Hey @robertmendes,
I visited your site. Thanks for the link.
When I click on a blog post preview in the first column it opens a popup.
I’m assuming that you don’t want that popup to display when people click on a blog post preview. Instead, you probably want the blog post to come up.
Is that right?
If so, I can think of 2 things that you can check:
1) When you edit your main blog index page, can you make sure you didn’t assign your popup to that first grid column?
If you’re using the Block Editor, you can select that grid or column block and look on the right to see if there’s a popup assigned. You can also check if there’s a Popup Maker CSS class trigger under the Advanced setting for that block too.
Here’s what the Popup Controls look like for a Gutenberg block https://share.wppopupmaker.com/rRuNDn0d
Here’s where you’d see the CSS class in Gutenberg https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/article/545-a-beginners-guide-to-popup-triggers#gutenberg
2) The other way this can happen is if you added an extra CSS selector in a Click Open trigger for your popup.
To check, edit your popup and go to the Popup Settings > Triggers tab. You can get a better picture of what that looks like here https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/article/545-a-beginners-guide-to-popup-triggers#extra-css-selectors
Feel free to follow up with us via our contact form.
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Please let us know.