You don’t have to use posts at all unless you want to for something
First, go to Pages, click Add New. Name the page Home (that is what I use it is easy for menus and clarity). Type in at least one word, you will build your page here later with content like your index page. Click Publish.
Next, go to Settings/Readings. Tick the dot that says “A Static Page”. Choose the page title Home that you made.
Make sure no post title is selected in Posts Page listing. Leave it as select.
Now you can build everything like a regular site. Home is the ‘index’ page, every page/parent and child/sub pages you make appears in the menu. The way it does will depend on theme.
Like Apartment Buildings – you would make a parent page (choose No Parent) when you create it. The building 1 and so forth would be child pages. In the editor when you make the building 1 page, bottom right you choose Apartment Buildings as it’s parent.
Then just continue with the same method for the other pages just like a regular site. If you want to do posts later, make a post title in posts, go back to Settings/Readings and choose that name in Post Pages. Where it appears, depends on menu setup or custom menu placement.