• jrkmrzk


    Hi, I am creating my own new web and i am not really familiar with WP. I manage to customise my header, add new widgets…
    But now i need to make my posts display differently on homepage (category), where should by just a small thumbnail with just a few lines of text (see the homepage.jpg) and then as a single post, where i need a image gallery with more text(see the single_post.jpg).

    I ve read many articles about custom post types and custom post templates. i am not sure if this is the right solution. because i need in principle just one post type, with two templates (right?). and another problem with custom post types is that qTranslate doesn’t support them yet. and as well i ve read its not well incorporated to wordpress, its still causes some problems sometimes. So if it would by possible i d like to use standard post type.

    I found its possible to use custom fields for that. You can add special style to every post, u can set a thumbnails, and much more…

    So the question is which is the best solution for me? – custom post types, regular post type with custom fields and modified templates? …or some other?

    Thanks very much

    as a wp beginner its not easy to understand all possibilities wp has and their use for the best purpose.


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  • Alwyn Botha


    custom post types, regular post type with custom fields and modified templates? .

    I would go for reg. post type + 2 templates.

    There does not seem to be anything in your requirement that needs custom post types; its one post with 2 formats; single and gallery

    Thread Starter jrkmrzk


    Hi , thanks for your opinion.
    Of course i d like to make it as simple as possible. I just found a lot of articles about (custom) post (types), so i was confused.

    And as I wrote about custom fields – every post will have same content:

    which, as i read, would be nice to handle by custom fields. So is this, what are the custom fields made for?


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