• Hello Support,

    I have a beachsoccer website. I’m using the SportsPress plugin to setup the competition. But now I face a difficulty.. In the official beachsoccer regulations, the teams don’t win 1 point after a draw. A draw is impossible.. it’s always a win for a team (and of course a loss for the other team). So they can win after overtime or after a shootout. But eacht win gives different amount of win points.

    “normal” win = 3pts
    overtime win = 2pts
    shootout win = 1pt

    How can I make this happen with the Sportspress plugin?

    Thanks in advance


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  • Roch



    Under match outcomes (sportspress > configure) you’ll create a new one “overtime win” so you can add that to teams when needed instead of the regular win. If needed you can create an overtime loss as well.

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter zvyweb


    Hello Roch,

    Thanks for the reply so far!

    But I still don’t understand how to connect points to the overtime win.

    Step 1: I make an outcome
    Step 2: ? how to get points for that specific outcome ?





    Under SportsPress > Configure > Event Outcomes click the little “add new” button right after the table (in the right corner)

    As for selecting it, you’ll need to manually change from win to overtime win as the system can’t predict whether it is a “regular” win or an “overtime” win.

    Let me know how it works for you!

    Kind Regards,

    Thread Starter zvyweb


    Hi Roch,

    I don’t think you understand my question. Perhaps it’s my fault ??

    A normal Soccer win gives 3 points for the winner.

    I need 2 additional point systems which give 2 points after winning by overtime and 1 point after winning by shootout.

    Now I know how to make an overtime and shootout win. But how can I give these points? If I put up manually overtime win the team gets the win, but also 3 points. But it needs to be 2 points. And with shootout win 1 point.

    So again my question : where can I assign points to an outcome.


    To expand on what Roch said, you will need to configure 2 additional Event Outcomes – Overtime Win and Shootout Win.
    Once that is done, go down to the Table Columns section and add OW and SW (for Overtime Win and Shootout Win respectively. That will give you League table columns for the new outcomes.
    If you already have an entry for points, then edit it. If not create it.
    You should use the following formula – (win x 3) + (Overtime Win x 2) + (Shootout Win)
    This should give you the point total you’re looking for. I’m assuming there are no points for losing and there are no ties.




    Sorry I missed the assigning points part, but @gator8 has saved the day once again ??

    Thanks Gator!


    Let us know if that’s clearer now

    Kind Regards,

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