• Plugin Author Steve Williams


    The links in the songlist pages have instructions which tell most crawler bots not to attempt to follow them. Unfortunately, not all bots really care about these instructions so some bot requests still go through. As a way of combating this, I am considering implementing an optional feature which will require someone to be registered and logged into the website in order to make requests.

    Another possibility is to implement a form of website side throttling for users who aren’t logged in. For example, you could allow unregistered/unknown users to request 1 song an hour (or 1 song a day or whatever) while allowing registered users to submit according to your request policy in SAM. This could be used to reduce or eliminate bot requests.


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  • I personally would like to see unregistered users not be able to make requests. Maybe a tick box in the plugin that says “Allow unregistered users to make requests” then if that is ticked the other options to allow them to make requests in X amount of time would be configurable.

    Plugin Author Steve Williams


    And that could easily be done with something like this by simply setting the limit to 0 for unknown users. This would also allow people, if they choose, to permit a limited number of requests.

    Plugin Author Steve Williams


    Request throttling is now available in version 1.3.0. The settings mimic the SAM Broadcaster Pro configuration for request limits, however the throttle settings will only affect unregistered users.

    To use the new throttling system, simply enable it and configure the settings to your liking. If you set the daily request limit to zero, it will completely disable requests for unregistered users.

    As part of the implementation of this feature, some request information is now stored in the wordpress database. The information stored includes the user ID (0 if there is no user logged in), song id, host ip address, and the time/date of the request. Information is only stored for successful requests. Requests that are throttled or rejected by SAM will not be stored. This information will be used in a later version of the plug-in to implement additional features. One possible example is a personal request history so that users can quickly find their own personal favorites.

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