@marko, I believe you did not like the way I genuinely expressed myself, even though I wrote what I felt after I read the review (that has some spelling mistakes).
Although the reviewer has his point, it doesn’t mean the plugin deserves this rating just because one is not sure what assets should be unloaded.
People can seek the advice of a developer. It’s impossible for the plugin to “tell” what should not load as some assets that are apparently not needed, could be needed in the future etc. Each site has its own settings and way of working. Some tips can be given at most and future versions of the plugin will be easier to use by the average user.
PS: I’m new to this community (my first free plugin, so far I’ve only developed for companies) and I’m still getting used with everything here. In the future, I might have a different way of handling this type of reviews or even prevent them if possible.