• Resolved activequilibreyv



    I have a nice Popup now, and it closes ok with the customised close button thanks to your help. But now, it won’t close after submitting the form with the submit button from Sendinblue. Here’s the submit button code:

        <input type="submit" class="sib-default-btn" value="Je m'inscris, ma santé me tient à coeur!">

    And here’s my whole formular code:

    <img src="https://activequilibre.ch/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Logo_Active?quilibre__finblanche_titreweb_550-100-72dpi.png" alt="Logo Activéquilibre" width="275" height="50" class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-1244" />
    <! -- Attention la balise h2 ci-dessous doit être modifiée avec style="margin-top: 10px" pour éviter d'avoir une marge de 50px comme avant un titre usuel. -->
    <h2 style="margin-top: 10px; margin-left: 20px"><span style="color:#305395">Envie de rester informé-e<br>pour votre santé?</span></h2>
    <p><span style="color:#305395" class="has-inline-color">Oui, je m'inscris volontiers pour recevoir des news d'Activéquilibre et profiter des bons plans.</span></p>
    <p><em><span style="color:#305395" class="has-inline-color">Je pourrai choisir à quelle fréquence je veux recevoir des infos santé utiles. Je pourrai aussi en tout temps me désinscrire si je le souhaite. </span></em></p>
        <label class="sib-email-area">Mon adresse e-mail est*</label>
        <input type="email" class="sib-email-area" name="email" required="required">
    <p style="font-size:13px">En m''inscrivant, j''accepte que mes données soient traitées selon la protection des données de la loi Suisse, du règlement européen RGPD et de la <a href="https://activequilibre.ch/politique-confidentialite-activequilibre/" target="_blank" aria-label="Politique de confidentialité Activéquilibre (opens in a new tab)" rel="noreferrer noopener" class="ek-link">Politique de confidentialité Activéquilibre</a></p>
        <input type="submit" class="sib-default-btn" value="Je m'inscris, ma santé me tient à coeur!">
    <button class="PopUpButton sg-popup-close">Non, tant pis. ?a n'est pas si important.</button>

    Can you tell me what am I missing?

    Thanks in advance!

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Dear @activequilibreyv ,

    We have received your message and identified the problem.
    It is currently being checked by the tech team.

    We will surely get back to you by email as soon as there is news.
    To avoid any confusion, this case will be marked as resolved and further communication will continue by Live Chat/email.

    Thread Starter activequilibreyv


    So, just as a follow up for those who also try, like me, to match Sendinblue with Popup Builder.

    This subject was already closed by the support because they finished to dig into it with me in the Chat, to keep some datas personnal.

    The solution was finally simple. They told me to put a JS script code into the Field “#3 Add the code you want to run after the popup opens…” in the Popup Page of Popup Builder. This doesn’t work. But adding the following code directly into the bottom of the WP Popup Page, as HTML Block, does work perfectly fine! Thanks to the technicians of Popup Builder who found this simple trick!

    jQuery(document).on('submit', '.sib_signup_form', function(e) {
    }, 1000);
    }, 1000);

    …of course, the line with ‘SGPBPopup.closePopupById(3684);’ needs to be addapted with the ID number that correspond to the ID your own Popup has into your WPress website ??

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