [id] => state
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [desc] => USA/Canada Only
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [PICK A STATE] => PICK A STATE
                                                                [ ] =>  
                                                                [Alabama] => Alabama
                                                                [Alaska] => Alaska
                                                                [Arizona] => Arizona
                                                                [Arkansas] => Arkansas
                                                                [California] => California
                                                                [Colorado] => Colorado
                                                                [Connecticut] => Connecticut
                                                                [Delaware] => Delaware
                                                                [District of Columbia] => District of Columbia
                                                                [Florida] => Florida
                                                                [Georgia] => Georgia
                                                                [Hawaii] => Hawaii
                                                                [Idaho] => Idaho
                                                                [Illinois] => Illinois
                                                                [Indiana] => Indiana
                                                                [Iowa] => Iowa
                                                                [Kansas] => Kansas
                                                                [Kentucky] => Kentucky
                                                                [Louisiana] => Louisiana
                                                                [Maine] => Maine
                                                                [Maryland] => Maryland
                                                                [Massachusetts] => Massachusetts
                                                                [Michigan] => Michigan
                                                                [Minnesota] => Minnesota
                                                                [Mississippi] => Mississippi
                                                                [Missouri] => Missouri
                                                                [Montana] => Montana
                                                                [Nebraska] => Nebraska
                                                                [Nevada] => Nevada
                                                                [New Hampshire] => New Hampshire
                                                                [New Jersey] => New Jersey
                                                                [New Mexico] => New Mexico
                                                                [New York] => New York
                                                                [North Carolina] => North Carolina
                                                                [North Dakota] => North Dakota
                                                                [Ohio] => Ohio
                                                                [Oklahoma] => Oklahoma
                                                                [Oregon] => Oregon
                                                                [Pennsylvania] => Pennsylvania
                                                                [Rhode Island] => Rhode Island
                                                                [South Carolina] => South Carolina
                                                                [South Dakota] => South Dakota
                                                                [Tennessee] => Tennessee
                                                                [Texas] => Texas
                                                                [Utah] => Utah
                                                                [Vermont] => Vermont
                                                                [Virginia] => Virginia
                                                                [Washington] => Washington
                                                                [West Virginia] => West Virginia
                                                                [Wisconsin] => Wisconsin
                                                                [Wyoming] => Wyoming
                                                                [--] => --
                                                                [Nunavut] => Nunavut
                                                                [Quebec] => Quebec
                                                                [Northwest Territories] => Northwest Territories
                                                                [Ontario] => Ontario
                                                                [British Columbia] => British Columbia
                                                                [Alberta] => Alberta
                                                                [Saskatchewan] => Saskatchewan
                                                                [Manitoba] => Manitoba
                                                                [Yukon] => Yukon
                                                                [Newfoundland and Labrador] => Newfoundland and Labrador
                                                                [New Brunswick] => New Brunswick
                                                                [Nova Scotia] => Nova Scotia
                                                                [Prince Edward Island] => Prince Edward Island
                                                [country] => Array
                                                        [name] => Country: 
                                                        [id] => country
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [type] => select
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [options] => Array
                                                                [United States] => United States
                                                                [Canada] => Canada
                                                                [Austria] => Austria
                                                                [Australia] => Australia
                                                                [Belgium] => Belgium
                                                                [Denmark] => Denmark
                                                                [England] => England
                                                                [Finland] => Finland
                                                                [France] => France
                                                                [Germany] => Germany
                                                                [Iceland] => Iceland
                                                                [Ireland] => Ireland
                                                                [Israel] => Israel
                                                                [Italy] => Italy
                                                                [Japan] => Japan
                                                                [Mexico] => Mexico
                                                                [Netherlands] => Netherlands
                                                                [Norway] => Norway
                                                                [Portugal] => Portugal
                                                                [Spain] => Spain
                                                                [Sweden] => Sweden
                                                                [Switzerland] => Switzerland
                                                                [United Kingdom] => United Kingdom
                                                [postcode] => Array
                                                        [name] => Zip Code: 
                                                        [id] => postcode
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => USA ONLY
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [phone] => Array
                                                        [name] => Phone:
                                                        [id] => phone
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => No Country Codes. Phone Format: ###-###-####
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [email] => Array
                                                        [name] => Email: 
                                                        [id] => email
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => Required
                                                        [on_front] => 1
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => CMB2RequiredField
                                                                [required] => required
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [link] => Array
                                                        [name] => Website: 
                                                        [id] => link
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [speciality1] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 1: 
                                                        [id] => speciality1
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 1 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [speciality2] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 2: 
                                                        [id] => speciality2
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 2 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [speciality3] => Array
