• From my WordPress dashboard->Posts->All posts and if I click edit for one particular post, the post editing page doesn’t load at all. I’m able to edit all other posts though. Facing problem in loading the editing page of only one post. The browser just keeps loading and loading. The post edit interface is up. But the post doesn’t load.

    The blog I need help with is techterrainblog.com.

    P.S There’s a notification that says ‘There is autosave version of this post and that is more recent than the version below.’

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  • Hi,

    I went ahead and find other threads with same problem.


    In this thread, this issue fixed by repairing the WordPress database tables. Have a try with repairing WordPress database tables.

    Make sure that you take necessary database backups before making any changes in database.

    Hope that helps.

    Thread Starter srikaanth


    Thank you!

    I tried repairing the database tables.

    I got this the SQL result of it –

    Table	                         Op	Msg_type	Msg_text
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_commentmeta	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_comments	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_itsec_lockouts	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_itsec_log	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_itsec_temp	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_links	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_mts_wp_reviews	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_options	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_postmeta	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_posts	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_terms	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_term_relationships	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_term_taxonomy	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_usermeta	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_users	repair	note	The storage engine for the table doesn't support repair
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_campaign	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_campaign_list	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_custom_field	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_email	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_email_user_stat	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_email_user_url	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_form	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_list	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_queue	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_url	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_url_mail	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_user	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_user_field	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_user_history	repair	status	OK
    techterr_wrdp1.wp_wysija_user_list	repair	status	OK

    Doing this didn’t solve the problem. Please check my SQL result.


    TABLE REPAIR utility is only applicable for MyISAM storage engine not for InnoDB. InnoDB storage engine can’t go into an inconsistent state unlike MyISAM and others. Hence, tables those are successfully repaired are MyISAM storage engine and tables who were failed to get repaired are of InnoDB storage engine.

    In your case, I would suggest you to restore the MySQL database from the good available backup you have or contact your Web Hosting provider for the same.

    Hope that helps.

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