• Hi! this is a great plugin, thanks for your work.

    I was wondering if it was possible to track only first level children of the parent.

    For Example I am using this for a course and some of the lessons have videos and I would like it to go to the next lesson instead of the video.

    Course (Parent)
    lesson 1
    video (child of lesson 1, skip this)
    lesson 2

    Thanks, this plugin is great and saved me so much time!


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  • Plugin Author Alex Furr



    Thanks for the feedback. The functionality you require isn’t built in as a standard, but I will look at what is required and worse case send you the code changes to make it happen.

    Are you only trakcking the very first item on all of your lessons?


    Thread Starter LoriKBG


    Yes it would be that way for all of the lessons, thanks so much.

    I also had an issue with the shortcode showing a different percentage than the main parent page (the parent page had the correct one)

    Here is the sample page I am testing on so you can see that.

    Thread Starter LoriKBG


    I guess I can make a couple of feature requests while I am here too

    Would love a mark as complete and continue button instead of the two separate actions.

    I would also love a widget to display a list of the pages similar to the parent page with the progress bar and different styled links for complete pages.

    I’ve been playing with doing those myself, but I figure it couldn’t hurt to put them here as well.

    Plugin Author Alex Furr



    Like the mark as complete and continue button as one action idea. Will see what’s involved for that.

    For the widget do you mean you want to show the mini menu items (shown on the topic homepage) as a single list in the sidebar?


    Plugin Author Alex Furr


    Hi – to have the ‘mark as read’ appear ONLY on the first page do the following:

    1. open up progress-tracker/class-draw.php
    2. Go to line 238 and change:



    if($showTrackingOptions==true && $currentPageNumber==0)

    That will remove it from the front end. However, they will still have the next and back buttons.

    Thread Starter LoriKBG


    Thanks so much, I will give this a try.

    Yes, that is what I meant for the widget a single list of the pages and maybe some css to add a check mark next to the completed items.

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