• Hello –

    I was wondering if it is somehow possible to view job listings on a given category page as shorter excerpts? I used Job Manager for my client’s employment section (non profit organization), and when there are more than one job for a given category (here’s example page – with category of United States jobs: https://www.healthallianceinternational.org/jobs/united-states/) then people have to scroll quite a ways to see that there is a second or third job. Even though we say at the top there could be more jobs, my client would like to have an initial excerpt/listing page where visitors could easily see the total list of jobs in a quick snapshot.

    Is there any way to do this? Thank you!

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  • Thread Starter austincreative


    p.s. There is also an issue with pagination – if you look at the bottom of the page – it says “next page” even though there isn’t a next page. When you click on it sometimes goes to a 404 error page or goes back to the home page. I’ve even seen it at times go to a different category page on the site. https://www.healthallianceinternational.org/jobs/united-states/

    Plugin Author Thomas Townsend


    Category Pages are easy.

    Set up a Page with your Category, you currently have United States.

    It could be set up by State example:



    Keep your Categories to Single Entities and JM pages should already be created. all you need to do is add that link to your Menu Structure

    Pagination: This is a configuration set up issue with your Display Settings and where you have this pagination Shortcode inserted into the Job List Template.

    Thread Starter austincreative


    Thanks Thomas -however I already do have category pages – that wasn’t my question. You’ll see what I’m talking about if you look at the site (https://www.healthallianceinternational.org/work-with-us/ – this page has the links to category pages). My question is this. If you have multiple jobs in that one category, they are listed on that category page IN FULL. In my client’s case, these are usually fairly long descriptions. If someone visits a category page, and there are 2 or more jobs, they would have to scroll down past the first job to notice that there is another one. People have missed seeing that there is more than one job.

    So again – is there a way to show excerpts on the category page of each job? So when they get to the category page they will see short excerpts for example of just the description – and see that there are 3 jobs listed, then can click through to get the full listing on separate job pages?

    I’ll take a look at what you are saying about the pagination shortcode. I didn’t place it anywhere in particular, it is whatever the default pagination was. Would be great to get more info, but I’ll try playing with placement in the meantime.


    Hi austin,

    In your ‘Job List Template’ in the ‘Display Settings’ tab of the widget, add this to the short code [job_field length=”250″]. This will limit the output to 250 characters.

    Thread Starter austincreative


    Thanks however I dropped that in and it didn’t work. Perhaps I didn’t add it in the correct place? I took a guess. Here is how my current shortcodes look in the Job List Template – you can see where I added it – in the middle where the job_field codes are:

    <div class=”job[job_row_number] job[job_id] [job_odd_even]”>
    <table class=”job-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]”>
    <th scope=”row”>Title</th>
    <td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title][/job_link]</td>
    <th scope=”row”>Country</th>
    <th scope=”row”>[job_field_label]</th>
    <td>[job_field][job_field length=”250″]</td>
    <td class=”jobs-applynow”>[job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link]</td>

    Hi Austin,

    It looks like you have the job field shortcode twice, that is probably what’s affecting the output.

    You have:
    <td>[job_field][job_field length=”250″]</td>

    Instead use:
    <td>[job_field length=”250″]</td>

    Thread Starter austincreative


    Thanks! I did make that change (see below)… however it’s still not working. I still see the complete job description when I go to the job list page. Actually the listing is technically on a job category page (as I mentioned earlier in this thread). Could that be the reason?

    <div class=”job[job_row_number] job[job_id] [job_odd_even]”>
    <table class=”job-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]”>
    <th scope=”row”>Title</th>
    <td>[job_icon] [job_link][job_title][/job_link]</td>
    <th scope=”row”>Country</th>
    <th scope=”row”>[job_field_label]</th>
    <td>[job_field length=”250″]</td>
    <td class=”jobs-applynow”>[job_apply_link]Apply Now[/job_apply_link]</td>

    Hi austin,

    Being on a categories page wouldn’t affect the job field output. I’m stumped on this. Could you link to the actual page you’re talking about? I tried finding it but didn’t see anything that had job fields that were extremely long.

    Thread Starter austincreative


    Hi there – thanks for continuing the conversation. I couldn’t send you a link before because the client didn’t have open jobs (I had to temporarily and quickly unarchive a job to see if my coding worked). But now they have something posted as of just a few days ago. Here is the link: https://www.healthallianceinternational.org/jobs/united-states/

    You’ll see that even though I have the coding that you see in my earlier message above, it’s still showing the whole job listing on this page. The client had me add language some time ago to let people know that they might have to scroll down if there is more than one job. That’s what they are trying to avoid… people possibly missing seeing other jobs. Right now there happens to only be one job so it’s not really an issue. But with two jobs, you have to definitely scroll down. They’d prefer just a title and description except for each listing. Thanks!

    Hi Austin,

    I think the way your html is structured is the reason. Having the shortcode wrapped around a table cell isn’t doing anything for the character length.

    So yea you should remove most of what you have in the ‘Job List Template’ and not use a table for this.

    Here is what I use

        <div class="job[job_row_number] job[job_id] [job_odd_even]">
            <div class="job-table[if_job_highlighted] highlighted[/if_job_highlighted]">
                <div class="position">[job_link][job_title][/job_link]</div>
                <div class="job_info">[job_field length="250"]</div>
        <div class="job-nav">
    	<div class="previous">[job_page_previous_link]Page [job_page_previous_number} [/job_page_previous_link]</div>
    	<div class="this">Jobs [job_page_minimum]-[job_page_maximum] of [job_total]</div>
    	<div class="next">[job_page_next_link]Page [job_page_next_number][/job_page_next_link]</div>

    I guess technically this should be an un-ordered list but this is a little simpler. Just remember to remove any of the css class and id names I have.

    Thread Starter austincreative


    Hi – I’m finally getting back to this. I did try dropping in the new code, and it’s interesting, after I save it and go back to it later, I see the old table coding in it. However since doing that, it’s now truncating any content in the table that is more than 250 words:

    This does help with overall length on the page – but what we were trying to achieve is just seeing maybe the first 5 or 6 fields (down to UW Req#) then have it say “Read More” and go to the full job description. Is that possible? My idea was to excerpt the entire table with the first 5 or 6 fields, not excerpt from each field – if that makes sense.


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