Sorry for the lack of information. I will try to clarify what I’m looking for.
In the “Additional Data Fields” (in each instance of the plugin) there is a couple of Data Fields Type with more than one value in the setup. (Dropdown and Listbox)
At the moment they have a subfield called “List Items” which is a comma delimited list (fixed).
Would it be possible to populate the information in “List Items” from a database instead of having a fixed list? (Eg. By checking the start of the list – If it starts with SQL: and then a SQL query – then run the SQL query and populate the field with this information.)
Dynamic Datafields could make it easier for the end users to use this from day to day (after initial setup) as it would be less places to change static information when they are doing minor changes to their website. (eg when removing (or renaming) a category it would be nice to remove/rename it from the database in one place and don’t have to go into x number of plugins to update fixed lists)