• Hi,

    I have several websites running Contact Form 7. I have them built into the landing pages I use with Adwords.

    I received an email from Google saying that my site had been hacked. I was through my landing page.

    The coincidence is, that several of my websites have now been hacked and each time, google has let me know that its come from the landing pages, which all have your contact form in.

    I’ve looked online for answers, trying to piece together how this may have happened and I came across a comment from you (Takayuki Miyoshi) on a forum, that said that the .htaccess file should only contain the words Deny from all.

    When I looked through my multisite blogs, I found that within each wpcf7_captcha folder, there was a .htaccess file that had deny and allow for certain files.

    When I deleted the lines other than deny to all, the websites seemed to be cleared of infection.

    What should be in the .htaccess file? and do you know of any other infections that have happened through your contact form?

    Does having a captcha code help prevent malware infections?


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  • I had a similar problem with contact form 7. Even Google saying I had a virus which I found I did and had to clear that up as well. Also my customers couldn’t register for classes using the contact form… as the captcha wasn’t working well for some. I deleted the plugin for captcha (really simple captcha plugin) and started using the quiz part of Contact form 7. I also found I had to remove the wpcf7_captcha folder manually. In my logs I found they were trying to hack in through the captcha and a few other places. Much better for all involved. That was my solution with the contact form 7 and captchas.

    In my logs I found they were trying to hack in through the captcha and a few other places.

    Stonenote, so when you deleted the captcha folders from Contact Form 7, that solved the malware attacks? I am seeing the same symptoms of attacks happening through the captcha stuff in Contact Form 7, so if that solved it for you, then I might try that too and hope askimet catches all the spam.

    After cleaning up some malware on the website, I noticed that there was some forms “bashing” – repeated use of the forms (I used the bad behavoir plugin so I could see what pages and forms were being attacked). Also people were having problems registering using the captchas. I then deleted the captcha plugin and used the math quiz as stated above. I just noticed that there were still captchas in the files. So went in and deleted that. I also disabled the cache. It seems that the combo of attacking the forms, captchas and cache were a bad combo for the website. After that there were no complaints for registering. Less attacks on the forms too. Don’t know if it was the deleting/disuse of the captchas or disabling the cache or both that did the trick. Hope that helps Allisons!

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