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  • Me too. I am using [events_list location=””] to display a list of events but I don’t want the Event title hyperlinked to a separate page.


    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    you can use placeholder #_EVENTNAME instead of #_EVENTLINK under Events > Settings > Formatting > Events

    Thread Starter Esch


    I suppose that is an all or nothing option? Either all events listed have no links or all events are links? I was hoping there was a way to do both, because I have some events where I do indeed need a link.

    That might be possible but you’d probably need to do some custom coding. What’s the criteria for whether an event needs a link?

    Thread Starter Esch


    I am an artist and teach various art classes to kids as a part time job, and things like my normal “open to the public” classes I’m good with including a link for the event, but I also teach after school classes at various schools as well as classes specific to Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts, and for those type of events I have no need to put a link with the event because it’s a private class and I just want to list it on my events page as an informational thing. That way if someone wants to hire me for a class, then they can see what my schedule is.

    (Also it would serve another purpose, which is show how busy I am with all these classes, which would help bring new business in because it’s showing it’s not just a hobby thing with me.)

    If this is a custom job then I ask to include it as a feature in the next update of the plugin. I don’t have money to pay for custom code, unfortunately, so I will just have to live with everything being linked for the time being. Thanks for considering!

    You could use Conditional placeholders to decide whether to have a link or not.

    Depending on how you run your bookings, you could just have the link on bookable events or if a particular category or tag is set. An idea to show links when bookings are enabled for an event is:

    That sounds like a good plan.

    Thread Starter Esch


    Sorry for the late reply, haven’t had a chance to look into this the last few days until now.

    Right now what I’ve been doing for registering for my class is to just have a link that takes them to a fill in form on my site. Can I hook that link into the bookings functionality of this?

    And just so I understand the set up.. Gerry_C’s suggestion would mean put those 2 last lines there in the Event Attributes part of the settings, then any time I say an event has bookings, it will automatically know to add a link or not? Am I getting that right?

    Thanks for the help on this!

    Gerry’s shortcodes would need to go into a formatting tab or post / page, you can’t add them to a custom attributes field.

    But you could add the link to your form within the placeholder tags.

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