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  • Plugin Author ntm


    After a first look, I think that this more a feature of your theme. Have you updated or changed the theme too?

    The reason why I think that is because this “podPressPostSpecific a:6{…” data are in a special section of your theme which has the class “post-meta” and is probably meant to list the meta information of a post.

    The way podPress saves the meta information of the episodes has not changed for a long time. podPress saves these “podPressPostSpecific a:6{…” data as post meta information in the wp_postmeta.

    So maybe there is an option of the theme which you can use to hide this sections.
    If there is no such option then you can hide this by defining a little CSS rule for these sections: .post-meta{display:none;}. Add this code to the style.css file of your theme and these entries will disappear.


    Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    Hi, thanks for the reply.

    This is true and I have done that css hack on the Pages template, where post-meta class is not needed.

    But what .post-meta is, is the Custom Fields area. That red & green font coloring was coded by me in the CSS for any custom fields I might add. So I can’t really hide it or else wherever I’ve used Custom Fields, well, they’ll disappear.

    Also, no, I haven’t changed or updated the theme recently. This definitely started when a podpress update was botched and I started getting PHP errors…. so I had to erase the podpress directory from the server, then I could access WP Admin Screen again and re-install podpress from scratch.

    What I don’t understand, though, is why it’s there at all if I’ve deleted all the podpress files?! I don’t actually need podpress, so I don’t mind not having it. Can’t I just find out where that podPressPostSpecific is coming from and delete it? (You’d think it was in the podpress plugin files…)

    Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    Another thing…. it seems anything posted after Feb 3nd (or so) has that. Anything before it, does not have that podpresspostspecific. Now, I’m not exactly sure when that botched plugin upgrade occurred but I’m pretty sure it was a few days after Feb 3nd, which makes sense since the last update to the plugin was Feb 5th.

    Plugin Author ntm


    But what .post-meta is, is the Custom Fields area. That red & green font coloring was coded by me in the CSS for any custom fields I might add. So I can’t really hide it or else wherever I’ve used Custom Fields, well, they’ll disappear.

    I agree, if you want to sue custom fields then hiding this section with CSS is not a real solution.

    A db request of the theme fills this list.
    Custom Field names and values are stored in the wp_postmeta db table as well as the post specific settings of podPress. The custom field names are meta_key values and custom field value are meta_values. podPress saves its post related meta data e.g. with the meta_key podPressPostSpecific. podPress save also other meta data in the wp_postmeta table and uses 2 other meta_keys. All of these meta_keys include “podpress” as a sub-string.

    So whatever grabs the meta data grabs (nearly) all rows with the sam post_id. (One _postmeta rows has the columns meta_id, post_id, meta_key_ meta_value.)

    Do you use the function the_meta(); to display the custom fields?

    One solution is maybe to use a custom db request which excludes rows with certain meta_keys. (or if you don’t want to use podPress to delete the rows with the podPress meta_keys)

    But this problem is probably a problem for all who want to use the_meta(); in there them theme. That is why I will try to find a different solution for the podPress users (maybe meta_keys with an underscore at the begining).

    Thanks for making me aware of this issue!


    Plugin Author ntm


    There is at least one other thread in this forum which is maybe helpful if search for a way to exclude certain rows from the postmeta table (or custom fields):

    This thread contains a post with a PHP snippet which you could use instead of the_meta();.

    Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    The these does use the_meta(); unfortunately. And the link you provided may be helpful but it’s a little over my head. I will try and look at it more closely at a later time and see if I can’t wrap my brain around it and figure out how I should customize it for myself.

    Thanks for your assistance.

    Plugin Author ntm


    The next podPress version will rename the podPress specific meta_keys in the wp_postmeta table (podPressMedia to _podPressMedia and podPressPostSpecific to _podPressPostSpecific) automatically and use them instead of the old ones.
    As it is written in the description of the the_meta(); function, the_meta() ignore all entries with an underscore sign at the beginning. So after the upgrade these strange looking entries will not show up as custom fields.


    Thread Starter cozbaldwin


    Oh awesome. That makes it easy. Can’t wait for the next update, then. Thanks again, Tim!

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