Hello @trucker
The example you are requesting would be the same code in the plugin’s documentation.
I’ll try to respond to your question about the consecutive numbers. Every form on a page has associated a consecutive number independently of its id. The first form on the page has number one as its consecutive number, the second form the number two, and soon.
The reason is simple. You can insert the same form multiple times on a page. So, in this case, the use of form id would not be sufficient to differentiate them.
Now, assuming you have two forms on the thank you page (their IDs no matter, ok?), and you want to populate the fieldname3 in the first form and the fieldname10 field in the second form with the value of the fieldname123 field submitted by a form on a different page.
The shortcode for results in the thank you page would be similar to:
cpcff_default = { 1 : {},2 : {} };
cpcff_default[1][ 'fieldname3' ] = '<%fieldname123_value%>';
cpcff_default[2][ 'fieldname10' ] = '<%fieldname123_value%>';
Best regards.