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  • Hello,
    I’m experiencing a similar issue. The plugin was working a couple of days before, now the regular OS print dialog is triggered when I click the print friendly button. This happens in all browsers on Win and OSx. The onclick attribute of the button’s wrapping a-tag says “window.print()”, hence the described behaviour.
    I’m not aware of having changed something substantial since the plugin worked, except updating some other plugs. Deactivated/activated and deinstalled/reinstalled the plugin which made no difference.

    Thanks and best regards,

    Exactly same problem with me.
    Could temporarily circumvent the issue by changing settings to not use java script. This displays the print friendly page directly in the browser tab instead of in a pop up window.
    Best regards,

    Can confirm what Jacques says. Disabling the Javascript option shows the print friendly page in the browser instead of a popup. Although on my page only the left column of the three column layout is rendered. Hmm …

    Plugin Author Print & PDF by PrintFriendly


    I believe this is happening if you click the Print Friendly button before the page (our JavaScript) fully loads.

    We load our JavaScript after your page content has loaded (WordPress best practice).

    Please send me the URL of any pages that have this problem. Also, please let me know if you wait for the page to fully load, then PrintFriendly works.

    printfriendly, thanks for answering!
    The JS function containing the reference to appears after my last content elements in the source code. Firefoxe’s “Inspect Element” shows that the function actually inserts the script-tag into the pages’ head. See
    Again, a few days ago the plugin worked, nothing substantially changed in the page setup since.
    The version variable in your printfriendly.js says “2015-10-03-122953466”, so the only thing that has been changed in the meantime seems to be this file.

    Thread Starter Milan.Nikolic


    Two days ago, it worked perfect. Yesterday, I have checked few websites and all of those have the same problem.

    Funny: Light box works again. I reset the “Use Javascript” setting to Yes and … now it works. I didn’t change anything else. So much the better.
    Deserves then the [resolved] tag.
    Thanks a lot

    Yes, confirming Jacques again, works on my site, too, all of a sudden. Didn’t change anything. Seems printfirendly worked in the background, thanks for that!

    Plugin Author Print & PDF by PrintFriendly


    We may have a some issue with our CDN (edgecast). We’re trying to get to the bottom of it. If it happens again can you try these URLs and see if any of them work/don’t work?




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