• Resolved BigDogSF


    Hey Greg,

    After updating my theme file, and wp to 4.1, I was having issues with loading custom post types created by the wp-types toolset plugins.

    In reviewing my error log here is the recurring error that came up after the last update to v 8.6.3. (I’m only posting the first instance….there are thousands of these in my error log)

    [14-Dec-2014 08:28:09 America/Los_Angeles] WordPress database error Duplicate entry ‘2014-12-14-/wpv-ajax-pagination/7b22616374696f6e223a227770765f67’ for key ‘date_2’ for query INSERT INTO e12781_statistics_pages (uri,date,count,id) VALUES (‘/wpv-ajax-pagination/7b22616374696f6e223a227770765f6765745f70616765222c2270616765223a322c22766965775f6e756d626572223a312c227770765f636f6c756d6e5f736f72745f6964223a22222c227770765f636f6c756d6e5f736f72745f646972223a22222c227770765f766965775f7769646765745f6964223a2230222c22766965775f68617368223a2265794a755957316c496a6f69515752325a584a3061584e70626d63745158563062323176596d6c735a534a39222c22706f73745f6964223a2232353935222c226470735f7072223a7b7d2c226470735f67656e6572616c223a5b7b226e616d65223a2263697479222c2276616c7565223a22227d5d2c226765745f706172616d73223a7b7d7d’,’2014-12-14′,1,’0′) made by shutdown_action_hook, do_action(‘shutdown’), call_user_func_array, wp_statistics_shutdown_action, Hits->Pages
    I deleted the plugin, first by deleting the records in the plugin settings and then deactivating and deleting the plugin, and the page load issue resolved.

    I would also like to share a couple of earlier errors, but these were not recurring in the same volume as the above error. As you can see, there are two instances of each error, and I think these occurred around the time I either installed or previously applied updates to the WP Stats plugin:

    [03-Dec-2014 08:21:53 America/Los_Angeles] WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘date_ip_agent’ for query ALTER TABLE e12781_statistics_visitor ADD UNIQUE KEY date_ip_agent (last_counter,ip,agent (75),platform (75),version (75)) made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php’), include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wps-install.php’), dbDelta

    [03-Dec-2014 08:21:53 America/Los_Angeles] WordPress database error Can’t DROP ‘date_ip’; check that column/key exists for query DROP INDEX date_ip ON e12781_statistics_visitor made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php’), include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wps-install.php’)

    [11-Dec-2014 22:41:53 America/Los_Angeles] WordPress database error Duplicate key name ‘date_ip_agent’ for query ALTER TABLE e12781_statistics_visitor ADD UNIQUE KEY date_ip_agent (last_counter,ip,agent (75),platform (75),version (75)) made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php’), include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wps-install.php’), dbDelta

    [11-Dec-2014 22:41:53 America/Los_Angeles] WordPress database error Can’t DROP ‘date_ip’; check that column/key exists for query DROP INDEX date_ip ON e12781_statistics_visitor made by activate_plugin, include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wp-statistics.php’), include_once(‘/plugins/wp-statistics/wps-install.php’)



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  • Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    The second set of errors (which are really warning) will happen whenever an upgrade comes out. The drop index one is the plugin trying to remove an old index, since it doesn’t exist it throws the warning. The add unique key warning is a limitation of the WordPress DB upgrade code trying to recreate an existing index.

    I’m not familiar with the wp-types toolset plugin but I’ll take a look when I get a few minutes and see what it is trying to do.

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    Awesome Greg….thanks!

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Found the issue, the plugin is creating very long URI’s (> 500 characters) which get truncated when we store them in the database. That in turn creates duplicate entries which aren’t allowed via the index.

    The easy fix is to increase the length of the URI field in the database but it looks like we’ll need MySQL 5.0.3 to support it so I’ll have to build a check in for that.

    Should be resolved in the next release.

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Ok, I’ve committed a fix, but it’s not as nice as I’d like. Increasing the URI field length is problematic due to MySQL index size limits.

    Instead I’ve truncated URI’s at 255 characters. This might cause a few pages getting identified as the same page but that will be an extremely rare corner case.

    Thread Starter BigDogSF


    Greg….just got to say…your dedication to support of WP Stats is impressive.

    Sent the issue to the developers of WP-Types/Toolset at the same I submitted to you, and they are looking at the issue too.

    Any thoughts or suggestions on how the Toolset developers could address this issue and shorten the long URls? Let me know, and I will forward to them.

    Happy Holidays, and thanks again!

    Plugin Contributor Greg Ross


    Thanks, there’s nothing technically wrong with them using the long URL’s, but it’s not a very common practice.

    Normally if you needed that much data to be passed between pages you would put it in a database table and only pass a unique reference to it between the pages.

    The issue in WP Statistics isn’t unique to the Types plugin, anything that had longer than 255 character URI’s would have run in to the issue.

    Happy holidays to you as well.

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