• I wanted pass along an unusual occurrence. We use this WordPress plug-in on our club website and have not had any issues with it. A week or so ago, any attempts to view the website (public) or administratively access were immediately redirected to a “Forex Trading” website.

    After doing a lot of digging around, it appeared that every one of the plug-in widgets (WYSIWYG Widgets / Widget Blocks – Version 2.3.5) had been compromised and a meta redirect inserted in each widget used.

    No one else has administrative access to our website or our hosting account. We also use very strong passwords.

    Neither our hosting company or I have any idea as to how this happened but merely that it manifested itself in this plug-in. For now, we have disabled the plug-in to see if the problem recurs.

    As we could never regain control of the website, a complete recovery from backup was needed to get back into normal mode…at least at this point.

    I contacted the plug-in author but have not even received an acknowledgement of my email so far. I’m not saying there is a problem with this plug-in; however, the unauthorized changes only appear in this plug-in. Perhaps the author will provide his thoughts on what might have happened or if an update is needed, provide one.


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