• I want the individual names of the actual posts to appear in the table of contents, and therefore the lowest level in the list, were the actual post names and not category names. I have removed the first level of categories in the list because I realized that we can simplify the structure by adding a prefix to the next level of category (INFO, PM, ENG, etc.).

    Each time I add a post, I want to be able to choose the order it appears in the category it belongs to and have it appear in the TOC. Contrary to regular blogs that sort by date, we do not want to sort by date. When before in Joomla (before it was migrated to WordPress), on the dashboard I was able to select the order of the posts by assigning them a numerical order.

    Per my previous experience, this might not be able to be achieved with categories.
    Let me know what to find regarding ways to accomplish the above, and feel free to let me know if you have any questions.


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