• Resolved Thierry


    Post block:
    Created post blocks are saved and well rendered at the front end but are empty when returning in the Gutenberg editor. The linked post must be selected again and again, each time when the page or post is updated or modified.

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  • Plugin Author maximebj


    Ok I’ll take a look at this. Maybe Gutenberg v4.0 has changed things

    Have you been able to fix this, Maxime? ??

    Thread Starter Thierry


    Another week gone without any improvement, 5 weeks without any activity on GitHub. I think that this plugin is not longer supported which is a pity since it worked very well and had pretty nice blocks as long as it worked. As a blocks collection, the advantage was that only one single plugin was needed which kept the WP installation lean and easy to maintain. But without any (proactive) support, debugging, and updates for weeks, it is simply worthless.

    Plugin Author maximebj


    Has I already explained to you, Gutenberg is moving really fast and I can’t find enough time to update each time there is a change.

    So I’m waiting the WordPress 5.0 official release to update to the last standards (and unveil some new blocks too)

    I’m also working on a Gutenberg french course to be ready for the release at the end of the month.

    Your patience is appreciated

    Thread Starter Thierry


    Oh great, thank you! So, we will have everything on November 27th, the official WP 5.0 release date. That’s not too long to wait for.

    Plugin Author maximebj


    Not what I said

    You’ll have a new version after the release of WP5
    First I need to finish my course. Then I’ll work on it.

    (Priority on paid projects)

    Plugin Author maximebj


    Hopefully, I’m ready for WordPress 5.0

    The update will be available today.

    Short story : plugins developers didn’t had time to update theirs plugins because Matt mullenweg rushed to release Gutenberg before the keynote at WordCamp US this weekend.

    A lot of plugins are not ready yet sadly ( ACF, WPML, FacetWP…)

    Thread Starter Thierry


    Good to hear, thank you for your excellent work, Maxime!

    What I can’t understand, though, is that WP5 betas have been out in the wild for several weeks now which should have given enough time to other plugin developers (ACF, WPML, etc.) to prepare their updates…

    Plugin Author maximebj


    Sadly that’s not what happened

    In a normal developpement cycle, you call a “features freeze” at some time.
    It mean that the main product (Gutenberg) won’t have breaking changes after that.

    Release Candidates version are meant to fix bugs only. During this time, Developpers can make theirs updates but :

    – WordPress let only few days/weeks)
    – They didn’t let time for plugin developers because the absolutely want to be ready for the big annual meeting (WCUS)
    – The docs weren’t ready (they totally changed last week, resulting in a lot of 404 errors) so it’s really hard for devs to find what they need

    Plugins like ACF are trying to be compliant since this summer. But there was so much changes in the core, and things missing.

    WPML, Polylang are big plugin deeply impacting the admin area, so they need at least one month to be fully compliant.

    ACF found a bug that won’t be fixed in 5.0 (we have to wait 5.0.1) so those who upgrade will see weird UI until the next release

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