• Resolved lucascino


    hi, sorry if this was posted before but could not find anything similar yet here on GitHub!
    I’m working with wp-job-manager along with Listable Theme by Pixelgrade;
    while testing the search functionalities I stumbed upon a strange issue linked to the location search:
    when I insert a location keyword including an apostrophe the search returns no results and in the search location bar the keyword changes in the same as before but with an extra slash in it, for example:

    location keyword: ” L’Aquila ” turns into ” L/’Aquila ” which is definitely an incorrect keyword and won’t display any results.

    anybody know what’s causing that issue and if there is a fix for this? the problem fo italian locations is that there are alot of city/places names including an apostrophe and this will limit seriously the site capabilities.
    thanks in advance


    • This topic was modified 6 years, 8 months ago by lucascino.
Viewing 13 replies - 1 through 13 (of 13 total)
  • Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hi! I tested this on my site, and the search results worked fine for L’Aquila ; note that I used ‘ instead of ’ (straight quote instead of curly quote). Which one are you using? I wonder if this is a theme issue, somehow? Does the same thing happen if you switch to a default theme like Twenty Sixteen?

    Thread Starter lucascino


    for the italian keyboard there are only two characters for the quotes the double ( " used as quoting character) and the straight vertical one ( ' which is used for apostrophes) actually we don’t even have those you mentioned ?? maybe to be sure I’ll post you the unicode string related to both: &#039 (add ; to visualize it) for the single one and &#65282 (add ; to visualize it) for the double ones.
    I’m guessing we are talking of different looking characters that are used for the same grammar but are not included in the sanitizing scripts in your code?if so is there a way of fixing this?

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by lucascino.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by lucascino.
    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by lucascino.
    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Hi! I don’t have an answer for you, so I’ve asked the developers to take a look. I’ll get back to you!

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault



    So we think you’re actually facing this bug:


    The developer suggest you install this plugin and then re-save the job listing. Give that a shot and let me know how it goes!


    Thread Starter lucascino


    Hi Richard, unfortunately the problem still persist, probably because it’s not about the content of the listing location field that’s been altered by wp but the search query itself! seems like testing the plugin mentioned before I was not able to work around this issue. To be sure this is happening only with the search by location and only from the homepage location input bar (if i search in the location bar where the [jobs] shortcode appears it works just fine!) – if you want, you can check the issue on the url: www.discoverabruzzo.it (“Località” obviously stays for “Locality” ?? )

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 7 months ago by lucascino.
    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    I’m passing this along to the developer, I’ll get back to you!

    Thread Starter lucascino


    thanks Richard!

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault



    We have a question for you. You said:

    To be sure this is happening only with the search by location and only from the homepage location input bar (if i search in the location bar where the [jobs] shortcode appears it works just fine!)

    Note where I put the emphasis. So if it’s working just fine in the [jobs] shortcode, how are you generating the location field on your home page? Is WPJM adding that somehow, or have you done something custom there?

    Thread Starter lucascino


    actually i did nothing to customize the homepage, it came prebuilt as theme: Listable Theme from Pixelgrade in which your plugin was included.

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    So, then it sounds like this might be a theme issue in the end! Have you contacted them and asked them to take a look?

    Thread Starter lucascino


    yes, I already did and they sent me to your support board ?? I’ll try link them this conversation and see if they have any clue on this issue! i’ll keep this update for anybody out there with the same problem!

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    Ok, thanks! Sorry to bounce you back and forth here. The developer thinks that if it works in [jobs] then the issue is likely in the theme, but, do let me know what they say after reading the thread.

    Plugin Contributor Richard Archambault


    I’m marking this thread as Resolved as it’s been more than a month since the last reply. If you still need help, please do reply again and mark the thread as Unresolved!

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  • The topic ‘Possible search by location bug: apostrophe read as /apostrophe’ is closed to new replies.