• Resolved krw414173


    Sorry if this is a novice question, I am relatively new to WP

    I am using Grid Layout for posts but I need some help with positioning of the elements so the titles, date, post extract all align under the image compared to it neighbours on the same row.

    If a title of a post reaches over different lines (particularly hard to control the length when also translating into other languages) this pushes the alignment of the rest of the post content down and misaligns compared to it neighbouring boxes.

    Ideally across a each row I would need each element to be aligned to its neighbours i.e. the post title to align equally (based on featured image above), then date, then post content.

    Many thanks in advance and please let me know if this is unclear.

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  • Hi @krw414173,

    Thank you for using Neve. Can you please share the URL of your blog page? The solution might be to disable the masonry layout.


    Thread Starter krw414173


    Hi Stefan, many thanks for getting back to me, it is much appreciated. Here is the link to the site News – M29 Community of Owners (corveragolf.org)

    I have checked and Masonry is disabled.

    This is relating to the content of fields impacting on the other elements in the same post (in particular when you see post titles that are 2 or 3 lines) and then the content elements are not in alignment to the neighbouring posts in the row

    I know image size is also having an impact but hopefully if we can align titles to neighbouring posts across the row to mitigate this?

    Please let me know when you have had a chance to look at it so I can out the site back into maintenance mode.

    Once again many thanks in advance for taking the time to look into this.

    Thread Starter krw414173


    @stefancotitosu I’ve had to put the site back into maintenance mode, let me know if you still need to view it

    Hi @krw414173,

    Just to be on the same page, do you see layout like this: https://vertis.d.pr/i/jVBIMm ?

    If yes, that’s expected behavior, if title is much longer, like in my example, of course the content of it is below but the grid layout still keeps the next row of the items on the same line (as you see 3 items below are aligned).

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