• Resolved zhadum59



    Thx for your module !

    Some texts can’t be edited via loco translation plugin, so can anyone tell me which files to edit in order to change these texts, please ?

    Inside the module:
    ? “Loading…”
    ? “Subscribed successfully”

    Pop ups:
    ? “You have successfully subscribed to the newsletter. blabla…”

    Thx a lot !


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  • Plugin Author storeapps



    We are aware that not all strings from the plugin are translatable. To translate the above mentioned strings, you can edit following files:

    -> es-widget.js (wp-content/plugins/email-subscribers/widget)
    -> es-widget-page.js (wp-content/plugins/email-subscribers/widget)

    Also, please note if you change the text in plugin files, then you would need to maintain changes for every plugin update.

    Thread Starter zhadum59


    Great, thanks a lot ! ??

    Plugin Author storeapps



    You are welcome!

    If you like our plugin, please consider leaving us a 5-star rating.

    Thread Starter zhadum59



    Plugin Author storeapps



    Email Subscribers v3.1 is live now and it allows you to translate all the strings from the plugin using loco translate or gettext filter.

    Please update Email Subscribers to latest version (v3.1) and have a check with the functionality.

    I’ve fully translated your plugin to Spanish and I have the latest version installed, but translations for all public messages and alerts just don’t work. I’ve seen you’ve written out all those sentences to be translated in es-register.php so that we don’t have to hard-code those translations in the js files, but something must be wrong as the webpage just shows those english strings, not the translated ones. Are you fixing this? I don’t want to change this on my own and loose all changes with a future plugin update.
    Also, If you want the full spanish translation, please tell me so and I’ll send it to you.

    Hola bohemme,

    Podrías compartir la traducción en espa?ol de alguna manera? Gracias

    Claro, puedes descargarlo aquí hasta que lo a?adan a las traducciones oficiales:
    Eso sí, no funciona la traducción de los mensajes que aparecen en el frontpage porque lo han programado mal. :\

    Plugin Author storeapps



    As per the Forum Welcome, post your own topic.

    I’ve seen you’ve written out all those sentences to be translated in es-register.php so that we don’t have to hard-code those translations in the js files. messages they appear on the frontpage because they have been programmed wrong.

    They are not programmed wrongly. That is the correct way to include js strings.

    Also, we have just tested the translation at our end and it is working correctly. Translating is not working at your end because it is possible that the string that you are trying to translate is changed or removed from POT file.
    Write to us from here, so that we can provide you latest POT file and then you can translate. Then we could include Spanish Translation in later releases.

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