The best way is to customize the output with the help of WP hooks and filters provided by the plugin. Is this the free version or the paid one? The hook will depend on which version you have installed on the site. Assuming free version of posts grid, you can take a look at the below snippet that can be inserted into your child theme functions.php file (untested – let me know if you see any error) –
add_filter('lae_posts_grid_image_info', 'mytheme_posts_grid_image_info', 10, 3);
function mytheme_posts_grid_image_info( $image_info, $post_id, $settings) {
$image_info = '<div class="lae-image-info">';
$image_info .= '<div class="lae-entry-info">';
$image_info .= lae_get_info_for_taxonomies(array('post_tag'));
$image_info .= '</div>';
$image_info .= '</div><!-- .lae-image-info -->';
return $image_info;
More such customization examples can be found here –