• I have Exchange version 1.11.14 on my site.
    I have Gravity Forms Checkout Info version 1.5.

    If Gravity Forms Checkout Info is activated and I try to create a new user using the iTheme superwidget:

    Click Buy Now
    Complete Registration Form
    Complete Gravity Form

    I see this error in the Inspector.

    Uncaught TypeError: undefined is not a function
     * Inits the sync plugin for country/state fields for billing address
    function itExchangeInitSWCountryStateSync(countryElement, options) {
    	jQuery(countryElement, jQuery('.it-exchange-super-widget').filter(':visible')).itCountryStatesSync(options).selectToAutocomplete();
    	jQuery(options.stateFieldID, jQuery('.it-exchange-super-widget').filter(':visible')).selectToAutocomplete();

    *Error*, Unformatted Page that only loads code for Exchange SuperWidget.

    There are buttons for the payment methods, but because most of the page is not loaded, and jQuery is not loaded, the buttons leads to nowhere.

    I see this in the Inspector:

    Presents Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined

    If I click back on the browser, I can proceed normally – the page reloads – the form is already submitted so I don’t have to submit again. It seems the issue has to do with AJAX and the form submission.


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  • Plugin Author Timothy Jacobs


    Is there a link where this is happening? It is awfully strange that this would happen, and it seems like an issue with the Exchange super widget. I’ll look into this further,

    Thread Starter JRyven


    Hey Timothy,

    I’ve recreated the site here. The only plugins that are active are:

    • Gravity Forms
    • iThemes Exchange
    • iThemes Exchange Membership Addon
    • iThemes Exchange Stripe
    • iThemes Exchange Gravity Forms Checkout

    To recreate the problem, go to a product ( https://jryven.com/development/product/small-hosting-yearly/, for example ):

    1. Click to buy.
    2. Complete the registration form.
    3. Complete the Gravity Form.
    4. On submit, you will arrive at a totally unformatted screen. If you try to move forward with the purchase, it will fail – or direct you to the wrong page.

    If I deactivate Gravity Forms Checkout Info: IT Exchange, then the problem stops occurring – creating the user account transitions straight to completing the billing address fields, and then checkout, all full formatting.

    If I deactivate the billing address extension on Exchange and leave Gravity Forms Checkout Info: IT Exchange activated, after completing the Gravity Form, I arrive upon a totally unformatted payment options page, which can not proceed normally to checkout.

    When you are on an unformatted page, you can click back and the site will reload the last page at the correct stage of progress. IE, clicking back instead of trying to complete the form on the unformatted page refreshes all of the content and the site fully loads.

    I can send you an admin login and or FTP if you would like so you can investigate the matter.

    Thanks in advance,

    Moderator Jan Dembowski


    Forum Moderator and Brute Squad

    Side note here:

    I can send you an admin login and or FTP if you would like so you can investigate the matter.


    Please do not offer anyone access to your site that way in these forums. No plugin or theme author should ask for that (this one did not) and you should not offer that in these forums.

    I am not accusing anyone of any bad intentions. Honest.

    But that level of support is not offered in these volunteer forums. There’s just too much liability for the authors and you never want to offer that to anyone, even on a test site.

    Please work with the author in these forums without that offer. If you need a greater level of support then consider https://jobs.wordpress.net/ instead.

    Plugin Author Timothy Jacobs


    Hi James,

    I’ve seen this undefined function on other sites causing problems as well even with just stock Exchange. I’m going to get in touch with iThemes to see if that can be fixed.

    Plugin Author Timothy Jacobs


    Thread Starter JRyven


    Hey Timothy,

    I tested that plugin out and it almost works – it never makes it past ‘processing’ when I submit to create a new account.

    If I refresh the page, I can proceed normally through the gravity form and checkout.

    Fatal Error: Call to undefined function wp_scripts() in /home/understo/public_html/wp-content/plugins/exchange-addon-gravity-forms-checkout-info-bug-undefined-jquery/lib/required-hooks.php on line 256

    Plugin Author Timothy Jacobs


    That is very strange, I’ll have another temp-fix for you in a bit.

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