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  • Just sharing some info that might prove useful for those having trouble posting their work images correctly. I certainly needed this info to get mine up and running. The fact that the View Case Study image is added to the post via the Post Editing Area didn’t come intuitively to me AT ALL. But most of this hasn’t, so maybe it’s me. Anyways, here’s what I was told to do by a very helpful member of this message board.

    First, create a folder on your server for your portfolio images, then upload your post images to that folder.

    View Case Study image = 655px x 491px. You insert this image to your post via the Post Editing Area. In the Post Editing Area select the “Add an Image” icon, then select the “by URL” tab. Insert the Case Study image’s URL. Next to “Alignment” tick “Left”. Then click “Insert into Post”.

    Thumb Panel image = 276px x 115px. In the same post, add the Thumb Panel image url to its corresponding custom field box.

    Slider Panel image = 359px x 269px. In the same post add the Slider Panel image url to its corresponding custom field box. (Because my View Case Study image and Slider Panel Image share the same image ratio, I do not upload a 359×269 image to my server. Instead I use the same image url as I do for the View Case Study page and the theme scales down the image appropriately. Meaning, for every post I upload two images to my server – one that is 655px x 491px, which is used for the Panel Slider and the View Case Study page, and one that is 276px x 115px, which is used for the Thumb Panel.)

    I’m sure there are different ways of going about this, but this is what has worked for me. Hope it helps!

    – Erin

    Hi All,
    First of all great theme! its absolutely fantastic!

    My Question :
    I would like to have a regular blog page in the site in addition to the portfolio page.

    Global Nav to look something like this – (Work | About | Contact | BLOG)

    I have tried in my crude way to modify the code, create a new template, this and that but still it doesn’t seem to work.

    How do i make a template or change the code to display blog posts that are NOT of the work and featured categories. Also, show the categories, comments boxes (just like a regular blog)


    I would love to use this design for my site but it’s so far beyond what I can do. Would anyone be willing to help me? My site is and I will be happy to mention your site on my blog or something. Thank you so much.



    Ok I got some help getting this site to look normal but is there any way a blog design can be implemented into this?




    I managed to make work all, except Contact and About.
    Thanks to this forum…taking informations in every post.

    when I try to swap the code as it is said in the tutorial part
    in cform.php file, the plug is automatically desactivated because of
    an error.
    Here is the message:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘;’ in /mnt/158/ on line 615

    …as I’am not a developper at all I really don’t know what to do.

    I can’t go further I’m blocked at this step and it is very frustrating
    I wouldlike so much to make this potfolio work.

    Is there anybody here for helping me.




    Anyone know how you can use WPESP theme and have a static webpage front, instead of showing a category? I want the catogories to be on different buttons and not the front page.



    Thanks for the theme Victor.

    I have difficulties on separating each scope of work into single main menu. I want my menu will be like LOGO | PRINTS | ILLUSTRATION | WEB | ABOUT | CONTACT.
    Request similar to titho2 were asking.

    Just like what momothemonster did.
    But with a little difference.

    I need the front page will act like what’s originated on the theme
    And if they click the Logo or prints, the work will show listed on small boxes. Like the ones on the front page.

    How to do this?

    momothemonster can you share what you did to WPESP theme to make it work like in yours. That’ll be soo great.

    Thank you

    Thank you very much Victor for this theme:

    I modified it a little bit, added qtranslate plugin for multiple languages.

    Here’s the result ??

    hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know that I am working on some more modifications to this theme that should make it easier to use. I’ve contacted Victor to see if he’s OK with me releasing it (giving him credit, naturally). It would incorporate a lot of the upcoming changes in 2.9.

    Hi. I’m attempting to build a portfolio site with this theme. I’m wondering if there’s a way to show multiple views per project. For instance, for one project, I want to show several images, but not have a new post for each image. Is there a way to do this? Here is my site as is (work in progress):

    Much thanks to norcross for all the assistance!

    Hey guys…

    I installed WPESP today and evertything worked very well, except for my ABOUT page. It keeps showing the post content information all along above the <h2> wrappers! I checked the ABOUT.PHP file a thousand times and nothing. Then I started to look up for something that could be doing this, but again, I found nothing.

    If any of you could help me, I’d be glad…

    Check out the page:

    Thanks for the previous information!

    Thanks to Victor for making the theme available.

    Does anyone know if this theme fully supports cascading navigation and – if so – to what number of levels?

    Does it support the PixoPoint plug-in? (

    Has anyone tried this?

    Any thoughts / ideas appreciated

    @norcross, I’d love to see the WPESP theme with the modifications you made. I think it would be good to have the WORK page be the HOME page and have a separate PORTFOLIO page for all the projects. I see milescaldwell got this working, I’d love to make this work for my site!

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