                                                        [name] => Specialty 3: 
                                                        [id] => speciality3
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 3 of 3 Special Features
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [statement] => Array
                                                        [name] => Statement: 
                                                        [id] => statement
                                                        [type] => textarea_small
                                                        [desc] => Business Statement
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [video] => Array
                                                        [name] => Video Link: 
                                                        [id] => video
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [video2] => Array
                                                        [name] => 2nd Video Link: 
                                                        [id] => video2
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => YouTube or Vimeo Link
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [logo] => Array
                                                        [name] => Logo/Product/Horse: 
                                                        [id] => logo
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => Must be square: 300x300
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo1] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo1
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo2] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo2
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [photo3] => Array
                                                        [name] => Photo: 
                                                        [id] => photo3
                                                        [type] => file
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [text] => Array
                                                                [add_upload_file_text] => Add Photo
                                                        [query_args] => Array
                                                                [type] => Array
                                                                        [0] => image/gif
                                                                        [1] => image/jpeg
                                                                        [2] => image/png
                                                [facebook] => Array
                                                        [name] => Facebook: 
                                                        [id] => facebook
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [twitter] => Array
                                                        [name] => Twitter: 
                                                        [id] => twitter
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [instagram] => Array
                                                        [name] => Instagram: 
                                                        [id] => instagram
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [googleplus] => Array
                                                        [name] => GooglePlus: 
                                                        [id] => googleplus
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [linkedin] => Array
                                                        [name] => Linkedin: 
                                                        [id] => linkedin
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [yelp] => Array
                                                        [name] => Yelp: 
                                                        [id] => yelp
                                                        [type] => text_url
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                [featured] => Array
                                                        [name] => Featured
                                                        [id] => featured
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [type] => checkbox
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default] => 
                                                [readonly_fields] => Array
                                                        [name] => REVIEW ONLY RECORDS BELOW THIS LINE
                                                        [id] => readonly_fields
                                                        [type] => title
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [before] => 
                                                [latitude] => Array
                                                        [name] => Latitude: 
                                                        [id] => latitude
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [longitude] => Array
                                                        [name] => Longitude: 
                                                        [id] => longitude
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [payername] => Array
                                                        [name] => Payer Name: 
                                                        [id] => payername
                                                        [type] => text_medium
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [useraccid] => Array
                                                        [name] => WP Id: 
                                                        [id] => useraccid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [transactionid] => Array
                                                        [name] => Transaction
                                                        [id] => transactionid
                                                        [type] => text
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [dbid] => Array
                                                        [name] => DBId: 
                                                        [id] => dbid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [paidsubscriptionid] => Array
                                                        [name] => Subscription Id: 
                                                        [id] => paidsubscriptionid
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                                [clickcount] => Array
                                                        [name] => Number Of Clicks: 
                                                        [id] => clickcount
                                                        [type] => text_small
                                                        [desc] => 
                                                        [sanitization_cb] => 
                                                        [escape_cb] => 
                                                        [on_front] => 
                                                        [attributes] => Array
                                                                [class] => TextFieldShown
                                                        [default_cb] => 
                                        [context] => normal
                                        [_id] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [_name] => MMDListsRecord
                                        [has_supporting_data] => 
                                [group] => 
                                [value] => Array
                                [escaped_value] => 
                                [index] => 0
                                [field_options:protected] => Array
                                        [add_button] => Add Another Record
                                        [remove_button] => Remove Record
                                        [remove_confirm] => 
                                        [group_title] => Record {#}
                                        [sortable] => 1
                                        [closed] => 1
                                [strings:protected] => 
                                [render_context] => edit
                                [hash_id:protected] => 5kjvq41scct0
                                [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                                [object_id:protected] => 954
                                [object_type:protected] => post
                                [data_to_save] => Array
                                [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                        [before_group] => 
                                        [classes_cb] => 
                                        [before_group_row] => 
                                        [default] => 
                        [value] => 
                        [escaped_value] => 
                        [index] => 0
                        [field_options:protected] => Array
                        [strings:protected] => 
                        [render_context] => edit
                        [hash_id:protected] => 
                        [cmb_id:protected] => mmd_lists_manual
                        [object_id:protected] => 954
                        [object_type:protected] => post
                        [data_to_save] => Array
                        [callback_results:protected] => Array
                                [before_row] => 
                                [classes_cb] => 
                                [label_cb] => 
    <label for="MMDListsRecord_0_title">Business Name: </label>
                [1] => label
        [column] => 
        [js_dependencies] => Array
        [show_in_rest] => 
        [id] => MMDListsRecord_0_title
        [sanitization_cb] => 
        [escape_cb] => 
        [context] => normal
        [_id] => title
        [_name] => MMDListsRecord[0][title]
        [has_supporting_data] => 
    Thread Starter dkurth


    the above print_r output was AFTER I made the listing changes.

    SEe here

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