@farokhheidari – Sounds like your site is blocking loading JS files from the /wp-content/uploads folder for some reason. Try disabling Asset Caching via Popup Maker settings. Should revert to the old way loading multiple JS files from the plugin folder itself. v1.7 added this over 3 months ago, so you must just be updating from an older version. v1.7 attempted to improve performance by merging all of our JS, CSS, Custom JS & CSS, Extension JS & CSS etc into a single JS & CSS file that is saved to uploads. For some reason 1/1000 or so sites are seeing this issue where its not allowed for some reason.
The other related but different possibility is that your site doesn’t use the standard wp-content/uploads path, but that would generate a 404 not a 403 error.
@clammy77 – Your issue is unrelated. Are you using page caching? If so that is the reason you saw any issue at all. You are correct that v1.7.26 will address it, but only by adding an empty variable that isn’t needed if your page caching was cleared.
Here was the issue:
Our JS file changed and gets loaded with new code, The new code changed a variable name. Your page cache didn’t get cleared and the variable was still rendered in that cached page as the old one, thus generating errors.
Hope that helps.