When I try to add a Post grid and set the source to Pages, there doesn’t seem to be a way to specify what Pages to include. There’s an unlabeled input box below Author that I assume should work as an include input similar to Exclude, but nothing comes up when I type a page title or an ID.
Regarding your query, I checked the EA Post Grid widget but couldn’t find any untitled input field under the Author input field. It seems you are using any Translation plugin or any other custom post-type plugin that shows the untitled input field. But that is not from Essential Addons. For reference please check this screencast – https://d.pr/v/foRrJP
In EA Post Grid we don’t have a direct include option as we already have different types of include options based on Author, Taxonomies, Formats, Post Types etc. If you want to use the direct include option I would like to suggest you to use Manual Selection as the source and select manually each post/page you want to show.
Hope you understand. Please feel free to reach out anytime you have issues or queries. We are always here to assist you.
We are using Polylang as a translation plugin, but that isn’t really what the problem is. The Problem is there isn’t any way to include specific pages using a Title or an ID.
When set to “Posts” you have the Author,?Taxonomies,?Formats,?Post Types?etc. and other options as you mentioned, but those options are not present when a Page source is selected. In terms of Pages, every page on a site has the ability to be authored by the same user, so there needs to be other ways such as ID’s or the Page name (as is used by the Exclusion option) as an alternative to Taxonomies,?Formats,?Post Types selectors.
I’ve uploaded a some screenshots of the plugin screen I’m talking about.
The Page title “Ros” appears only in the Excluded spot and there’s no way to specify what to Include. If you have any more than 10 or 15 pages (in our case we have over 50 pages because this in a older site) excluding instead of including doesn’t make any sense. We’d we excluding 48 Pages, instead of including 2 pages as intended.
Hope that helps you understand that problem. If this is a limitation of the plugin and won’t be changing, please let me know as we may have to find another plugin that suits our needs better to allow us to include individual pages based on title or ID.
I understand and respect your concern. I am sorry, currently the include page option is not available. I already discussed this with our dev team, and we will include this in our plugin, and hopefully within next week we can share a dev version of the plugin with your asking feature.
Actually, we have an option “manual source” where you can select the page, to include and display, so as per your requirement, you can use the ‘manual source’ option. Please check the screencast, https://d.pr/v/vWFL7j
Regarding the field of “Taxonomies,?Formats,?Post Types?etc.” for page, by default these options are not available for WordPress pages, but if you create custom taxonomy supports for the WordPress page, then these fields will be displayed for the post grid widget also.
I tried the manual selection and it does work for our usage. Thank you for directing me that way.
Regarding the “Taxonomies,?Formats,?Post Types?etc.” for page, I was specifically looking for a way to use ID or Page Name, but it seems I was looking in the wrong spot.