In the GDPR Settings, in the Consents tab, the items in here will only appear on a WooCommerce site when you select the “Create an Account” button, then these consents appear.
The woocommerce address page, with the checkbox for create and account:
Then after checking this, the consent content appears:
And if you leave it blank, the error tries to display the html code instead of properly rendering it:
This is using the WooCommerce templates for shopping and address entry without any sort of customization.
If you want to check out as a guest for example, you need to rely on some other form of consent, as the woocommerce built in terms and conditions consent. If that is left blank then there is no check at all and a guest user can complete an order without any consent checks.
So what I was thinking was having these consents always appear on the address page, so that there is no way to continue to purchase, unless you check them, then we could do away with the WooCommerce consent and have these instead as they are then attached to a users account and would show on an audit.
Does that make sense?