Here’s the origin of the conversation on that matter– [removed by moderator: It’s extremely impolite and privacy-violating to publish private emails.]
It’s been raised since 3oth October 2022. This means that I’ve been on it for above 20 Days.
What annoys me, is that your Dev Team paints me this picture of the fact that the problem is Elementor’s fault, and not the fault of Premium Addons.
Whereas, I have had HT Mega Addons, Sina Extensions, Elementor Addon Element(EAE), Mega Addons, Royal Addons, Ultimate Post Kit, and Premium Addons on my website.
Of all these many Addons that I tried, only Premium Addons had that Mobile Responsiveness problem.
The sad reality is that, the problem is Globally across-board for all your widgets. That’s like saying all your widgets have Mobile Responsive bugs across them all.
2.) I told your Dev Team that I had a small problem while using Royal Addons.
The problem was that my page goes blank when I insert any Royal Addons widget into my Page.
I spoke to Royal Addons, and They asked me for Temporary Login. With that Temporary Login, they came into my system and fixed all the problems.
Now, I’ve explained this to your Dev Team, and there’s no willingness to come over into my system to fix the problems, nor is there any willingness to say “We will work on it. Expect the fixed version in the next update“.
Nothing like that. Your Dev Team is just comfortable telling me that the fault is Elementor’s, and that’s it.
If that’s the case–where all your widgets are having Mobile Responsiveness problem, and rather than fixing it, your Dev Team blames Elementor:: wouldn’t it be better to just downrate Premium Addons, so that people won’t waste their time, as I’ve wasted mine?