• Resolved awpu



    I want all my featured images to have an aspect ratio of 2:1, regardless of original image size.

    So basically, I click on the focal point and get back the largest 2:1 image possible.

    Can this be done with smart crop?


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  • Plugin Contributor gschoppe


    Absolutely! The goal with SmartCrop is to let you control aspect ratio however you want, using CSS.

    to force an aspect ratio of 2:1 on a smartcropped image, you add a wrapping div with a class like “featured-image-wrapper”, and then add css like this:

    .featured-image-wrapper {
        position: relative;
        padding-bottom: 50%;
    .featured-image-wrapper > img {
        position: absolute;
        top: 0;
        left: 0;
        width: 100%;
        height: 100%;

    There is also the legacy option of using add_image_size() to register a new image size that is 2:1 (or several). Smartcrop will make sure the new image sizes are properly cropped.

    Thread Starter awpu


    Thank you, though not getting anticipated results. I now have a lot of blank space under my featured images. It’s a grid layout, with feature image above, and title below the image.

    I was hoping to simply end up with the largest 2:1 image possible, already autosmart-cropped, therefore making the blank space unnecessary.

    Should I be adding another css rule with .wpsmartcrop-image?


    P.S. I am using Jetpack Photon, so I had to turn off the generate thumbnail option.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by awpu.
    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @gschoppe This is a very important question: what is your relationship with @burlingtonbytes plugin?

    Plugin Contributor gschoppe


    Hi Jan, sorry for the confusion. I’m the lead developer at Burlington Bytes (now called Bytes.co). You can find my bio here: https://bytes.co/company/team/greg-schoppe/

    Thread Starter awpu


    @jdembowski Thank you. I should be more careful.

    @gschoppe Can you confirm if you go my email(s)?


    Plugin Contributor gschoppe


    Hi @awpu, I got your email and am investigating. It haven’t reviewed Photon for the last year, and it looks like the service has changed a fair amount in that time. It looks like photon is replacing the entire image tag, and not respecting the normal classes and filters that wp_get_attachment_image outputs. I’m hoping I can find a similar filter to the one that SmartCrop uses on normal featured images, that can be used to enable the functionality with this new version of photon, but I am not sure yet if I’ll be successful.

    I’ll keep you updated with what I find.

    Thread Starter awpu


    Thank you. Also FYI, I see this php warning:

    Illegal offset type in isset or empty.
    wp-content/plugins/wp-smart crop/wp-smartcrop.php:460

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    @gschoppe Please contact the plugins team about how to get your account here added as a plugin support role for this plugin.

    Plugin Author Bytes.co


    Hi Awpu,

    We’ve spent the last month digging into every possible aspect of this issue, and unfortunately it looks like Photon is a sticking point. Since the last time we reviewed the Photon service, they’ve changed their implementation completely, and they no longer output the attachment ID or image size in the IMG tag. SmartCrop relies on these classes to be able to properly identify the image and whether or not it has already been cropped, so without these classes, it is unable to run.

    I’m sorry for the inconvenience.

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