• I am trying to set the parent for a translated category. The wp_options table has an entry ‘category_children’ that must contain all the parents. This value does not get updated. Here is my code.

    function set_category_translation($index, $targetlocale, $catname, $uislug, $description){
    $tgt_slug = substr($targetlocale, 0, 2);
    $src_cat = get_category($index);
    $src_slug = pll_get_term_language($index);
    //Wordpress only allows assigning translation of source parent as this items parent.
    $parent = pll_get_term($src_cat->parent, $tgt_slug);
    //bug in wp_insert_category used category_nicename rather than category_slug to set slug value
    $trans_cat_values = array(‘cat_name’ => $catname, ‘category_nicename’ => $uislug, ‘category_description’ => $description, ‘category_parent’ => $parent);
    $tran_cat = wp_insert_category($trans_cat_values);
    if($tran_cat == 0){
    errorlog(“failed to create translation category”, __FUNCTION__);
    debuglog(‘created category for cat_name:’ . $catname . ‘. Resultant index:’. $tran_cat, __FUNCTION__);
    pll_set_term_language($tran_cat, $tgt_slug);

    //associate the translations for given category with one another
    $slug_array = array_keys(get_polylang_langs());
    $slug_index = array();
    foreach ($slug_array as $slug){
    $tmpindex = pll_get_term($index, $slug);
    if($tmpindex != 0) {
    $slug_index[$slug] = $tmpindex;
    $slug_index[$tgt_slug] = $tran_cat;


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