Hi @supportch
I inspected your website, and it seem that on mentioned by you URL: https://www.holographicvinyl.net/my-account there is no button that I could relate with your pop-up contents.
But after registration I found “edit your password and account details.” this link, which actually redirects to different page.
In your pop-up display settings, you restricted pop-up display only to https://www.holographicvinyl.net/my-account page, while all links redirects to different URLs on your website.
Please, make sure:
- Our pop-up script is inserted on the page you want to display the pop-up.
- Display rules at mypopups.com allow to display the pop-up on particular page
- Find the button or link element you want to use for triggering the pop-up, then copy class name for trigger display.
In case of your pop-up named “Log” it will be:
For your second pop-up “Spring” it will be:
Then find your <div>, <a> or <button> element and add above class to “class” attribute.
Once you do all above it should work properly.
Let me know if that worked for you ??
Thank you!