• Post Access Controller

    When i installed the latest version of this plugin and try to activate it, I get the following error message.

    Fata error

    “Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘[‘ in D:\Hosting\7654778\html\codemass\wp-content\plugins\post-access-controller\classes\ui.php on line 193?

    How do I resolve this?


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  • I am getting a fatal error as well.
    line 21 of post-access-controller.php has the following lines:


    but the only files in the classes folder are db.php, list-table.php and ui.php so I assume something is missing

    Thread Starter amcnab


    Yeah there seems to be parse issues going on. There are clashes with WP and other plugins happening as well.

    Line 193 of ui.php looks correct but I also get the same parse error as amcnab. While arsdehnel is busy fixing it, does anybody have a previous version to revert to? I didn’t try 0.9.3 but at least 0.9.2 still worked fine.

    Thread Starter amcnab


    Excellent, Thanks for the back version

    Plugin Author arsdehnel


    Sorry about this, looks like you’re running on an older version of PHP than I am and that syntax doesn’t work for you but does on my version. I’ll get that fixed to work back to 5.2.4 like the rest of WordPress and put a fix out. For now 0.9.2 should work for 95% of use cases.

    Thread Starter amcnab


    No Problem, Looking forward to the fix



    Hi arsdehnel, is there an update for this yet, please?

    Plugin Author arsdehnel


    Sorry, been a rough couple weeks getting my code back from backups/github and reinstalling everything to my liking. 0.9.5 has been posted just now that should resolve these critical errors.

    Thread Starter amcnab


    I installed the new plugin but I can’t seem to access the settings to set the access control options.



    @arsdehnel, 0.9.5 does not resolve critical errors. What you did to “fix” the broken 0.9.4 was to comment out the lines calling for missing files which were still required. amcnab is missing the plugin options page for a valid reason: the function is no longer there in the source code, it must have gone together with the missing files. If you’re too busy to maintain a plugin, taking it down makes a lot more sense than wasting others time. All due respect.

    Hi all,
    I am also looking forward a fix as this plugin does exactly what I need.
    @arsdehnel: do you think you will have time to look into it soon? Can I help?

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