Hi @sijkash,
If-So is a plugin that allows content personalization that offers a variety of options to change content according to the user’s profile or interaction with the site. The option you refer to, which is limited to a certain amount of monthly views is the geolocation condition (the rest of the conditions are not limited by sessions). The geolocation condition is an IP-based service that relies on a premium third-party database to compare the user’s IP to its actual location. Since we use a premium service for we ourselves pay for every session.
Yes, we could use a free IP-to-location service. But it is less accurate and misses the point. We decided not to do it. If you want to use a free database, there are plantly of other plugins that will allow you to do it.
Few more things to bear in mind:
– We store the user location in a browser session so that not every page view counts as a geolocation view. When a visitor browses from page to page, it only counts one geolocation session.
– You do not have to purchase the pro version to get more geolocation session. You can subscribe to a geolocation plan: https://www.if-so.com/plans/geolocation-plans/
(The usage of the rest of the conditions is not limited by monthly views). geolocation option (the one that you refer about which is limited with monthly views just one condition
– If-So offers a lot more than geolocation. The rest of the options are not limited with monthly views.
– Apart from the conditions that are available in the free version, there are other great free features:
The user selection: https://www.if-so.com/dynamic-select-form/
The groups (audiences): https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/segments/
The DKI: https://www.if-so.com/help/documentation/dynamic-keyword-insertion/
I really hope it’s enough to change your mind. Even if you still disagree, I hope that at least you can understand the other side of the story. There is a big team that works every day in making If-So better, add more options to the plugin (free and paid), and try to make it the most complete and affordable personalization plugin.