• florian_r


    Dear Polylang Users,

    I’m using polylang alongside the pagebuilder plugin and a vantage theme with great overall success. However, there remain little issues I need to figure out:

    1. the “home page” of pagebuilder/vantage theme does not translate. Whatever I change, It converts back onto all languages. The pagebuilder forum holds similar problems, which seem to have been solved for translating posts and meta data. Post and pages however are already correctly and properly translated on my site.

    For adding an additonal home page i.e. the first page you hit after entering the domain, I go for the original home page, click “edit homepage”, change for another language (in this case english) and then edit the content fields. I save and reload the now translated home page. Which lookes good until I change back to the original language (in this case german) which by then has also been translated into english).

    I’m thinking about building a dedicated english home page and have polylang somehow auto-forward the user to this page, if he runs his browser in english. But is this really recommendable? I think polylang can do this “clean” without workarounds.

    2. Some widgets seem difficult to translate: I can display widgets specifially in the sidebar wideget area without problems – but if I try to have them appear language-specifically in the footer of the page it does not work: While one version of the website holds the widget, the other language version does not hold on to the widget but it “reserves” just as much room for the widget as if it were right there stil – leading to a nasty “sqeeze-effect” of the remaining widgets in the footer.

    Please let me know if a) you experience something similiar or even better b) if you have hint toward solving this issues. Thanks a lot!


    PS: My Permalink-Format looks like https://www.domain/en/my-post

    The additonal “/language” is deactivated. User specific taxonomy and posting types are also off – aside from meta slider. I tried already shutting this off as well.
    I’m running current versions of both pagebuilder and polylang plugin.


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  • hey florian, had any succes with it? Any hint would be awesome! Having the same problems with the main page translations.

    You can use a “custom home page” instead of the built-in Vantage homepage.


    I’m also using polylang and pagebuilder.

    In my comment i’ll refer to 3rd paragraph of the 1st thread of florian_r comment.

    As he did i also have build a dedicated english home-page and now i’m trying somehow to have polylang auto-forward the user to this page.

    In other words i’m trying to redirect language switcher from standard URL (my-domain.pl/en) to custom URL like (my-domain.pl/home).

    Any suggestions will do.

    In the end i’d like to thank Chouby – the plugin author – it’s piece of art man! Many thanks.


    Got solution not best one but it works.
    i’ve turned of langugae switched and made my own one with ‘menu image’ plug-in + flags from famfamfam.com

    links below



    Hello. I also use Polylang, Pagebuilder and Vantage Theme.
    Still working on it.
    So far I did this:
    I’m using custom home page.
    I deselected Custom fields in Polylang settings.
    It looks like now I can edit these pages independently.


    I use Polylang with pagebuilder but I can’t translate pagebuilder homepage, for example Portuguese to english.

    Could anyone help me please?




    I have overpassed problem with both plugins by creating separate homepage from ‘original’ homepage (in Polish) for other language (in English) and adding it as static homepage for English.
    But this created issue with redirection of logotype to homepage after clinking on it (when you were on English homepage it redirected to Polish homepage).
    So i’ve disabled the link on logotype and i’ve added separate link in menu which redirects to homepage without changing the language.

    Effect: https://www.wyspabrzozowa.pl/

    I know its not an ortodox, php solution but for me worked fine.
    If you have some simple solution for logotype link issue pls post it ??

    I hope i’ve helped.

    Ps. love Portugal, especially Coimbra. Great memories.


    Hi guys,

    I also have a Problem with Polylang & Vantage.


    How do you get this to work?

    Any help would be appreciated!


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