Hi @mathishuettl,
thank you for your feedback. The pop up is intended for this purpose, but it is not so easy for the browsers, because usually pop-up windows are blocked. MeliBu WP SSS is therefore set so that it checks if Pop ups are blocked, if this is the case then leads it further so that the blocked pop up is bypassed.
In the upcoming version, Two settings with which this can be controlled.
In order to test the pop up you have to allow pop-ups in your browser, otherwise the browser will always block it and the desired result will not be achieved.
The browser window may not be full size on a Mac, because then the popup will not function as desired, but only open a new tab.
As I said in the new coming version, the settings are provided, the rest is on the user and the browser.
The new version should be released this week.
If there are any questions, please feel free to ask.
Best Regards