Pods Custom Post Type / Shortcodes / Elementor
I am having a little trouble getting pods to display using shortcodes on a pods template through a page built with elementor, using the loop grid widget. The pods field values display normally, but when I add the taxonomy filter widget, I get “Pods embed error: Pod not found” where the pods should appear. The below is the test code I am using in the pds template. Thanks for your help.
[if mannequin_range]
Mannequin Range Pod: {@mannequin_chest}
[/if]{@mannequin_chest} Field Value Mannequin Range Pod ~{@mannequin_range} Mannequin Style Pod *{@mannequin_style} Mannequin Code Pod *NA Mannequin Description PodNA Mannequin HeightNA Mannequin Upper ChestNA Mannequin Lower ChestNA Mannequin WaistNA Mannequin HipNA Mannequin Shoe SizeNA Mannequin ShoulderNA Mannequin HeelNA Mannequin AgeNA Mannequin ChestNA
[if ID]
Mannequin Range Pod: {@ID}
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